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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. A good olace to start is looking at invulnerability. It has a power resist energies which resists end drains and recovery debuffs. Check this in mids. Boot up one in game and see if the stat shows in combat stats anywhere
  2. Since you were asking about optimizing…. Willpower is a great set. Its just hard to not recognize Invulnerable is better late game with I/Os. You fix all of Invul end issues either with I/Os or Alpha slot. Invul has better defense debuff resistance. Higher resist values actually work to resist having resistance debuffed as in the Aeon SF. The list goes on.
  3. I want you to know I never post mistaknly or innacurately. Bwah hah hah! still, find it humorous you question Dull Pain. "Well, the brochure said the steering wheel was optional...."
  4. I moved on to an ice/cold Corruptor Scourge is very powerful with a blizzard and ice Storm. The debuffs from cold are extremely powerful. This is what i run in high end leagues during incarnate trials
  5. I love Willpower. Mained a Ss/Will on live. Having said that with sets and in modern game Invul will outperform Will so much that you might want to consider rerolling. Hyperstrike has written a bkank invulnerability template where you just plug in your primary You should really take a look good luck
  6. Generally no. Any full stealth (the +stealth celerity is not full) is fine. Then….there are things you cannot be stealthed from. Rularuu eyeballs. Ritki drones. Some Nemesis troops. Any ambush (98%?) run right to you stealth or no. You get to know them.
  7. The only Corruptor I run is a I e/Cold I use for SG incarnate activities. This is my “main” for incarnate work. It is insanely overpowered right out of the box due to the debuffs and DoT rains working with Scourge. Add in a ton of slows for giggles
  8. nice to know next time i level a Dom
  9. Not if he bought winter packs and was burning experienced temps….
  10. On my “solo every contact in the game for everything they offer” I am currently at 39. Completed all content only doable 1-34 and now knocking out 35-40. This is a Dark/Invul Brute. Dark Melee is not the fastest killing powerset in the game. Reliable, but slow. The thing is a plodding warhorse. Especially painful was the pre Soul Drain and pre Midnight Grasp levels. Slightly better now. I stopped getting the offense and defense amplifiers after level 10. Too expensive and rarely useful. My build survives fine and the offense is nice but not what I need What has been kicking it for me? P2W temp Hand Grenades, Stun Grenades, Pet summon (not signature, just regular) and jetpacks. These are doing a significant portion of the workload. Special call out to the Hand Grenade. We all hate knockback but this ugly little power is a workhorse. Specifically great in situations where I need AoE. I got none. This is ranged AoE. Now I got some.
  11. In the first, as pointed out, Murder is defined as “killing without justification. Therefore 1st degree is planned out and without justification. Here is the thing, the definition itself states that the killing can be justified. It did not say all killing is Murder, merely that which has not been justified. Therefore one only need to “find” a justification and or an authority figure who has a justification and has sanctioned you to act and the incident is no longer murder. In the First.
  12. and here is the thing...speaking as a vampire...you will always find some who say the killing is justified, and always some who say it is not. so....pick your side and it is justified. there are many many examples of this
  13. murder is not always "wrong" For instance in war or when sanctioned by a government for real or perceived wrongs against society. Also...Vamnpires have to eat. Seriously. Judgmental and incorrect. Tsk Tsk
  14. Thanks. Thise were given to me. They create a power button for putting in my trays. My trays (2 of them at least) are hotkeyed to my 20 key razer tarterus. So i can drop the things wherever. I may put them on my side mouse buttons though. Prob not i have a thousand projects for the new year lol. Ut always love new ideas thanks
  15. According to him. 1) while Snarky I do not want to downplay the seriousness of cyber bullying. If real (IF) then this is unconscionable 2) to swing into an ongoing event to hijack it for tour video stream then pretend that the original players were in the wrong indicates a certain “looseness” with the facts that makes me question any following statements. “The boy that cried wolf”
  16. So he hijacks an event. then (o I am shocked) this left some folks less than happy. So he has to quit because people do not respect him. WoW! Karen.
