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Scarlet Shocker

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Everything posted by Scarlet Shocker

  1. I am very open to correction on this but I thought most arcs were roughly indicated by level. We've been doing regular arcs at high 20s, low 30s in First & Night Ward - which would indicate to me those come before the Tina Mac arcs that bring on the end game. Are there further First Ward arcs at 50+?
  2. One of my takes from this thread is the issue of personal storage - which almost everyone seems to desire. I can't help but feel that increasing it or in any way allowing more to be stored damages the economy of the game, by removing stuff from circulation. The more personal storage there is, the fewer items on the MP, so the prices go up across the board and exponentially for the rarer items. As others have remarked, at a practical level, there's little to work for in actually getting a base or SG off the ground, meaning that the group element of supergroup is pretty redundant. To me, that's the key to storage but even on live I recall there were many issues with people taking stored items from base storage that others felt they were not entitled to. The only way I see to resolve this is likely to be highly unpopular; restore the need for Group Prestige - base items need to be paid for (and is it even a practicable suggestion?) and also potentially to reduce storage capacity across the board forcing players to prioritise and where necessary unload their shinies. Given that would likely cause uproar, I can't see much better alternative than maintaining the status quo
  3. I couldn't get past your titular earworm
  4. Well it stopped working for me suddenly. I saw no notification and I could not connect using Tequila. That's all I'm saying. It was very sudden and unannounced.
  5. I think you'll find that tomorrow is Brubeck day 5/4
  6. I want either Cloudbase or Tracey Island. Nothing less will suffice.
  7. I'm not sure that's true. I think some of the buildings are 2 feet deep in "water" and very dark
  8. last time I tried serious farming I ended up with shit on my boots and a bad back.
  9. Nostalgia; it's not what it used to be!
  10. sounds like a rough time for the OP which is sad. I also feel sad for the player in question. I think maybe the player has some serious trauma relating to shutdown. We know memory is faulty and s/he has had over a decade to misremember stuff (a natural thing) and paint rose and gold over those memories. then the current reality smacks them in the face and "IT'S NOT HOW I REMEMBER IT!" That can be genuinely traumatic. But if that person was struggling and distressed it's unlikely they would be open to explanations/discussion/teaching and might rail. We know nothing about them or their situation. I hope this doesn't colour OP's good nature for the future and I hope the other person finds a way back to enjoy the game.
  11. Blasters are pretty obsolete in this game these days. If you want to solo, you've many better options. If you insist on soloing a blaster at anything /4 then try sliding down a gravel slope sans t-shirt and then take a salt bath. It will be less painful
  12. Maybe worth reminding everyone that it was going to be switched off a week or so before... just to jog memories. I certainly missed it in the HC/NC announce cuz it was relatively uninteresting news at a time of great excitement about other stuff... easy to skip. I guess most folks know now but I did look in the Announcement section and didn't find anything obviously on a cursory search. Not saying it wasn't there - but if it was, it was not at all prominent.
  13. It seems illogical to have a single option for what would appear to be two discrete display categories
  14. It's in the Powers section... Disable Power Tray Animations I think. That's what I did and I don't get a pulse. I noticed I had to disable Power Tray Labels too
  15. Today I discovered I couldn't log in to my faithful launcher. I've not seen any announce, which is frankly a tad poor but there you go. Sad to see it go but at least we have a great tune - and I even know all the words to it. Thanks for all the launches badabadabah... TEQUILAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
  16. Ah you picked a case study that especially muddies the waters. The City of London is its own unique thing that has evolved over time - and some might argue that it's been enabled to do so to avoid proper scrutiny over the financial dealings that go on in there. I can't speak to that per se but it does have an historical context going back well... as long as there's been an England I guess. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_London (I am inexpert on it but it's always seemed anomalous to me.) But yes I've always regarded DA as a "borough" in the same way Kings Row, Eastgate and all other zones (even Atlas Park) are regarded similarly. I appreciate however that the game was built with zones to give discrete flavours in days when it was not believed to be possible to have an entirely open environment and it's worked well. I actually like this explanation but in that case there should be a gaping hole where DA once stood... or something. I don't know if it's actual canon but it sounds pretty cool because the whole DA issue is a horror reference, which is also a comicbook staple.
  17. Surely to be technically correct it should be "district" rather than "city" given that it is a part of the greater Paragon City as a whole? Or do we consider Brooklyn or Croydon to be cities in their own rights? I think part of this issue is that because DA was seriously retconned it had to have its entire story upended - and yet as players we still had a lot of love for the old hazard zone of DA (which continues to exist as an echo.) That meant that the revamping was a bit clunky in places and is one of those areas you just have to shrug and not worry about. The overall arcs work pretty well there so I don't think it's something to stress about but I would agree that "destroyed city" does seem somewhat hyperbolic in a similar way to the Holy Roman Empire
  18. I would seriously advise you to disable the software in start up. It doesn't take long to run up if you need to actually use it. The physical products seem pretty good but as many have remarked, the software is a PoS
  19. Never start something you can't finish. That was the original suggestion for Viagra's strapline
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