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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Nope. Serious reinterpretation. I paint ugly undead oil canvases. I play bad music. I throw out horrid posts. My right, that is how I express myself. But I am a wise old undead. Paint an ugly picture, fine. That is my view of...something. But to stand around the gallery and discuss with (mostly) a bunch of half educated uninspired eager to critize wanna be artists how to "fix it" Yeah, no thanks. That is like asking to be beat up by the line of passengers in Airplane. I may be crazy but I am not stupid.
  2. I would not answer on this forum. Honestly. There is too much flame war madness. The closer you got to a good solution the angrier the responses would be I would note that any ATO that is regularly avoided in good builds needs a second look. also, the Tanker AoE just felt like a nut punch. Tankers needed something, but they just moved right into Brute territory as damage dealers rather than doing something Tankerish like a pseudo pet power allowing them to hold agro of 34 or some such
  3. I am serious about the Sentinel at Incarnate content being better. I joined my current SG that does regularly scheduled “Really Hard Way” Magisterium Incarnate Trials. I brought a a character I had played for nearly a year every day. A Dark/Dark Brute no expenses spared solid toon I was good on. It was so miserable, so many deaths for me, the SG thought I would never come back. I built a Beam/Temp Blaster for incarnate work. But one of the SG leaders uses a Sentinel and does fine. Because they are not stuck in melee against content that HATES melee. I did build an Elec/Temp Blaster with better survival than almost any Sentinel and far more damage. Of course I wrote a thread on it if you want to dig. But the point is Brutes are not the best at Tanking and every design decision seems to further degrade their position. Make Tankers better at AoE. Bring in mechanics that reward overcap Resistance, bring in mechanics that have Ranged NPCs plink at who generates agro, add more damage patches melee punishing timers. I get it. The game design does not reward Brute play. Fine, I will do something else point of fact i have found an archetype/build in another game with high armor and very good melee damage and it looks like that is where I will be for another six months at least
  4. Thank you Erratic. Right on point as far as I see. Brutes just keep getting further marginalized. The Fury change and Alignment switching were both hard hits to the AT, but every Dev decision since then (in my opinion) further erodes the special place Brutes held. I seriously think I could play a Sentinel more effectively at 50 incarnate content for survivability and damage than a Brute. Because even though the damage and survival factors are less you can mitigate survival issues with tactics and do as much or more damage because you are not dodging damage patches and mechanics. The Brute AT is just ugly now unfortunately.
  5. Actually I too have mostly moved on. While there are small groups of people interwoven into the CoH fabric that are literally some of the best gamers there is also….WoW creep. On the boards, in game channels, PUG groups. Maybe its not one thing but a combo of factors but the overall experience started to fray pretty bad for me. I am an old vampire with little patience for fools. As upthread when someone was literally telling people to get better while stating he was not doing that. (My interpretation, read for yourself). I am just done. So now I am off solo questing a mega big box game on one toon. Hopefully be done in six months. Crap there are a ton of zones lol. I will, as now, peek in from time to time. I do one or two CoH SG events each week as well. But…. The last few threads I started felt like teaching high school logic to people staring out the window. I can handle flames, i love sarcasm, disagree with me, tell me why, please educate me, but for the love of Lord Recluse do not be stupid
  6. It does indeed put more pressure on all ATs. But my specific thought was the difference between Tanks and Brutes. I believe this will affect Brute players much more often. This goes back to ROFLSTOMP leapfrog Brute chaos play from the beginning of the AT. Nevessitated by Fury and applauded by (some?most!few...) teammates who needed a Redside Tank. A Brute grabs as much agro as indiscriminately as possible. A Tank player on the other hand can calmly choose which groups to agro, use kiting, pulls, compartmentalizing of combat areas, goal strategies, etc. A Brute. Leroooooooy Jenkkkkingssssss
  7. Here is an idea. Probably a lost cause, I already know. If you do not like my thread...FIND OTHER CONTENT ON THE INTERNET
  8. You have asked the GMs to censor me. Interesting. You may find some luck there. I was censored once for complaining about a April Fools joke the Devs pulled on us a couple years back. I quit the game for six months. Censorship is the last resort of the small minded when they cannot control the world in any other way.
  9. To be clear. This person is not saying “Git Gud”
  10. Were they good looking ankles? Good detail? Or just enlarged version of the 20 year old MM pets? I mean, did they bend? Did they show you doing damage to them? I need more ankle data here!
