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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Snarky


  2. Snarky

    Optimal Brute

    I got inspired by the min/max thread for a concept toon. Normally i build to theme and end up with an undead or a robot. In fact this will probably be skinned that way But the premise is this: Build not for concept, but for the absolute optimal choices in the game I am leaning toward Invul Armor rite as the base. I know i could get more damage with a set with an Aura but believe that in this situation Invul is the right choice the real question is Primary. I normally roll Super Strength or Dark Melee. But i believe they may not be the optimal choices. I have been looking at Scrapper thread for ideas The concept is for late game content. So incarnate abilities are part of the calculus. Any suggestions about attack set, incarnate powers, and even logical reasons for moving from invulnerability are appreciated also suggestions for pool powers and epics are wide open. I am in the safe CJ Haste and usually Maneuvers rut there. Good chance that will go into this. But again open for suggestions This is not a “farmer” bit a TF and Trial toon, optimized for surviving handily while dishing out tons if damage in a wide variety of situations Thanks in advance for ideas
  3. So it appears that all the damage Interface are DoT and none are front loaded. Is that right?
  4. Yeah i see a tank more like the Dwarf King cousin in Battle of 5 armies Hobbit movie. Just chatting. Occasionally smacking the crap out of something but mostly keeping an eye on the flow and being irritating
  5. I am actually considering more conversions not less. The 3-5 million market is getting soft. May e i will take a hundred enhancer of each method and see the results documented with converters used as a project to see though. If nothing else it will keep me interested ( hardest part) in crafting selling fir another week
  6. I am a costume creator aficionado. Every thing i make finally looks undead or robotic but man do i drag my butt through the choices first. Remember MiB choosing pie? Yeah Everything is there. Everything
  7. I am kind of salivating iver more incarnate powers (and cake!). but honestly i am so grateful to the Homecoming team for being the team that is really making an attempt to do it quality and correctly i am all in here. My backup game is WoW. I still am subbed but have not logged in for months. I only went there after CoH shut down. The community there us just about toxic as can be imagined. I solo and think about CoH whenni am there lol. i stay subbed so i have a place to run in case NCsoft goes crazy (again) I am just glad to have my villains heroes and community back. Thank you Homecoming Team!!!
  8. I just eyeball groups. My tab targeting skills are poor. My comp seems to reset the damn things everytime anyways. And i can tell at a glance the mob group makeup and who i bate most in it. Sometimes i ru. Over a poor cim engineer instead if a surgeon but i can luve with that
  9. I’ve rolled with Junk Bot a few times. Always stands out as being solid on the team AND being astoundingly well developed in style thanks for being around
  10. Being a good team center is more just “doing it”. Whatever build or even AT you do it with. Tanks just have the best tools for it it comes from knowing the game and playing in a manner that is helpful to teammates. See a group of teammates fighting ten baddies as you race to another part of the mission where the “leader” is? ....stop. Taunt. Attack. Help them clear that. Then move as a group to the leader. It is a very team conscious style of play. For a melee that does not necessarily come natural also it goes back to experience. Knowing the mobs. Memorized the building layouts. Knowing the Task Forces. Although there are some late game task forces i do not know well. Those i just fall back to staying with the leaders and coming in like a wet cat at whatever they pause to fight. But if teammates are struggling to keep up? I hang back and help. The leader probably has a blinged out 50 who is doing fine. The poor lost souls in the back? They are gonna be real grateful a Tank happened by to help
  11. No. It is a specific term that goes back to tabletop gaming culture and lore and mechanics. As discussed earlier in the thread. an old school D&D character had 6 stats. If you had a GM that let you use the system of stat placement your character looked and acted like a caveman (min stats) but had the intellect to fire iff massive magic at bonuses ( high int)
  12. Was in game last night and someone in Help asked if the incarnate power was glitched. Someone else responded the radials have a glitch but the cores are fine i was busy at the time and so did not get more info. Incarnate ability, Specific power, etc Can anyone shed light on this topic? thanks
  13. It is taking 4 words and a question mark and force multiplying that into pages of responses
  14. Do not be shy. I run on everlasting. Usually on by 6 pacific. Just broadcadt as you log in you are new and could someone toss you a couple thousand for a jetpack. go to P2W. Heroside it is (as you zone in) to the left of the guy with one huge ball. Villain side it is behind you on a ledge by the hospital P2W is the inside joke pay to win vendor. Only no one pays anything but (relatively) cheap in game cash. At the top of ber list is free experience (experience boosters) at the botoom temporary powers. Travel powers. Jet pack. One of the 7 options is much cheaper. 5000 per half hour fuel can stack a few hours good luck and have fun
  15. I would recommend a Brute. Super Strength Willpower. I actually ran many of these over the years so it is a tested recommendation the reasons are many. Your concept. Okay Brutes have a built in mechanic called Fury. Helps them do damage. Super Strength gets Rage. More damage. And fitting ti concept Brutes are melee, tough, and a great character to explore with. Super Strength fits your concept. Willpower is a very good all around armor set that functions well with almost no investment. I have run it many times. If i did not have billions to pour into builds this is the armor set i would (and have!) counted on to make my life easier
  16. I convert and sell a lot. Crafting anything iver 30 starts to get expensive. Crafting anything orange takes rare salvage. So. Dont craft that stuff unless you want it and will use / attune it. most crap you should just sell on Auction When i convert i look for resist sets defense sets heal sets and end mods. Then j convert thise to specific sets like miracle perf shifter steadfast or unbreakable guard. Then i convert those to specific procs in the sets. Unbreakable guard any of the 4 resist i/os. But henerally mining for procs anything else is not “garbage”. But it is just raw material or sellable my two cents
  17. Snarky

