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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I ran an Ice/Ice Tanker for a week or two in the Winter Holidays. All the way through every TF/SF (in level order) and then Incarnate. INSANE ability to hold a room. It's not a Tank! It's a Controller with armor and health. The thing can make every mob around it do one thing. Attack the Tank. Mind control.
  2. exactly. do not lose your mind. check the wiki that you have done one of the other contacts for that content. then head over to Mother Mayhem and really lose your mind
  3. well, it depends on how you mean that. it is possible to do all content. but some contacts are duplicates. they offer the exact same content as duplicate 2-5. you are randomly assigned one. you are unable to get the others in that group of "contacts who offer X content."
  4. Taunt is broken? I use it on my Brutes, just because its funny. My only significant Taunt story was a 2star new ITF about 3-4 months ago. I was on my Dark/Invul Brute. Just Bruting, we had a Tank. Everything was great. Until the final fight. ROM just kept pounding that Tank into the ground. Some sad shit. So.... I jumped into the job. Dark/Invul (Thank you Hyperstrike!) is one of the toughest all around Brutes out there. I was able to Taunt and keep agro. I did need one squishy (it was a Def or Corr) to help keep me up. ROM is a nasty bit in a 2 Star. But I was able lead the guy where the team wanted me to. like pulling a bull by a nose ring. So.... Taunt is broken? Hmmmm. News to me. Now I Brute/Tank on my Dark/Dark Corr. Lean into a spawn with a mag 4 stun, tar patch, soul drain, nuke, Fear, and any that are still alive couldnt hit a wall with a machine gun.
  5. When I do a project toon (almost always Brute) I run at standard +0/x1 I did all of Redside on my new Corruptor to learn the powers/rhythm. -1/x1
  6. There is good advice all through this thread. Were you able to open my spreadsheet? Do you have the Homecoming Wiki? It is important to look at the wiki contacts and get a handle on the "random" contacts in each level range. There are a limited number of arcs but random people give you the arc. Get this info in your head! Here is an example of what i mean. Click on each of the contacts in the table and note the story arcs they give you. Category:Hero Contacts Level 20-24 - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki
  7. Well, that I see. In art one of the beginning stages is copying works or styles. You need to understand what was before in order to build on that. It is a little less defendable in our situation. Still my main is a Nosferatu tribute. That I am writing a short story about. As a completely different character and time with a strange reason to resemble Max Schrek Nosferatu
  8. Hey i’m a lazy vampire. Never go running after the college track and field athletes when there are perfectly good bums lying in doorways
  9. My “go to” base model is a huge robot. I have variations from steampunk to retro 60s tech to the modern slick styles. Brain in a jar on top. There are a few blending options with the tech space pirate backpack winning for most unusual in that it has a collar that goes outside the fish bowl and looks designed to be there. But in truth the jar needs little to blend it. It has a gasket looking arrangement that works well. But the real “trick” that makes it work? The story. I have a number of backstory themes for how a brain in a jar ends up tooling around on a super powered robot. My most unusual? Guy gets super smashed at corporate holiday party. Gets drunkenly obnoxious asking for more ice. One of the people he annoys is the CEO. Who happens to be a Lord of Space and Time. The CEO takes the guys brain and installs it on a giant robotic icemaker. And you have a ice super powered robot with a brain in a jar on top.
  10. leave. the fastest way you can. get out before something extreme happens to you. and it will. soon.
  11. Super Strength will test that thing. Great set, no mitigation, and every two minutes a -def for extra stress lol. But the set is mean and powerful...well footstomp is good mitigation at high levels. let me look. maybe energy melee?
  12. Don’t go up the F-ing steps until we’re ready you PUG morons. it’s not snappy but i think it communicates a certain something
  13. I never pay attention to what peeps run. When i used to Brute i always checked the Brutes and Tanks for power sets. Now that i am on a Corr i just glance at the team comp at the start. Then adjust whether i debuff or heal or dps more depending on how good/bad the team is
  14. they are on train tracks. and they have mass. get off the tracks
  15. I LOVE the costume creator. I started on a giant dumb looking robot Brute SS/Invul breaking out of the Zig. Great day. I made many robots after that, spending hours trying to design interesting helmets and thematic bodies. Love the fishbowl brains, added a new dimension to my bots.... Then the undead. Ooooooh, so sweet but simple. I have a decent Schrek Count Orlock clone thing I have been maining for a couple years. Started him as a Brute, Dark/Invul, then Dark Dark. then a Blaster. I have been running him as a Corruptor since late January. Just shy of 1000 badges. I would love to see options for legs (or lack thereof) like the Freakshow with the Hover leg lower body seen in the Dev arcs. Just a flying saucer with a couple jet effects basically. I would love to see simple full long skirst/robes for lower legs on males (and huge) I need my Wiz action. Both these things would take time, but exist in game. Of course we all want more options. I savor every new piece and how it can be added to other things to change their looks. My SG held a "work" theme costume contest once. I was going to make a fireman. I could not get the jacket to satisfy me. I gave up and made a lab doctor. Phlebotomist of course. Glad I gave up. In walked an SG mate who somehow combined different pieces from belt shoulders and jacket to make the PERFECT firefighter jacket. People are so creative in here. Love to see it. The individuality of this game is unmatched. Now stop being individuals, form up, and do not rush the city hall steps in Posi 1 You're not special, do not go up there!!!!!!!!!
  16. This. I started on a dead server. Liberty. Coming over from PS2 console I had no idea. But it requires a cadre of good players to do competent runs. Granted I get on some epically incompetent PUG runs on Excelsior. But I PUG a LOT. If you want to badge? If you want to level? If you want to MMORPG? You need a busier server. I have strictly avoided calling out one server or another. That said I have had a weird experience on another Homecoming server. Not creepy....just...aggressive. It was NOT Excelsior. Worst I have experienced on Excelsior is some bone headed stupidity. My kind of peeps.
  17. Snarky


