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Scarlet Shocker

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Everything posted by Scarlet Shocker

  1. There's also Squadron Supreme which is Marvel's take on the JLA. But just cuz Marvel did it (and don't even mention Swamp/Man-Thing) doesn't mean we can, or should.
  2. That's comparing apples and oranges I love many characters I grew up with but I also love my own creations. If I were to cosplay, it strikes me that making my own CoH characters would fall flat because they wouldn't be recognizable to a wider audience at a comic convention - but that isn't relevant to this thread. My point was merely that we have all the tools we need to create amazing, original and interesting characters without coming close to doing naughties to trade marks or copyrights and yet still having something that works well within our game.
  3. These threads always make me sad. We have so many different archetypes, power sets. and costume pieces it's incredibly easy to come up with an original character that won't infringe any copyright and stands alone by itself - regardless of the fact that some powers are similar to existing comic book characters. There are plenty of legends out there that lend their powers to superhero tales as well. Robin Hood, Dick Turpin, Sinbad, Gilgamesh and Perseus could all easily be reinvented for Paragon City with very little work and there could be no infringement there. I have never understood why people want to clone something borderline when they can make something unique, exciting and control their creation's back story.
  4. We have toilets in our own bases, and also in many civilian and municipal buildings. There's even a famous one in Grandville where some guy seems to be suffering from the effects of the previous evening's phall. But whenever we go into an enemy base or lair, inhabited by those we must "defeat", they seem to have no sanitary facilities whatsoever. I understand that perhaps some of ghosts and demonic presences such as found amongst the Circle of Thorns may not require what we euphemistically refer to as "comfort breaks" but most of our adversaries are entirely human and thus I'd presume, have the same requirements that we all do. What the hell do Warwolves do? How do the Carnies manage? Are we to assume that Archvillains never get taken short? We have to do a significant number of missions in sewers, so it is not unreasonable to presume that ordure from billain bases should have at least rudimentary connections to them... but these are significant issues and one must conclude that generally most of those responsible for designing enemy bases are a bit... well... crap
  5. That's fair comment. Personally I pretty much gave up on Incarnate lore after my first ever play through on live because I just find the story to be completely sub-par
  6. I like this concept What shard do you play on mostly?
  7. This is exceptionally unhelpful and unnecessary. The OP is specifically asking for guidance - which when trying to understand a concept is a pretty good strategy. To retort with such a worthless response comes across as small-minded and petty. Perhaps you should consider more carefully how you post in the future
  8. much of it will depend on whether you take the lore as scripted and played as verbatim or whether you put your own spin on it. Personally I see them as physical manifestations of your own power, like some of the controller pseudo-pets that must be resummoned periodically. They cannot exist on their own - they need you as the PC to give them even a temporary life - and their form is whatever their caster wishes - usually a manifestation of creatures the caster has encountered and defeated previously.
  9. That would be very unlikely to work but I can see where you're going wtih it. Taking a contemporary example, since there's a topical movie, let's take biker gangs. Imagine a chapter of say "The Vandals" decided they were gonna do something different to the rest of the gang. Yeah... pieces of them would likely turn up in different and strange places. Messages would be sent. And then those outside of that environment, seeing the Vandals all at odds with itself might well move in and take them out as an opportunity. That might be the heroes' call to "Save the Hellions from extinction" but it would take a long arc that you'd outlevel too fast to enjoy. I appreciate that you have some significant love for a faction that hasn't really gotten much limelight and that's great but there's a reason they are not notable as a foe. They are cannon fodder, put in game to help you on your journey to bigger (and sometimes better) things. By all means write an AE arc - if you do I'll gladly play it - but I suspect you're on a hiding to nothing trying to give them more in game importance.