  11. You are seriously trying to say that you did not mean “Git Gud” or be a better player or something similar when you posted this? I honestly do not know why I even converse with humanity anymore
  12. While “Git Gud” is always a funny response…. I have been running Brutes since I picked up “Good vs Evil” from a game store. Brutes took a major hit when Fury got nerfed. But they were, when run well and the stars aligned, out damaging Scrappers Incarnate content is heavy with damage patches that punish melee damage dealers. I cannot run a Brute in Really Hard Way Magisterium, it is a joke to try. Then Tanks got a rather generous AoE buff and Brutes got…. Absolutely Nothing Then the new content threw out stuff that rewarded 100% resist values. That is generally Tanker level. Yes the cap is 90 but the back of card value is important for Res debuff Res Now there is an artificial way to go over agro cap. Brutes still need (not strategically like Tankers) to agro as much as possible to pump Fury. But now anyone with a Ranged attack has a Brute to shoot at if they are bored. Not waiting around for the Dev team to reroll the old playlist and nerf Fury again or some other new mechanic that punishes Brutes Pretty much done unless there is a major revamp that excites me. Since this Dev staff is working hard on non Brute stuff and (from what I can tell) could not give a crap less about Brute players I am going to let this be my swan song so no, I will not “Git Gud”
  13. Dark Regen is an o crap power, best heal in the game…. Very rarely used. Accuracy is paramount. Almost nothing else matters or is needed. Later it can mule set bonuses if you have room or is needed
  14. We remember the great Fury nerf. We saw Tankers get a huge AoE increase. We saw new content (Dr Aeon) that specifically rewards 100% resistance values. (Resistance value is it’s Res debuff Res!) and that favors Tanks by far. Now we see a change in agro that puts more pressure on Brutes armor by having anyone you agro (even past 17) just plink at you with any ranged attacks they have. While Brutes have almost no response other than suck it up. I am walking away from the Titannic that is the Brute AT. My first love. But there are only so many lifeboats and I am not going to the bottom
  15. Brutes have ALWAYS tried to agro as many as possible without caring which spawns are tagged. So the agro cap is now 17+Infinite ranged attacks that see you. This is a real world change for Tanks and Brutes. Now, realistically the rule was arbitrary and never made sense. But it was the world we learned to build to. I for one am pretty much out. I was considering a few more projects but my favorite archetype has just taken another nerf in a very long line of losses. No wins in sight. I will plink away once a week or so on a Blaster with my SG. But I am pretty much calling it
  16. Not exactly. A Brutes taunt aura is pretty extreme. I tried to hold the one cave crossroads mentioned to “save” a teammate. I took all the agro and it was a short lived safe zone. From what I read above it indicates the agro cap has been lifted in some manner, whereas before 17 was it. Which can still be enough to put down a Tank or Brute not built specifically for that environment. But with more opportunities for enemies to take shots at you armor becomes less and less effective. Turning the game into a stealth or control situation. When Fire Farmers start talking about receiving more damage from the same mobs the rest of us should realize our mitigation just took a knee to the nuts
  17. I have had issues with Dark in large team settings. Memorably on a shadow shard TF in a “crossroads” of a cave map. Those eyeballs alert everyone. Anytime you have rikti,eyeballs, those damn nemesis captains or similar tour stealth is gone. Your auras only work on what is right near you. And with a now effectively unlimited agro cap any resistance armor (and i do build for very very high values) will inevitably implode under the pressure. When a submarine goes below crush depth there is only one scientific outcome. This change negates the very slim margin that Dark Armor relied on to be effective. Sad. Will move on
  18. Well this screws Dark Armor Brutes in normal content as well then. For those unfamiliar a very significant portion of Dark Armor mitigation is non suppressed stealth and control toggles. But that will be overwhelmed by having multiple groups past agro cap wanting a piece of the action.
  19. I stopped running endless TFs when i set up a second acct to PL my new 50s. Prior to that I would run all the TFs pretty much in order on each new alt until 50. It was faster and more profitable to PL myself
  20. Tell me you are not calling vampyri “Snarkys”!!!??? They aren’t even real vampires. Grrrrrrrr
  21. AR is beloved bu some folks. I always thought I should solo the game on an AR (redside of course) due to the mini game of building forts and then luring spawns to their death with AR/Dev. Never got around to it
  22. The fun of having endless cones ( and I have done this) is two fold. You never have to “line up”. Because you are firing off endless cones you are basically sprayimg a fire hose and just position incrementally. Second, you can tailor which cones you fire based on what effects you desire more. Granted, the damage is not T9 Nuke then Judgement but it is a lot of AoE and is a fun mini game
  23. Counting years living, years undead, years in torpor, or what combo?
  24. I got a thumbs down for saying dark/mental is a cone lovers dream? Tough crowd lol
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