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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. This is a definite confirmation of the re release of CoH. Just glad we were able to see it in time to make plans…
  2. not sure where i got this in my head. but now i want answers lol it is my understanding (again...why?) that Resistance level is its own Resistance debuff resistance. if you run a Brute Tank with 100% s/l resistance you get credit for 90%, the hard cap. but if someone tries to debuff your resistance then you have the 100% debuff resistance any attempt to debuff your resistance any thoughts...data?
  3. it was my understanding that resistance was its own resistance debuff resistance. awkward sentence. so 100% res would be proof against resistance debuff... looking for where that got in my head now lol
  4. Cull the herd. What is left is much healthier
  5. It is hard to think of any AT/Build that is not improved by Hasten.
  6. It is an auto power. It is good. Not great. But good. So many other better choices. Any value this power had (coming late in the game and giving a passive bit of help) was thoroughly overpowered by the Incarnate system
  7. Yeah which if you can get 100% is not a problem as I understand it. Which is why I am looking at a build with Rune of Protection and possibly even running Unstoppable for the tougher fights. Need to tailor a bit. Currently mostly just watching the pros and levelling an alt project (that same Dark/Invul)
  8. I been eating this same boulder soup for weeks now. I swear this batch has lost it's flavor a bit. Did they change cooks?
  9. sooo AE can be programmed odd. I see you say bosses off. -1/x8 So you should be facing an army of LTs and minions at level 6? Are you? Is the farm you are on really pure Fire Damage? With Fire Resistance that high and Defenses that high something else is going on. Either that AE mission is level coded odd, or has non fire attacks etc.... Try a Fire Tunnel like 19823. Good Luck.
  10. I have not had much experience with the Aeon yet... But I have a toon in mind for it. Dark/Melee Invul Brute. High Recharge to keep Dull Pain and all the other little lovelies cycling in. Overall this is the toughest character I have run. The Tank version was slightly tougher but I love Brutes...
  11. Nice idea and commitment. I ran a Dark/Dark Brute as a main for half a year. The Fear and Stun cloaks…. I have to write tons about them to get people to even consider they might be good. I do find that global accuracy is very handy on getting them to function better. A main component of Dark’s mitigation in my opinion I am currently levelling a Dark/Invul Brute as my new main. Slow levelling on every game contact. I have a stealth build for solo and a taunt build for TF/Teams. I too am reconsidering my neglect of Taunt on Brutes. Powerful, Fun, and danged useful.
  12. Snarky

    Silly Idea

    Good Luck with this. Taking a Brute is a good idea. A lot of the ATs power is their health and fury. Take a armor set that has mez prot early if there is one lol. Or take Willpower and all its powers. (Except rez and the tier 9). That would give the “feel” of not having powers since will is set and forget famous. Take secondary attacks from the power pools. The punch from the flight pool is decent. You will never get a big attack but you will do okay. Super strength. You will not get rage but you will get some decent attacks by level 4. Also fits thematically with having no real powers. Again, good luck. Have fun
  13. This is perhaps the most coherent thing said in this thread. Thank you. Knockback, as pointed out already, is part of the core source material for our game. Ragdoll physics is one of the things that this game has always excelled at. Yet using Knockback is often a suboptimal and oftentimes idiotic move. Well played cruel Devs. Well played.
  14. Speculation about improbabilities and then using that as a platform for ideas about growth. Might as well write male enhancement ads.
  15. Makes me want to take the Blaster Meteor set and knock enemies until i can get a GM to show up. If i do it a hundred times is there a badge?
  16. I quit teams with idiots using KB powers. There. Now you got two. (I am reasonably certain more than one person in this thread have said they disliked KB enough to avoid teams with it. No, i am not going to read through and count them. This does not mean you are correct. It means I am not going to spoon feed you data to reject.)
  17. Interesting how things evolve isn’t it?
  18. You havent read anything in just this thread about people avoiding teammates with knockback? You have incredibly powerful filters running. Nice enhancement!!!
  19. I have had another persons nuke hit just before mine. to devastating effect. But at least i could console myself with batting cleanup on bosses etc. KO Blow is a power you quickly learn not to waste on soon to be dead enemies. using Fold Space or a AoE KB power on a large group is an entirely different situation. It moves the mobs. My Nuke or KO Blow would have hit if the enemies had health left. But...now those mobs are over there...still alive. Yet my power was wasted.
  20. Interesting point. Takes the issue from a different angle. Fold Space can be great! Or you can yoink the mobs I am doing a long animation PBAoE nuke on away from me so that when it fires I hit nothing. ANY power that significantly repositions mobs can screw with other players. Why the Devs chose to add another into the game (and an important one at that) is literally beyond me.
  21. where exactly would this data come from? a spreadsheet. or.... people talking about how disliked knockback is? this is the locker room just off the playing field. listen to the chatter my friend.
  22. no controversy? really? wait. really?
  23. We even do this on Excelsior lol. Great idea though! Cosmic Council on Excelsior has a “crawl team” led by Ukase that has been going once a week for since before I joined them over six months ago. I hopped on about level 30 and rolled through Blueside. Now we are on Gold and have crawled to low 30s. Blue also leads a “crawl task force/strike force” team about once a week. The focus of both teams is staying together, killing most. Blue also reads all dialogue and clues on the Force teams (we are on Discord) Great idea and good luck. A dedicated SG with a handful of hardcore regulars who meet a few times a week is all you need to make this happen
  24. Scattering mobs to the 4 corners of the map is NOT a new playstyle. Neither can you "adapt" to it unless you like hunting them down one by one to ST the things down. Some of us do not have 3 extra powers to squeeze in Fold Space because a teammate has a fascination for watching enemies fly across the map.
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