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Snarky last won the day on March 9

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  1. so i invest 40 hours (tops, could be 10-20) 50ing a willpower brute and ALL my toons gets +2% def? no. just no.
  2. Many times doors near a door can function as the door. While the lore is CoH code is convoluted as 16 contortionists locked in a jiu jitsu struggle it is not… quite … that bad. But it is weird. I assume the hazard zone here is affected by the vagaries of CoH door code… because it obviously is.
  3. They wear masks? 😷
  4. Smoke bomb to grab glowies feels like cheating lol
  5. Yep. Lore pets that are bats. Or real ghosts. Like the ones in auras or Dark armor. Really, we need ANY Lore pets that Magic and/or Dark power users can look at and say "yes, that fits my theme" Magic is one of 5 Origin types. Looking at Lore Pets you would almost think it was not in the game. If anyone suggests unicorns so help me I will....
  6. also, confusingly enough, blueside contacts "eliminate each other" there will be 2-5 contacts who are actually different faces of the same content you randomly get. this page is a good example of the chaos of completing blueside: Category:Hero Contacts Level 5-14 - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki
  7. by request, about 99% accurate always find contacts b4 levelling, run a bank mission to open contacts, check zones in your level contacts CoH CoV.xlsx
  8. Hyperstrike has had no posts for 4 months. then two in the last few hours. one that indicated he has had a stroke in Tanker Tuesdays thread. The posts are troubling. Does anyone have info on what is going on?
  9. My Dark Dark Brute is very very very Tanky. And, especially solo, will out damage a Tank easily. He has Tanked Lord Recluse in Master Ms Liberty multiple times successfully. (Lord Reclise has a huge Energy attack, and Energy is Darks weakness. That I fixed. But Dark Dark is an odd beast, plays insanely different than any other melee. And people struggle to use it and try to change things. (Which lowers survival). someone posted they used my build and died all the time. I believe them. Incompetence is a bitch.
  10. So…. Rikti invasions are triggered by a Lady Grey Task Force ending… and just noticed this thread has been dead as long as me… (in comp cycle time anyways)
  11. I seriously wish we could do this. And what is frustrating is the code is 99% set up for it. This would allow for running contacts you have out leveled. Even if it was a “back to level 1” one-way button. I would use that. Sometimes…
  12. I heard a rumor there was a songle AE mission that got all AE badges…. true? what are good AE badge missions?
  13. I grok this conversation. Es ist grossartig!
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