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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. But at around 30 you start having enough set bonuses on a few sets to start swinging into a late game build. It is definitely the awkward tween time of the leveling experience though
  2. I suspect it is geared similarly to reward merits for story arcs. But that is a wild, if mildly educated, guess.
  3. I think everyone here that does not agree with me is an idiot. Please dont respond. Just say something in General and if I am interested I might read it.
  4. i never knew it was called that. but i actively aim to make comments that hit that "sweet" spot
  5. The complication of the invention system is arguably one of the biggest factors in why a dedicated crew still play this game. The ability to design a character from head to toe in the costume generator and then design a character intricately in a build gives a true feeling of making something special The invention system is one part game design, one part mathematical, one part I/O science, and overwhelmingly artistic. I have seen (and played) builds that I would never have created that changed my opinion of how to play the game. These are frequently published by great builders on the boards. Sometimes a kind soul with great talent will build one specifically for your goals if asked nicely. I have built (many sub perfect) builds that I enjoyed madly for months at a time. I main a Dark/Dark Blaster that is built lopsided to most Blaster theory. I enjoy it greatly. My Blaster, my style. Learn the basics. Keep in mind I/Os in general (except for a handful of uniques) will be LESS powerful as you level until about 30. This is due to lack of set bonuses and lack of general enhancement slots. When exemplaring down this is not an issue the rule of 5s. Enhancement Diversification. Why a I/O that enhances 4 attributes is more powerful than one that enhances two. Sets that get you to X build goal. A few dozen other “basics”. Once you learn all that you will be as poor a builder as I am lol. Then you can start to study the theory behind overclocking each of the various ATs and builds. Each AT tends to have different build needs. Many powersets within each AT will have very specific sweet build possibilities. Going from “I can build” to “ I made a great build” is like going from “ I made food” to “I made Thanksgiving dinner for 12 from scratch” Good luck. Most importantly have fun. Remember my main. My build, not the most perfect build, built for me to have fun. Have fun
  6. Damn, well said. You make good word speak Galaxy Brain
  7. Need to make a large Tank with bird costume. Biggus Duckus
  8. Caffeine IS a drug. Details are important. Stay informed.
  9. I need the name "The Coon" but some fat kid that never plays has parked on it
  10. Patience sucks. Sort of like weightlifting. To be better at it requires much pain and failure update on that Mortimer Kal I needed… my SG (Cosmic Council) ran one last night completely randomly. Then I asked them to run a Treespec 1 and they did. Last two Trail/TF/SF badges i needed 1-29. 739 badges at 29 and doing Ouro for Goldside now. Still a bit of work left to close out 25-29 content but making progress. Patience. Sigh
  11. When badging the river rat keep the closest to completion tab open and wait for the progress tracker to increment upwards. Most of those badges are real close to the vidiotmaps marker. I have done one complete arc (of 6?) in Ouro. Not enjoying it. Too many missions where you have to do X to do Y to do Z. Trying to stealth/speed and not knowing the mechanics can F one of those runs hard. Also working (like everyone) and trying to move this week. Praetoria was never going to make me happy, and this week is perfect for the feeling. Just grind this BS. I am hoping to pick one alignment 5 times and one alignment once while doing every story arc in Ouro 1-20 Praetoria and hope that completes it. If not I will be here to whine/seek advice. Thanks everyone.
  12. You could spend a bit more if you boost all the purples to +5 This thread topic reminds me of a Dolly Parton quote. "It costs a lot of money to look this cheap."
  13. So rarely do I get called easygoing. I must be going soft... The stinky fart faced doodoo head is more common. I'm a villain. I got standards! But yeah, this stuff is just not worth it. What homicidal sociopath bent on world destruction will throw a fit because they miss out on a bank robbery? Okay, maybe one or two will get bent on that, but really. There is more to world conquering than one job. I have experienced a bit of pain related to this recently. On my "badge everything I can before 50!" project. At 29 and missing two Task Forces. in LFG "Any interest in a Mortimer Kal?" "I would do a Mortimer Kal!" I post in LFG. I was badging Blueside so I transport to Sharkhead. I post in Sharkhead Broadcast and send a tell. This has taken less than a minutes. Get a response. "Team filled." Grrrrrrr. I send back "I was literally the only one to respond to your question in LFG" and get back "I don't read LFG" *facepalm. .....you F-ing posted in a channel you dont read.... So frustrating. Still need that damn badge too. But I am running Ouro right now, so maybe it will happen this weekend. Easygoing? I would throw that villain under a train in a heartbeat. But not worth tracking him down to get a grip on his worthless carcass. Okay, yeah, easygoing. I can see that.
