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Scarlet Shocker

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Everything posted by Scarlet Shocker

  1. I have mixed feelings about this. I'm a big fan of KB as a great mitigator, as a player that typically plays squishy characters. It's a great tool to prevent me getting punched in the face by somebody with a big heavy punchintheface weapon. It's a very good way of keeping myself safe. The issue is not really about the KB itself - it's the basic disrespect somebody who doesn't take the team's skills and powers into account and respects other play styles. I have little time for somebody who knowing uses powers that bork the team's capacity deliberately. Everyone with a big slice of KB has other powers to choose from and it's not necessary to spam AoE KBs constantly.
  2. At home he has a barrel, a Wurlitzer and his pride and joy an original Hammond B3
  3. Thanks. That's what I needed to know. I am familiar with Contagious Confusion proc since I really enjoy plant as a power set and it turns Seeds of Confusion into something wonderful. It was mostly TPK. I've never heard that - I'm far more familiar with Team Wipe Also very impressive run by Kanil. Leads me on to my next question - do I mix and match powers from the Fortunata pools and the Training & Teamwork poos. It seems there's some useful powers in Widow Training and Teamwork
  4. I actually wondered what you meant by TPK. That is not a TLA I'm familiar with!
  5. I don't understand this part. Please elaborate
  6. I guess that prompts the next question which is how does that differ from other forms of Widow?
  7. Got her to 24 and just respecced Mostly range at the moment. It's confusing to know what to take. I discovered I've got a 50 widow too so I will compare and contrast as they say. Since I'm going for a Fortunata, what should I be looking for? What makes a good one as opposed to a mediocre one? I'm not thinking here necessarily about specific slotting of specific powers but more "general principles". I have no doubt I will respec her before she is put away for good
  8. It's not the consequence of the NcSoft thing already. It is the consequence of stupidity. Just because it didn't happen before doesn't mean it won't happen again but I can say with a high degree of certainty you're going to log in tomorrow to find a few more character changes. What part of "don't do it" do you not understand?
  9. I don't know how it's possible to get so upset about something so non-specific.
  10. I often take Lev on my controllers. I just love the character of the powers and usually they have a useful "oh shit" button, but seems not here
  11. I first used a Belkin Nostromo n52, many years ago. I've always loved the thumb jump and the movement rocker switch - I won't say it makes me a good player but it allows me to keep up with the better twitch players even in my dotage. I play a fair bit of MWO which is 100% PVP and some of those guys are very good so it gives me just enough of an edge to keep in the game. The Orbweaver isn't as good as the Nostromo (I had to replace my Belkin with a Razer Nostromo) but since those aren't available it's the best option. Sadly it seems nobody's really making anything like that any longer. I should also add that I use a razer Naga mouse so I have two sets of powers handy. I will typically use tray 1 as range powers triggered by Naga, tray 2 as toggles & travel and Tray 3 as melee/misc attacks on the Orb. It's a reasonable combo. I almost always have 7 trays in my UI and some ATs need pretty well every damned slot - especially with temps! This is typical; Doll's Eyes is my Plant/Poison troller.
  12. Thanks that's useful @twozerofoxtrot I think what I want is something between a blapper and a troller, good controls but enough damage to be worth noticing. I'm gonna need Dominate and Total Domination, but the rest I'm a bit confused about. But given I've got effectively two sets of powers to choose from... it's a puzzle. What pools and PPP work well? Do I need a Patron pool or would I be better getting an APP? (Can I actually get one?) Any advice gratefully received.
  13. And all this time I'd been thinking Radii were the offspring of Radio and would inherit his hatred of Television
  14. I've been thinking a bit about this. I'm wondering (in a very inexpert way) if there's some value in maybe doing more with the Kheldian arcs - they seem to have changed significantly since their creation and they are far less popular than they were. Their story sounds interesting though I've not followed it in detail. They seem to run PPD (which I find extremely odd) and have little or no interaction otherwise, aside from PCs
  15. I use an Orbweaver
  16. I would presume vampires can only get drunk by consuming the blood of alcoholics
  17. I hunted a void I found the void I gazed into the void The void gazed into me
  18. I noticed the Council were very active during the eclipse event yesterday and NASA reporters were urging us to look out for the Paenumbra
  19. 73: There is no rule Number 6
  20. 63: Always ensure lists are numbered correctly
  21. Cool I stopped reading your wall of text at your 2nd para. Do a cheap option
  22. Rommy does tend to run because he's a coward. Give a coward Nictus and he's still a coward needing lots of robots to do the job properly
  23. I love reddit. I know that if I want to ignore the scum and villainy of the interwebs, for the most part I just don't go there. What I love most about reddit is that it keeps the people I actively want to disengage from very fucking far away from me. I hope it lasts for a very long time.
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