  17. wait...this is all because this idiot stumbled into a Hami raid and was lost? Thats like wandering out into downtown traffic then going home and posting a video about how everyone downtown hates you and do not respect your humanity.... gtfo of traffic ya moron!
  18. Look...show me on the doll where the bad man touched you.
  19. I started to let it play. The man starts talking, the icon showing how much time is left on the video indicates he has a LOT to say…. No one gets that much of my time. Not without paying me. So type it out or say it quick. Or make a LOTR extended trilogy… but i aint watching it. In related matters i do not like to “watch” news. I prefer to read data and draw conclusions. If some slick presenter has a ton of “facts” it is too easy to be mesmerized. Vampires are aware. So, type out what happen. Let me decide.
  20. Banished Pantheon is the go to damage dealer in Lore pets
  21. i use a razer tarterus that has 20 hot keys and a side toggle. then i key my trays to match a key to each of the 20. two full trays of powers with one button hit. i run an ice/cold corruptor for most high end incarnate trials. very powerful. i use macros that turn each of the big location AoE powers into targeted AoE powers. Basically i just target someone and they are the center of a very very cold day. If you have a problem selecting target click on a very good blaster or lead tank in your team bar. you are now targeted on their target. then hit button. finally this still leaves your right hand available for mouse work! /macro Bliz "powexecname Blizzard$$powexec_location target Blizzard" /macro IceS "powexecname Ice Storm$$powexec_location target Ice Storm" This will cast on your target and if you don't have a target it will give you the normal ability to place it I would recommend putting Blizzard/Ice Storm on your bars somewhere so you can track the cooldown. /macro MeBz "powexecname Blizzard$$powexec_location me Blizzard" /macroMeIS "powexecname Ice Storm$$powexec_location me Ice Storm" These will cast it at your location.
  22. F-ing tourists are ruining the place. Next thing you know they will be gentrifying Sharkhead and asking Krylov to stop giving the mission to kidnap Paragon citizens for live Vahzilok vivisections...
  23. We use a Hybrid at Cosmic Council that relies on the incarnate inspiration and league buffs. Honestly if the fight goes over a minute you either need to burn nearly everything in the trays and hope for the best or prepare to get your head handed to you. We run barrier and rebirth on most of the league with a couple incan for reposition of the entire fight when things get weird. One tank and everybody on burn mode. Dodge lightning and burn. Most effective when you see a league fat with blasters and Corruptors but we do it every weekend with whatever shows up. Almost always 20-24 really good players. I have learned a lot from those folks i can count the number of times i have seen them fail on one hand. I’m literally missing two fingers on that hand
  24. I am glad Hyperstrike answered first. Seriously, Hyperstrike knows the facts. On mine I run Alpha: Agility Core Paragon Judgement: Mighty Radial Final Judgement (Theme) Interface: Reactive Core Flawless (Degen works great against giant health sacks, but remember any league can only stack 5 Interface on a target) Lore: Polar Lights, just to be as unobtrusive as possible. For real damage Banished Pantheon Destiny: Barrier Core Epiphany I solo. A lot. Hybrid. Melee Radial Embodiment on the theory for 90% game Defense is more valuable than resists. again, I choose these by "feel" Although honestlyt the character runs great. Although with the new Dr Aeon and 801 (neither of which do I run at serious max settings) I may have to look at tightening all the slack up lol. Looks back to Hyperstrike... what do I do again?
  25. I have run this A LOT more since that post. Getting comfortable being near the crackles and keeping up DPS is major important. We use a incarnate inspirations strategy. I burn two team reds and a team acc/dam when we summon lores. These are the big ones from luna. After a couple crackled i do it again. The whole league is similarly equipped and doing same/similar. Avoid the crackle, keep DPS up. I have also switched to an ice/cold Corruptor for most incarnate trials. Pure DPS with a single target and AoE -res along with DoT Blizzard and Ice Storm work so well with Scourge. Fully ranged and adding tovthe league’s ability to burn fast fast fast
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