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Snarky last won the day on January 12

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  1. I was warned today that the Devs considered my posts in the Suggestions Knockback thread insulting. And that further infractions will lead to consequences. Actions do indeed have consequences. I will no longer be posting on the message boards.
  2. I have been warned by the Devs that my posts in this thread were insulting. I will no longer be posting on any topic. Thank you for your opinions.
  3. I am running a Bane for Justice Super Teamers “Hide and Seek” weekly team. (Full stealth required) I have no idea what I am doing on the build. I want to go as much ranged as possible, but I do not like switching weapons back and forth. The Mace is supercool. Does Mace Mastery use the same mace? Any pointers would be appreciated. We run a lot of team buffs, so is it worth it to do ALL the buff toggles?
  4. I demand you all rate me “bestest”. Log in now and do that. I will wait.
  5. Subjugators are just Awakened…. Those F-ers are WOKE!
  6. something like this, or you could pack it differently. but it will always be 99% ranged. Corruptor (Ice Blast - Dark Miasma) 2024 v2.01.mbd
  7. you pissed off a Freak that rezzed, probablt. gold alignments mean nothing in game mobs have various attacks go figure if i remember the gold TT is like the hero, but...gold goldside cannot make SGs if i remember right? i am an imposter Tankers have Taunt. it is a huge Mezze on enemies, controlling them good luck. i suggest rum, lots and lots of rum...
  8. They did give him some great stories. His character always “ made sense”.
  9. Snarky


    I am still looking for the third ducking bird
  10. It means you are not washing deep enough
  11. I will know read all of Recluse’s dialogue with peter griffins voiceover…
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