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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Yes. So much anger so much hate. Vive in to it. Street sweep and you can street sweep longbow for a lot if not all redside
  2. Yeah.... immersive. So. You start iut a villian. A destined one. Broke and freash from the Zig. You need cash and to carve out a space in the crimjnal underworld even high end supervillians lkke Doc Aeon are pushing drugs (huge quantities) to finance workd domination activities you can probably run 1-59 solo diing story arcs that revilve around fighting those guys in red and white who aee stomping villlains. Thats right. longbow. If you look at the arcs carefully you will see a path to mostly just fight them all the way to 50. Without double exp and maybe having to turn off exp just to finish the story arcs of fighting Longbow the Freedom Phalanx and Heroes yes. You will fight other villains. Tou do understand it is not one big happy family Redside capische?
  3. I am looking for an off day project and finding Scrappers an interesting possibility i run a SS/invul Brute as my main and am soloing Redside in a Invul/Dark tank. I like heavy and dont mind slow slogging too much the idea is to experiment solo for a while doing radios or papers and maybe a few arcs i have preferences for character concepts but want to hear what the experts say thanks
  4. No. Just an uptick. Redside was dead before the Snap. Dead still. Come to think of it my main Redside is zombie. sometimes there is an outpouring of new Destined Ones from the Zig i do miss the old Mercy. Endless stream of would be master criminals poring out of Fort Darwin. Good times
  5. Solo Redside is better than Gold. Pure. And Blueside? Like it was written by somebody who was hungover. Did they even try to line stuff up? Redside it all tied together. When they could not or did not want to fully explain stuff they took the time to write dialogue that justified it. Good stuff
  6. Have you done DFB for buffs? You can shut off exp switch alignment with Null the Gull in pocket D. Run 4 DFB for buffs. Switch back tirn exp on and it will be like you are running on SOs
  7. I generally use a Brute (done a few times live every story arc and mission redside) and currently on a Tanker my strategy is not to stealth the missions so much as to fly through And ignore the damage. It is a little miserable on the kill alls where i wish for a scrapper i have never run a Stalker. Maybe a day. But i have read a little on the subject and listened to the changes and opinions so in a tight group Boss Lt one or two minions you will not be able to kill the Boss with AS. So you kill the Lt and mebbe a minIon then go hide. Then you come back and ruin the bosses say. That is what i hear since the changes you Should be operating closer to Scrapper tactics in a very large spawn. Able to do sustained melee without having to go through running hiding stealthing swoop back in fight 20secs run hide etc. As i understand it the build was changed to have a different gear for ling extended combats. Since we do a lot if that gl
  8. Snarky


    I am so picky. I have a difficult time with certain elements being heroic. Energy. Check. Electric. Meh. Ice sometimes. Fire - firefist!!! Water- water? I love energy. Can work that 10 different concepts in my sleep. Uilt for blapping. Water. Put on college hat. Study. Theorize. Hmmmm. Still working on it. Seems—- dry
  9. The problem with this is you do not see the SG char of your coalies. Only Coal-chat. I have longed for a multiple SG for each character forever. It is all over the source lore. How many teams has that one guy been on. The guy with a pair of smooth criminals whise name rhymes with Pulverine? of course it is probably hard coded and baked down to one SG. Unless they could tweak Coalition chat to hear all SG chat in everyone you are allied with
  10. Snarky


    Sigh. With a pure ranged build my options are very few. Ice/ice or ice/time? Not super fond of guns or bows
  11. The best place to search for this is the ritki pylon threads. Pre nerf bat on live the Brutes were beating the Scrappers. After the nerf and subsequent tweaks Scrappers were ahead. Sigh as it should be Farm data threads can be useful as well although that can be affected by armor and survivabilty when here we are talking straight damage output
  12. Snarky


    Still looking for my ranged build. I have only 50’d a few blasters and my only incarnate was an energy energy back on live i take zero melee on Blasters. If i want to Blap i will Brute. Just easier by far for me i am taking stealth invisibilty and hover. Am looking at Teleportation set. And possibly the 30sec insubstantial power in invisibility. Really want a powerful sneaky guy. Fast and efficient. But built as a team character. Not support. Just a character that works best with 7 meat shields around. So mostly task forces etc obviously looking at softcapping ranged defense how effective is the tier 1 time power? It Debuffs does no damage and the range is a little short. Its one of the 3 that work while mezzed. Thats all i know what other power sets should i look at. Hasten? Force of will? Etc
  13. Snarky