  10. not a bad idea but in lore those guys are "victims" - the ones duped into stabbing themselves in the heart believing they'll become immortal, but in fact becoming a host for the malevolence of the CoT What is perhaps more plausible is the Hellions working against the CoT and bringing in heroes to do the heavier lifting - getting rid of CoT in Kings Row, Perez Park etc gives Hellions a chance to spread their wings - then they can mount a real challenge against the Skulls perhaps
  11. Might be tricky, given that Hellions are specifically low level enemies and CoT go through the entire game. I am inexpert on the lore but I don't feel like they have much synergy - their goals are far too different. Hellions are street level hedge wizarding thugs while CoT are evil demonic forces attempting to control the world. In any conflict that involved those two and heroes I would be less surprised seeing Hellions side with the heroes against the circle given that they only have the earthly dimension in which to exist.
  12. I remember conversations like this on live and it's one of the main reasons we have alternate builds I think it's probably the best we're likely to get
  13. That green arrow is extremely concerning. Talons in the nether regions is quite alarming. On the EU forums there was a consistent voice calling for animated hair. I won't name them but they were sometimes chastised by the CC... especially Ghost Raptor, since it was a lot of design work and unrealistic. However the caveat is that it is technically possible. If you visit Ghost Widow in Lord Recluses' domain (for example when doing your patron mission) you will notice that her hair is animated. It is therefore possible to imagine that something like a "hair cape" could be created to replicate longer hair with something of a flex to it to give it an extra degree of realism. That being said I've no clue how easy/complex it would be to create and if we were going to get better character models, personally I would much rather that we got fingers on our mitten hands.
  14. the title of this thread prompted me to find very rare footage of Snarky out of his coffin in something resembling daylight. Maybe from the 3rd millennia BCE
  15. Who, and why, is less important than the fact we have our game back There are many who (to the best of my knowledge and belief) have deliberately decided to remain outside of any limelight, keep their profile on the downlow and remain in the background. So much so that even Dark Watcher looks conspicuous in comparison. Personally I believe we should respec their choices and allow them the luxury of maintaining their privacy. Just celebrate what we have and sometimes say a silent thanks to everyone who made it possible.
  16. I'm tempted to say "Water"/Something because that would give me the best aquarium ever... but if I were truly cursed with abilities above and beyond those of "normal" people I would want powers to protect people in non-lethal ways that would also allow me to take down oligarchs who do so much damage to our planet and its people. How those work out... I dunno yet.
  17. I saw this and thought it amusing and hope you do too. Apparently it's by Jim Benton - I'm claiming no credit here but found it on Bluesky
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  18. There are plenty of us but we tend to be less vocal about forming groups etc. If you happen to play on Indomitable there's a solid group there known as "steady Indom" (you can join the channel) and we have a regular Saturday team and often do other content runs.
  19. I feel like some posters are being a tad harsh on the OP. I think being able to solo Frostie is a laudable effort, regardless of how "difficult" he is these days. We all know the game is significantly easier now than it was on live and it was much easier late live than early but for a long time (I'd say until DFB) Frostfire and the Hollows arcs generally were a right of passage for those of us who love running content. In one sense I think Frostfire was so much of the only realistic option it put some players off it Is it impossible? I doubt it but I have little interest in attempting it myself because I don't generally enjoy melee characters and I'd struggle - but that doesn't mean it's not a worthy or important personal benchmark. Will it wow the entire CoH playerbase across all known (and unknown) multi-verses? Highly unlikely. Will it give the player a sense of achievement and glow of prize. Very likely! The game is to be enjoyed by whoever plays it - and if that's their bag, then I say go for it and have a blast* doing it! I've said before and will continue to say, there are as many ways to play this game as there are players. You do you! *that's not an AT suggestion btw
  20. It was at this point that Snarky revealed his general posting strategy for all situations across the internet
  21. I do like the idea of being able to optionally exemp down to a zone's level to run its content solo or in teams. I don't know how easy to implement it might be (I suspect not at all) but it would be great to have the ability to re-run lower level street content once you've dinged the big five zero
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