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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. i probably do not know the right questions to ask. any advice is appreciated. here are a couple... 1) does Sleet need accuracy? This goes for Snow Storm, Artic Air, Ice Slick, Artic Fog, Jack Frost, Heat Loss, and Ice Storm from Frost Mastery.
  2. Most of these projects are aimed at seeing how well the idea performs with a team. That I do not want to recruit anew every 10 minutes.
  3. I cannot tell from MiDs if Accuracy is needed or Hold duration can be increased since this is a Pseudo Pet. Anyone know the details?
  4. Well, my latest obsession has been taking an AT powersets all the way through the game in near perfect level order of TF SF and Trials. BUt there is that gap at the end. Since I am “learning” the powers and synergy getting on ITFs and such that are 50+4 kill alls when I am effectively 49 is not helping me understand anything. Levelling sure. But I can farm myself way faster if I just wanted 50s
  5. Task Forces are way easier to recruit for. And i already do not like that. And as you pointed out, people will not stay. Filling a bucket with a hole in the bottom is not my thing. You enjoy that.
  6. You seriously did not read my original post where I addressed the problems relating to 40-50 TFs 1) Very few that are actually non 50. 1b) those that can be run at 50 tend to be run at 50, either 50+4 or speed. (and I do not mean "let's do this Synapse as fast as we can. I mean a 10 min ITF) 1c) It is not super easy to join a 50+4 as a 40. If you do, you are worthless. Enjoy your time at the door. 2) Have you ever tried to recruit for a Shadow Shard TF when it is not the weekly? Get back to me when you have. Thats a chunk of available 40-50 you can mark unlikely. 3) Oh wait, that is EVERYTHING. Level 45-50 TFs and Shadow Shard. Hmmmm. Since you will also not read this I suppose I can check back in tomorrow for more of you telling me I have not looked deep enough. You can have my stuff if you feel energetic enough to try to take it. I am a hair puller. Well, and an eye gouger. Oh, and a biter.
  7. Wow, you can keep running Numina for 10-11 runs? to get to 50. Geez, thanks, I never realized,
  8. Powering so many of my friends too!
  9. Thor as we see him depicted, and as a Norse god, is a Tank Mage. He wields Elec Assault at incarnate level and a modest size hammer that works as a Titan weapon, has super strength, and Invul armor. Try building that in CoH. You want a challenge? Forget the costume.
  10. I've been on crawls with Cosmic Council for months and months at a time. All it takes is getting up to grab a coffee between missions. Missing the talk to "X" and you are one mission behind and the team is moving on. It seems simple, but it quickly goes to not getting merits.
  11. I think its just two more flights up. Maybe three. Just keep going.
  12. Everyone assumed you meant invention salvage. You probably did there are many types of “salvage” in game. Incarnates, event, and the various horrendously expensive “special”
  13. Snarky