    dark/dark is better on brute than any other melee. in my opinion. needs to be a tank or brute to take advantage of resist armor caps. dark is a crappier tank armor due to agro management issues with non suppressed stealth, and the damage is better on a Brute. wish it had the larger aoe, but still better on a brute.
  18. Oh OnlyFans lol. I never see that stuff on Excelsior. I would talk some Snarky smack down to anyone stupid enough to try to get me to pay to see bathing suit pics lol. omfg. I would start a house fire it would get so hot. that would be epic! Literally my character Bio: Yes, a real vampire. No, not like the council. They make those things in test tubes. No, I do not glitter. No, I do not want to go to High School and start a social life. Go away. I try to bring the Snarky ancient vampire vibe to everything I do. People trying to get me to pay for cosplay in General? Oooooooh. Hope they got some thick lizard skin. This gonna get fugly!
  19. Snarky


    they are going to nerf Regen. again.
  20. I play on Excelsior. I have seen some salty comments once in a while. But honestly pretty rarely. In LFG and General it rarely even starts to get racy. I myself post a few Snarky (Reg TM, pat pend) comments whenever someone feeds me a line. And I have been known to drop an off color "dad joke" punchline, but nothing you wouldnt hear on TV after 8 pm. I do not know what an "OF acct" is. I looked a general search right know and google thinks I want an accounting education. I cannot remember the last time I saw a link posted in public channels. I have seen some horrid (and criminal!) stuff in WoW during the off times I play every year or two. I report each of those incidents. There is a line. I am here for immersive gaming, not predatory criminal behavior. I watch Dateline Chris Hansen when i want to laugh about that. Squidbillies did a great episode on that as well. In short I do not know what server you are referring to. If it was Excelsior I apologize for my stupid compatriots. I will harm them the first chance I get! But I just do not see it there. And i play regular, watch the general channels a bit while I play. A slow server may be the answer. Or you may try a busy server like Excelsior that is pretty self policing. In my opinion. Good luck to you and the little heroes (or I hope little Redsiders!)
  21. Snarky


    I had a pen and paper Champions Clone of Wolverine called Badger. (did not realize back then badging was a thing...) I would go Claws Willpower Scrapper. Willpower is outshone by Invul on a Brute. Just is at high end builds. But on a Scrapper? I do not run them much but I am thinking Willpower has to be sweet there. And of course damage. Just build to be a little ball of hate no one want within 8 feet of them. email yourself a few rezzes for the ugly fights lol.
  22. male characters to get a robe or lower body full plain long skirt option. how the hell do i make a "magic" wizard without a robe? because the kilt ain't cutting it.
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