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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. A lot has been said about incarnate effects of 50. There are big (not as big as incarnate powers and level shift) advantages to a 50 in terms of build opportunities as well. Purple and Superior Winter/Archetype enhancers become available. This almost always is the final push to a seamless build in at least one category as well as sweetening the entire build overall. For me I always felt the build was the first power bump in the 50, the level shift second, then some of the incarnate powers start to help. A full suite of maxed incarnate powers is a beautiful thing as well. But everything relies on the build. And always, always, always knowing how to play the character
  2. Reminds me of an old gaming group. Anytime someone mentioned “crazy as a shithouse rat” the shithouse rat anti defamation league sprang into action
  3. I have seen a few egregiously insulting names in the last few weeks. I only log on two days a week now for SG events. Almost every time we see something truly rancid. Many times by an account with the same name. Which I am sure gets banned And they make a new acct. wash rinse repeat. Wackamole. Great name Wackamole. Someone grab that
  4. That monkey F-ed U up in the D? Damn. That is some messed up stuff
  5. All Goldside 1-20 is available in Ouro. Not sure about all First and Night Wards. I played those as I levelled the project. The only Gold you miss is the intro level 1 starting zone. Only badge there is available at 50 in Ouro by talking to big blue guy
  6. Long wait there my friend. Might as well sit on a dock and wait for the Titanic to arrive.
  7. I have done everything on one toon in order except goldside. By stopping experimece at 4, 7, 9, 14, 19 etc and side switching. All gold is available tbrough Ouro and was do e asap. That toon still needs to finish all 35-50, 40-50 and 45-50 to be “complete”. It was a hard run
  8. All Goldside and content added with/after Goldside is pretty much the Mr G and Dark Astoria incarnate zone. Almost (not all, but nearly) of red and blue are stories from before Now here is where it gets interesting, if you are ready to jump down the rabbit hole… Due to the ETREME influence of Ouro on the timelines and the beautiful way (rare praise and much deserved) the storytelling in CoH/V continually use going back and forth through time NOTHING is before ANYTHING!!!! Think of your character as a Hero or Villain who is aware of Ouro (should be, right?) You are now a Time Agent, reeling through the years and accomplishing whatever you choose to do. Sure, a lot of the people you interact with are “stuck” in their timeline. Unaware of Ouro or your meta time nature. They go about their lives. You drop into their story and run a few missions. Then slip back into another timeline. Maybe even redoing your time with them. Or an alternate them. Or…..okay it gets a teeny bit odd here…..you might even be part of creating whole new dimensions when you go back!
  9. I run storylines in this (and another huuuuge mmorpg) mostly as a mental fidget. There are some moderate rewards. Sometimes i learn something. Sometimes i get better at the game. Sometimes i have fun. Sometimes it just makes the voices go away….for a while…..
  10. It does build super fast. Almost every time I have got the badge I race there and am lucky enough to find a few other fanatics trying and we PUG it. It does not go smoothly every-time however.
  11. This is a bigger issue for me than I like. Any game I play I want to have as much logic as possible. This helps with immersion. Defeats complicate this greatly This is one reason I favor Villains. Immersion. You are killing people and taking their stuff. Heroes are “arresting” people and, erm, “confiscating their influence?” For safekeeping? The greater good…. O bother The defeat issue is one reason I favor undead and robots. Or a personal favorite undead robot mashup. Try keeping that monstrosity down! But, yes, in every game defeats are just an inconvenience I am playing another MMORPG a lot recently and they have areas that look EXACTLY like the are they send you to quest in, a few yards away, instant death. So you kind of have to just swallow the immersion pill and suffer
  12. If you turn off experience and solo a lot of content at lower levels you will knock most of that nostalgia away pretty fast 🙂
  13. Always comes down to how you play. Do you play "vanilla"? solo, x1/+0? You'll have a great time. Are you trying to keep up with badging speedrunners on +4/x8? You'll be miserable.
  14. I think Dark Dark reaches its ultimate on the Brute. It is easier to be survivable on the Tank but achievable on the Brute. Like almost same survivability. Then there is the fact that the Dark Armor “Tanks” really poorly. Not in survivability, but in design. Part of the survivability of Dark is the stealth field. In survivability Def>Res>Heal. Dark literally stands this on its head. No defense or nearly none. No defenses debuff resistance so worthless to build. Instead Stealth, two toggles that do crowd control, massive to hit debuffs, and the best heal in the game. But that stealth, non suppressed stealth. Bad from a Tanker perspective. Great on a Brute
  15. The yellow salvage wars also led me to reconsider how much I post on the boards. Which led me to spend most of my gaming time in another mmorpg except for two weekly SG events. Cosmic Council is just too chill to not stay connected. But, for now, I am just burnt on most of it
  16. I tend to not PROC. My builds are extravagant things that chase set bonuses to achieve other goals. Sometimes even smart and worthy ones. I enjoy the smoothless feel of a high armor Brute or a high defense Blaster. I build Doms just because they are fun to chase bonuses on. Too bad they are meh at 50+ content. Sorry not sorry for any offense. Similarly I love building Sentinels, it i feel those start to lose gas 30+
  17. I have a tax guy that can help you with that. It is all in what you call them and how you deduct. Also eliminating the peskier auditors helps
  18. Most Redside maps are enclosed. There are a precious few that are wide open. In Port Oakes you steal something in one mission and then plant it in a big city map. 4 crates and one hero. Lot of LB. In GV there is one from TV. Also late game is a ruined city two island. Most of these you have seem on farm maps. On the virgil tarikoss SF there is a big map, which is also in a Cap mission somewhere Oh Dmitri Krylov in Cap has kidnap citizens for live vivisection by Vahz. Big map. Cheers
  19. I tend to not be super helpful. Sorry not sorry 😢 Magisterium is the final Incarnate Trial. It has some interesting mechanics. If you want a tour on Excelsior the Cosmic Council SG does a Really Hard Way badge run of the Magisterium every Saturday at 9eastern 6Pacific. Discord required for listening. If you are a good player who can follow instructions from voice chat it is real easy. Cadd and the leadership carefully explain each step patiently and completely each week. Tier 4d Incarnates with full build required. But if you are a devent player who can follow instructions it should be fine. I brought a Dark/Dark Brute my first run. Word of experience….melee is tough in the final fight die to mechanics. We need to keep a crapton of DPS up and Tyrant keeps dropping lightning fields. I have a Beam Rifle Blaster built up and dedicated to the Trial. O Ya. The Magisterium is not run often by PUGs. It is a complicated trial made mysterious by lack of anyone doing it. I bet you would have better luck running it with an organized group on a serious run than a PUG without Discord trying to figure out WTF os happening in this new phase
  20. Magisterium Incarnate Trial
  21. And this “not reading/following instructions” thing is why a lot of people who PUG just want to run +0. Just get it done, badge/merits
  22. Most TFs are done for merits/badges. Half of PUG teams are under powered, under enhanced, or people trying new things (not optimal) There are plenty of ads for +4 or you could start your own
  23. It is still (from my experience) a hit or miss PUG event and a fairly quick SG event with Discord
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