    Seismic Earth

    Lol no seismic smash! It is a very small AoE and I really play him ranged. He is at 45 right now. I ran a ton o TFs yesterday but today could not get a team going for TV1. I led a Nimi and finished TF comm. but i had job stuff and a workout so…. I got like 2 levels I am running him VERY tactically. I watch the mobs and the team like a hawk. He is not a speed build. I have no stealth except a stealth proc in sprint. That and eating a couple purples will get me through a map in an emergency. I prefer to let the speed runners go. I stay behind and do fire support for the casual crowd. I tool bonfire and six slotted Overwhelming Force. That gives great control and keeps them in the pain. Useful for protecting myself and others or for slapping under an AV. I use Meteor sparingly. It is a finicky nuke. I love the range. I have almost dialed in the delay. Very similar to learning Knockout Blow. You want to use it but not waste it. The two lesser AoE Seismic has do a great job. Ranged 😎
  14. There is NO issue with making an homage to any deity. Having said that there are a ton of issues. Making a God/god/demigod character brings a ton of baggage. You could anger people. But to your specific deity question; you are fine unless you recreate the Marvel version. Hey I get it, some depictions are cool. I just happened to choose one in the public domain. Marvel characters are not. Making the HC team take time to parse out if you crossed the line is not cool or funny. Grow up.
  15. I recruit for a lot of TFs. The lesser known or unpopular ones...it is not easy. I have not tried to recruit for a no rewards story arc (no one but leader gets merits) with usually no badge. Nor am I going to start.
  16. I meant for teaming. As in a Task Force. I actually know how to solo the game. Joining someone PI radio missions and being 5 levels down as they bomb 50+4 is not great on a 40 either.
  17. I have heard it said it is roughly the same time to get 1-40 as it is 40-50. Now I do a lot of alting with various "plans" for leveling. My latest binge is a Seismic Earth Blaster. I chose not to farm myself at all. Planning to do every Task Force, Strike Force, and Trial in roughly level order. I did DFB 4 times for the buffs to low 20s. I did DiB once for damage buff to 30 and badges. I used the double exp booster. I did every TF except TV 1 Treespec 1 and Ice Mistral that cap out pre 40 or 40. That left me at level 43. Folks....there is shit to do 40-49. Not news I am sure. But someone planned poorly. Most (all?) of the 45-50 TF/SF/Trials are run at 50. Many times at speed for crap exp, if you can get on a team that really wants 50s. Never fear, Snarky always has suggestions! What content is dreaded and ran rarely. That's right. Shadow Shard TFs. I suggest giving a FAT experience reward above and beyond all current reards. (and I mean BIG) to encourage teams in the 40-49 levels to run these. No big rewrites, no huge programming. Problem. Solution. Duct tape.
  18. The tragedy of MMORPGs No one wants to lead. Even when it is their idea.
  19. The only controller I have is Dark Dark. I love many things about it. But I am so impatient with some teams I need a Blaster lol My Ice Ice Blaster feels like a Controller that found the cheat code to do damage
  20. Snarky

    Seismic Earth

    Yeah, the PB sleep may get cut too. Most of my Blaster secondaries are 4-5 picks. Then I go into leadership travel stealth. This guy I have decided to go "theme" and take fighting pool. Gets me to Ranged defense and some RP cred for being a little stone creature. I havent started the "final 50 build" still running through all the TF/SF/Trials. Experimenting. Beryl Crystals says in the description it has +To Hit. Evidently another lie from marketing, it has 33% accuracy and some resists to TO Hit debuffs. It says res Confuse to but I do not see it in the details. Keeper though. 1 power pick no slots added that gets to my goal.
  21. Snarky

    Seismic Earth

    Earth. That thing we stand on. And,… a. Ery idd Blaster secondary Nice sustain. I should look this up…the mud pots do something besides bubble right? Slows people? Hmmm. Sure. But a toggle sustain that just works. Yes please. Beryl crystals. Okay, I have dome three double takes on this. This is like finding a hundred pound gold bar and when you lift it up there is a sack of diamonds under it. I do not take melee on Blasters. So stone prison. I have seen worse. Might make a mule but just glancing at the good power choices. Might just get an accuracy. I tried Tremor on a low level build. Small AoE and crap results. Dropped no melee. The T9 looks nice. No melee Salt Crystals and Fracture. I. Am going to try for both those. Hopefully with good sets Seismic. Going for all. Seismic has a weird internal build up of Seismic pressure. Having quick attacks to pump it up rewards with a one two of Stalagmite and Tombstone. Flame Mastery for theme. Bonfire, Rise Pheonix. going to try to squeeze on a Jump travel and Fighting pool Armors. Should be a hoot
  22. There is only one level. The one you currently are. Deep right? Deeeeeeep
  23. I ran this Seismic Temporal Flame through every Task Force in order Then as I was poking around I looked at the beautiful sustain on Earth. Now redoing as Seismic Earth. The guy moved to Paragon for the cheap rent. Went to Pocket D and asked to be more powerful. Then he was turned into a 4 feet tall rock creature with Seismic Earth powers. Null says “No returns allowed, whatever that means.”
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