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Scarlet Shocker

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Everything posted by Scarlet Shocker

  1. Alright, villains, villains, villains! Come on in villains lovers! Here on Indomitable, we’re slashing heroes in half! Give us an offer on our vast selection of villains, this is a villains blow out! Alright, we got white villains, black villains, red villains, yellow villains. We got hot villains, cold villains. We got wet villains. We got smelly villains. We got hairy villains, bloody villains. We got snapping villains. We got silk villains, velvet villains, naugahyde villains. We even got good villains, bad villains, ugly villains. C'mon, you want villains, come on in villains Lovers! If we don't got it, you don't want it! Come on in villains lovers! Attention villains shoppers! Take advantage of our penny villains sale! If you buy one piece of villains at the regular price, you get another piece of villains of equal or lesser value for only a penny! Try and beat villains for a penny! You can find better villains anywhere than red side Indomitable!
  2. A chicken and an egg are laying in bed smoking post-coital cigarettes. The egg turns to the chicken and said "Well that answers the age old question!" Just noting this is an easter joke, ok? don't shoot me!
  3. I meant to say at the top of the post, one of the reasons I was originally inspired to get this running was to take on @DougGraves challenge to play a Fortunata - something I'd not done I must say I had a blast. I think it's the first time in almost 17 years playing this game I experienced "scrapperlock" and she certainly seems amazingly robust and fun to play thus far so I'm gonna give Doug a 👍 for that too!
  4. Tries to read wall of text early in morning. Skims it. Looks at date
  5. What the dickens are you trying to quote here?
  6. Redside run was a ton of fun! Truthfully haven't had that much fun in game in a very long time. Will be running more next weekend too
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diss,_Norfolk
  8. Not sure anyone would expect to be carried, but it's worthwhile explaining how far the bloody walk across the desert is before you start!
  9. The caveat to that is that not everyone is as experienced as we might expect and knows that an Mo or other advanced run is. So they might join without even knowing what questions to ask. A good team lead will take a moment to ask if everyone knows what the mission they are running requires - explain things that shoudln't happen (ie player defeats) and then let the player ask any questions before forming a judgement as to the viability of the run. We've seen throughout the game's history new players discover it and that can be disheartening for them when they feel they are blamed when they had no knowledge of what was required.
  10. egg & cress or sausage? OP I believe from memory early iterations of Tyrant before his story was fleshed out in GR - in some of his missions where he appeared he had a throne But given how difficult it is to position yourself on such furnishing, it's almost irrelevant
  11. It should be incumbent on the group leader to ensure everyone knows what is required in such a TF before kicking off. If that didn't happen, who's fault is it?
  12. I'm working from memory here but there were a few missions in TFs and trials where certain terminals/objects had to be activated simultaneously. This includes Virgil Tarikos finale, Clamor finale in Penny Yin and a couple of others that I don't recall including TPN. It became next to impossible to coordinate that, especially if someone dropped from the team so the mechanic was (rightfully IMO) changed to allow them to be clicked sequentially.
  13. every time I see this title I'm expecting the announcement of a brand new, very difficult AV called Protocol. It is so tough that it may be necessary for players to petition a GM to help them defeat said AV.
  14. Entitled people are entitled, it's their manifest destiny! Nobody else matters!
  15. Same Janitor moved to Cap Au Diable and now works in the university there.
  16. Actually I prefer a landing strip but christ only knows what kind of image you'd come up with then!
  17. truthfully I don't think I've ever encountered anyone who gives hover effects much mind. I'm wondering if the complaint about bright powers might not be inadvertently referring to some other power - Steamy Mist comes to mind as having quite a blurring effect if not modified carefully. But although the OP has been given plenty of alternative options I do think it's important to avoid a pile on. There are many ways to play this game and dealing with FX in game are relatively simple so let's not get too hot under the collar. Aside from anything else I've no desire to see more shots of Luminara's shaven pussy, no matter how attractive some might find it. Let's give the OP benefit of the doubt and presume they did not know of any potential fixes. Now they do and so next time can deal with similar situations without bother. Let everyone play their own game!
  18. The first rule of Vanguard is: you do not talk about Vanguard. The second rule of Vanguard is: you DO NOT talk about Vanguard! Third rule of Vanguard: someone yells "LFG!", post in chat, streets sweeps, the conversation is over. Fourth rule: only two PCs on the shard. Don't let it bother you. Go about your business citizen. There is nothing to see here.
  19. Atta is underrated. It's a great continuation of the Hollows story and I believe is really the finale of the zone's arcs. It's a shame that most do Frostfire and bugger off.
  20. You're clearly not as indomitable as we had been led to believe!
  21. We defeated him on Indom 36 hours ago (give or take) so which shard in particular are we talking?
  22. now I just wanna defeat Spawn of Jurassik! It's like Son of Godzilla or someething
  23. We know a song about Ninja horses don't we children? Yes we do. We know it's a song dealing specifically with ninja horses because none of you saw it coming!
  24. And herein is the basis of many funding bids made by faculties of Philosophy! It's a great story though! Thanks for sharing
  25. just because he never saw any doesn't mean they don't exist! Team cohesion and teamwork both count for a lot even on a "chill" team. I would argue it's impossible to be chill without such elements
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