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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I am at vet level 4 on my new 50. I have tier 4 on everything but Hybrid. I have the Hybrid built (tier 4) but am only 95% to unlocking it. I had emailed myself 7 transcendent merits so that is where all the parts came from. I hope to have 3 tier 4 Destinies by Saturday for my SGs incarnate trials
  2. I know the RNG is fickle and also that perception is decidedly odd. Still i have not had a purple drop in quite a while. Although the pvp drop rate is solid as heck. Anyone else notice the same?
  3. Yes. Although a lot more work. Not even talking about from Dev standpoint. Learning to navigate the doors corridors choke points and spawn / glowie location of freestanding multi level structures would be a ton of new situational options to cope with. But yes, more realistic structures would be nice
  4. I used to like my Dark Dark Blaster for 1-50 and Incarnate. The more I learn to play it the more I love it. Great Damage and very good toolkit of utility powers
  5. Are you talking AT or powersets? The most balanced powerset that comes to mind is Willpower Armor. Does great, the only struggle it has is trying to overclock it to meet uber standards. Which argues for it being balanced Balanced Archetypes? Is that possible? All have some deficiencies depending on content and most can be overclocked and a used. Given the right powersets and build. I could point out some of my least favorite Archetypes. But I would say Brutes, on whole, are the most balanced Archetype if I had to choose just one. Very solid. Not great damage while soling, because you are almost always at the beginning of a fight. But during team battles when Fury is pegged they do very well.
  6. and epilogue... i forgot to turn off experience. *facepalm! I think I made this mistake at least once on live. embarrassing, but crap happens. and unlife moves on. this will be my badger for Excelsior. more hard stuff done on him pre 30 than many of my high badge characters have done yet! I might try Blue Side next time. That particular White Whale has never been landed by me. Cyas in the city.
  7. Okay, August 14 seems much longer ago than it was lol. I got a LOT done. All Redside content completed. This was 20-29 and 25-29 at +0/x1, AVs as EBs. (The original default solo settings) Ouro all Blueside accomplishment badges through level 25. Ouro all Goldside 1-20 content. This was a LOT. sigh. Done at -1/x1. Goldside was overclocked in my opinion. I unclocked it. Not fun. First Ward all content done. This was fun. Ouro all Flashback badges for 1-15, 16-19, 20-24. Level 29 Haul: 807 Badges, 2, 576 Reward Merits, 147 Souvenirs, 940 mission completed with the 1 failure. 77 Flashback arcs in that mess. 203 hours in game. 30-34 content will be Redside at +0/x1, Nightward will be done with 35-39 content. Ouro will include only Flashback badges for 25-29 and the Blueside accomplishments for 25-29.
  8. better than this. Teach people how to farm. As in make an alt account and farm yourself. So much faster and less drama.
  9. Big revamp on Energy Melee a while back. Like a decade overdue and real nice.
  10. I had this topic found. Really nice write up. 3 days ago. Now that i need it I closed the window. And cannot find it by searching for Ouro or Flashback in badges section. Anyone know how to find the topic?
  11. I been soloing a lot o n a Dark Dark Blaster. A Dark Psi Blaster would be very powerful.
  12. Big Phister is probably available too. Jump on that folks
  13. The first villain respec is kill (30?) circle of thorns. The contact is in Nerva and the natural assumption is to head north and battle the CoT. Nope. Take the ferry to cap au diable and kill the grey ones near the university. Many examples of this exist redside i do not know blue
  14. ...you spelled your name Dazl.... which i hope is a attempt at creative spelling on Dazzle. Although it could be an atomic element or a deap sea creature for all i know. But still, sure, if you want to spell your name Snrkie or Sanarki there are infinite possibilities
  15. You can save all your keybinds through menu options. I dont put reveal on a hotkey. It is used on e ar the beginning of each mission and is therefore not worth the investment. I bop onto a map and mouse over it i do buy a ton of stuff at P2W for each new alt. It varies slightly but it is mostly just a full shopping cart i do customize my chat tab. I use chatter which has Everything that real people talk on. Everything. Then i have a dedicated SG tab. Most useful is a NPC tab. This is just for NPC dialog. Extremely useful when doing content and looking for a specific NPC. When they talk (80% time they do) you know you are close. Rewards tab. Then you know what you got. Important for badges and merits etc. Auction House. Keeps that useful info separate For late game badging Zone Events are very useful to separate out as well
  16. you will have btter luck converting 25+ to rares then converting to def, res, heal, end mod, then going for procs. leave 25- as uncommon, then same gl
  17. What I actually just said. "I have been up sick all night. Cannot make it into work today." translation. "Deliver the stuff yourself."
  18. It is not just game stories people dont care about. I was trying to tell my boss today why a 200,000 dollar tractor got disabled and he was like “why are you telling me this?” People just do not want to hear crap sometimes. Mostly because they are interested in what is going on with them. Your stories about your character or your tractor or whatever means little to them most of the time
  19. Reminds me of the cocktail party in one iron man movie where War Machine is telling a fight story. Thor and the gang just looked at him after he finished the story. He was like “that story kills”. Thor was like “oh, that was the punch line? Yes hilarious!”
  20. There is a P2W power called power analyzer. I have never bought or used it but maybe that is what you want?
  21. I do not like weapon redraw. Therefore i rarely run any weapon sets. This is worse with fire and ice due to the constant appearing and disappearing weapon. Oh well
  22. Smart a... alek comments are pretty much off the cuff. They seem better in real time than served up cold for examination. like hot dogs During the Minds of Mayhem trial I do regularly start a conversation when the three ladies meet Calvin Scott. "Okay ladies, lets pretend you were never married. Just pretend he was your patient. Whatever he says make him think you barely knew each other."
  23. my favorite hero is my Dark/Dark/Soul Blaster Vampire redsider.
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