    +Per vs +ACC

    In the build Hyperstrike wrote for Invul DM it has a global +Per rectified reticle. To me i would pit in a + ACC Kismet. My thinking is DM needs the accuracy for it’s targeted PBAoE combat buff and targeted PBAoE endurance replenishment powers can someone help me understand the differences and benefits between these two procs and why + perception would be better here? thanks
  14. I watched the reports on server populations this weekend a bit. Couple things stood out. 1) we are not a big community lol. 2) Everlasting, while not the most populated has slightly more redside players than any other server usually. maybe this is due to RP. Redside for me is the most convincing and immersive storyline i mean sure you can join Twinshot and the gang of wannabe Freedom Phalanx. Or you can roll up a criminal mutant alien demon freak and start smacking people down for cash with every door mission and contact dovetailing into a perfect storyline of chaos for cash and power.
  15. Soooo. I use a private base. All my characters are in the SG. I know this does not work for more social peeps but it sol es my problems the base can hold 18 storage devices. Salvage inspirations and enhancers. Each holds 100. Your choice of what 18 base building is free on Homecoming. I put in TP to all zones. Inspiration sellers. Enhancer sellers (standard DO SO) crafting stations mission computers llar if ice and fire mini Ouroboros merit atm etc. it is convenient
  16. Yeah. Agree. The NPCs movements are infuriating. Everybody running around like they have to pee. The dialogue is bland the first time. The 14th.... oof. Painful. The peemise had promise. The execution? Springtime for Hitler it wasnt
  17. With incarnate powers you can heal/buff/ etc. so that solves most of those issues. It might take a while but that is badging isnt it i am running my first ‘badger’. Just started. Its a Tank. I doubt i will get close to all badges. My goal is the 1500 range. I have 200 but i just started him a couple weeks ago and i am slow leveling him for story arcs. Just cruise control gaming
  18. So in Help channel last night someone asked about the badge for completing a TF with all different ATs. i put up a reply that while never running a badger i had never heard of it response: it exists i was like yeah but i never seen anyone advertise for it. Ever reaponse: it exists. You get it organically. Just happens i was like. I never got it. Ever. On any character response: it exists i stopped replying. Efore we started talking about the Chupacabra badge
  19. Snarky

    Rumors of Changes

    I am still confused. But i dont want to ask anymore questions. This tooic makes my head hurt
  20. I tend to alt. So i run a lot of below 40 characters. I tend to only jump on my 50 for 1) merit earning 2) helping someone 3) if i am faceplanting on a team and want to beat the crap outta whatver is smacking me so after a little (lot) of help from the boards here i have worked out a strategy that is making more than my previous strategy. Which was earn merits and use those to get converters and drop those on the market a hundred at a time now i take my orange recipe drops and use my converters to roll those to something profitable. Generally this makes a little more than my old strategy and sometimes a lot more. i Want to thank everyone for their help. I can see that i may be able to outfit a couple builds in a reasonable amount if time
  21. Yeah. I made the mistake of following the Tank possible mods too closely. By that i mean i asked a question. I will wait until it is live. I want nothing more to do with the topic and any possibilities
  22. If you are on Everlasting i will PL you. I dont have a great farm character but my main can run the rainbow fully cranked no sweat. Just kills a little slower than a rad/fire. (Ss/invul). In game all my characters start with Snark. So team search for that and send a tell. Snarky. snarkrot snarkbot snarkdoom etc
  23. The responses in here are pretty smart and accurate one thing i want to add is context. It was not always this way. It was changed specifically to make the common 70-80% the natural operating range. The 70-80% is a number i have done zero research on. Just playing Brutes it looks like that is where it hovers in heavy fighting why was it changed? Because Brutes were out-damaging Scrappers. With better armor and health. so if you rolled a scrapper it was for concept or choices not available for Brutes. Not for bring ‘the most effective”. Because Brutes was better. In every way soooooo. The nerf bat swung hard. I play almost all Brutes. I dislike any nerf but i fully agree with this one. Bonus points. They got the math just about perfect and everyone is happy again well. Except can we get it removed? I wont abuse it i swear
  24. I did the first one on my “Arc-er”. Um. Storyerer? Quester? Noooo anyways on the character i am doing everything Redside on. first time i ever did it. It was a little meh honestly. I thought it was going to be filled with odd mechanics like itrials and i was going to flail. It was 3 radio missions with a LOT of npc dialogue. Hopefully there are no oddities i. The later ones i have to research to complete
  25. Snarky

    Quit a TF

    Okay so Sunday i was on a new alt and did not quit a Posi 1. Although by the end i think everyone on the team prob wished i had. Re-using the name Snarkbone for a new zombie Savage Will Brute. Scrapperlocking with no armor to speak of. It was brutal. the first team wipe. Not my fault. Someone did the doorstep thing. Second wipe. Half my fault. I charged one if the two inside groups. Did not coordinate or anything. Someone pulled the second group. My armor folded like a taco third team wipe was my fault. The doppelgangers and i thought i ate enough inspiration efore jumping in. I was wrong but the fourth attempt we pished through. 1 hour. Happiness. Sadness. And scene
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