  14. Soul Mastery brings Night fall and Soul Tentacles. Adds more -Acc and immob and rounds you out at 4 cones. This is my answer to AoE on my high level Dark Dark. I can sit at a comfortable range and fire hose the enemies I go in for Blackstar and Soul Drain and sometimes Dark Consumption but i live at cone range or further 3 of my 4 cones are slotted with artillery for + Acc and range def the other gets bombardment and a sudden accel KB->KD
  15. how can you kill that which has no life?
  16. Most Freaks are susceptible to controls. A Snipe followed bu a hold or stun or fear or knockdown is very effective
  17. I have a naming convention that puts 99% of my character names into stuff no one is remotely interested in. There is ONE name i would like. “Snark” on Excelsior. Never sent a message to who owns it. I am relatively happy with what i got. Just would love it for an active alt. (I have “Snarky” on all but one server.) This post is really just about wanting some common sense in the world. It is like looking at a bunch of people trying to move things around a warehouse when half the place is blocked by crates that have mot moved in 70 years. MOVE THE CRATES. Then you will have room
  18. And to be clear i am not saying log into every character. One log in on any character for a few seconds preserves your entire accounts 1000s of names for two years. That is a 50 minute investment for 100 years of character name safety. Work with me here.
  19. Your statement actually solidifies the argument against “protecting deployed military”. 3 months. No problem. We are talking two years. Were you deployed into a situation with no access to the outside world for two years? Has any American (other than PoWs and incarcerated service members) been without some access to the real world in two+ years?
  20. being a prisoner of war. Military get 30 days paid vacation a year.It is not available "any old time you want it" being subject to the needs of the command. But 30 days a year to do whatever. including logging into the game. That is if your assignments have you under non computer access situations the other 11 months. (non stop nuclear submarine parking lot drills?)
  21. Thanks. Been practicing (a lot!) with Dark/Dark. I chose it for the theme but it is a solid set. When forced into PB range you do get stronger with Soul Drain and Dark Consumption available. The sustain is good, and at low levels helps complete story arcs. Snipe main (usually kills), hold flunky 1, fear flunky 2, kill flunky 2, kill flunky 1....done. Of course as the missions get tougher or on a team you have to adjust. But once you realize that Touch of the Beyond can incapacitate and get into the habit of using it that way the world gets easier.
  22. In discord “invite Clowny” one minute later “i cant find clowny” ”it has a zero in it i think” one minute later “ have clowny send me a tell” after another minute and resolution “oh i see it has a one and a zero in the name. Okay” net result 3 minutes lost for 20+ people. Thats one hour of gaming gone
  23. Actually i have 95% of the names i want/need. But i see SG mates struggle with names. Or league leaders trying to invite someone and struggle. Because clowny is spelled c10wny but it takes three minutes to figure this out
  24. So… I need to do everything in Ouro to get all Praetorian badges. Cool. Can do Now there is the alignment badge I still have a question on. I seem to remember from live that you choose one alignment in your first morality choice. Then in the next (5?) you choose the oposite and that nets you the rest of the badges. Does that work the same in Ouro?
  25. I build a bit. I shop really good builders products like i am planning for Black Friday months in advance A top notch Farmer tends to be expensive due to use of Winter sets A Dominator tends to be expensive due to use of Purple Sets chasing Global Recharge after that it depends on AT/build goals etc. Hyperstrike built me a SS/Invul Brute when I found Homecoming. It is bulletproof. It uses a LOT of really expensive pieces to achieve a nearly seamless build. It is great. You could achieve 75% of the effect pretty cheap because SS/Invul doesnt have a lot of seams right out of the box Most builds are a mix of expensive and cheaper sets. I slap cheap sets in about 50% of most of my builds because they work best at what i am trying to do.
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