    Leadership pool

    Thanks. I am building as a rock with taunt and buff. Doing damage is my last job i am making a second build for soloing and when a team has nothing but Brutes and Tanks
  18. Snarky

    Leadership pool

    I am building my invul dark for teaming. I am dropping my epic pool +acc and going with ghost widows pool for a power or two i am going to take maneuvers from Leadership. Looking at taking the other two buffs as well. Any thoughts in how effective this is?
  19. This is pretty standard now. In a world where Brutes are built for +4/x8 farms the build theory and tools have expanded enough for a Tank to just walk right up to Recluse and pick his nose i had a new incarnate on Lambda trial last night that survived Nova fist 3of 4 times. It was close each time and i finally started jumping away. Once at + 3 prob wont even jumo away anymore. Have to see
  20. Wait... i thought Twilights Son was a refugee from that apocalyptic future? He caused it? and....so min/max on a kheld. Would that look something like just slot squid form and do not slot human or turtle? I would be down with that i make bettrr tanks, do t need a turtle. I could prob roll a better straight up blaster but i like the look of the squid. Again ... Lovecraft lol
  21. Working on a build and concept for a Redside. May go Blaster or my standard Brute or even a Scrapper. But of course the character is not the most important aspect more importantly is finding a group that has regular RP teams that i click with and matches my schedule. Since i game madly during evenings and weekends hopefully that part wont be difficult. i miss my old crew from o er the table gaming (i moved) and it would be neat to find An online team to roll with if anyone has a solid regular group looking for a Snarky teammate my global is....@Snarky
  22. Now i am making an Energy Blaster with this build lol. I am ever searching for a Blaster i like. On live Energy was as close as i got (nrg/nrg) and i incarnated that. Havent found something i love on Homecoming yet
  23. Wait!?! They added location badges and accolades for pvp zones?!?
  24. To create Stan you have to first decide how you are handling the whole project. Everything will flow from that are you trying to stay closer to reality? Impossible but you can take a nod at it with a MM build. are you just using his image and then portraying what a strong beacon he was to the geek community? Willpower super strength tank i/o build would be a fitting tribute going sideways and making him a kheld? You get the human form and a neat transform that maybe you can have some RP fun with so the first step will be settling into how you want the tribute to feel and what you plan to do with it
  25. The Clarions, like many of the League buffs, lose power over time. Therefore it is more important on a job like the boss fight in UG to have a “bucket brigade” of players dropping Clarions at intervals than it is which Clarion they have. All of the buckets are leaking water. Get a steady stream of them to keep the League covered as you battle
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