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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Thanks for the info. I would have assumed pets were a no. Pseudo pets are odd but would almost have to be coded for because of Ice and such. Otherwise Ice Blasters would be even more F-ed than they were to begin with
  2. Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I’d never know ‘cause i wouldn’t eat the filthy MFers. similarly I will never know anything that PAs purchase because I do not like meth speed runs and I will not purchase the things.
  3. I love the thought. I am struggling to figure out if this is the right way to say this however. And my grammar is elementary. The “an” at the end would be part of a separable verb. But anbissig? Also, it seems like the en declension on bissig seems wrong, but I am unsure. Yes, Vampir is a male noun and in the accusative would receive an en…. I am just starting to study declensions and am still very confused lol I need to practice so much more. I do love the thought! edit: i get the Anschauen part now. i realized my error and checked notes. for anyone curious, and lazy, the expression means “Check out the snarky vampire in the night.”
  4. You make some good points. <insert Snarky comment here>
  5. There is a way to “trick” your mind into understanding Icelandic. Take a large container of ice and sit on it naked. When your butt gets cold enough it will all start to make sense.
  6. build exactly as this person says. literally wrote the book on invul
  7. I am grateful CoH exists. Thanks Homecoming Team! This place has been very good for me. While I snarkily disagree with some creative decisions (PAs…really?), I have to give a *fancy bow with *cape flourish to the wonderful professional volunteers who have raised this Titanic and keep her floating. Top notch writing on new arcs, nose to the grindstone cleanup, and an obvious love for the game. Which allows me to interact with all of my adoring fans. 😎 sooooo Thanks
  8. Its the tones. Unless you grew up with them or are a practiced singer with perfect pitch your chances are not good. I am getting a lot better with the three German Umlauts, changes to a o u. Except Apfel. One sound is single apple and the second is plural apple. I swear to the dark lord of undeath I have yet to hear a difference in anyone who has said both.
  9. In german it us correctly said “ i dont bargain largeorangesquashfruitpredatorsexfetishistagent
  10. Well. I am a stubborn old vamp. I had to look up about three words in that wall of Deutsch and guess a few by context. But yeah, I understood lol. Now, if it had been spoken at me spitfire Berlin style? Heh. No. The honest truth? I thought it would be cool and Nosferatu was a German film. The whole dirty secret comes out. Fing great brain exercises though. I may never be fluent but I have an endless Rubiks cube of a language to play with
  11. Here is the joy that comes with being me. I am a very stubborn old vampire. My goal is not to become fluent. That would be nice, and is a possible outcome. My goal is to study German 1 hour + each day, with supplementals based on the area I am struggling the most. Currently the Case system and Declensions. After that I will either hit Noun genders or verb madness. (German does some wild shit with verbs) I have rarely missed a day since I picked it up in Feb or March. More often now I am spending more time with it, the more I learn the more interesting my old brain finds the puzzles.
  12. They killed Statesman again? Well, in game if you kill a boss once you better grab a punchcard. That fight is gonna get familiar
  13. I just (today) signed onto (free!!) Germanwithlaura.com. I do not know if there are charges later. But she has a TON of free stuff there and on youtube. She is also the clearest instructor I found on YouTube which is why i am expanding my studies to include her materials
  14. I hear that Japanese is especially tough for foreigners. From what I understood all Japanese conversations are related to social status and hierarchy. And an outsider has a harder time choosing how to properly say something in the correct social context
  15. I will now start thinking of it this way. Thanks. And for grammar purposes German actually has 4 genders: Masc, Fem, Huge, and Plural. Each altering their referencing words (the, verbs, etc) based on which part of the sentence they are….(subject, object, secondary object, or relational object). So, only 16 possible variations for each definite article, preposition, verb, and random clutter in front of any noun….
  16. Well the indicator says the door is 3ft down when it is the glowing crystal about 3ft up. That seems weird
  17. I bought the one year Babbel for 60. Then there is about a monthly “ once in a lifetime” promotion for a lifetime membership at 50-60% off. Which, be forewarned… it is only good for 99 years. They are gonna be real surprised when I show up at corporate in 2123 asking why they cut my service….. honestly Babbel is good, but it is really just exercises. Studying videos (free) from youtube, online sources, and various free grammar exercise programs would be as effective, if less convenient. I am adding in more and more youtube German teachers and Slow German videos (yes there is a channel for that)
  18. I think these folks are giving it to the donors annually….
  19. What is great is that they are now asking for more money. These people have to be headquartered in Port Oakes. Marconeville I am thinking
  20. Yes… If there is a language that is more grammatically structured upon arbitrary noun genders that culture probably died due to inability to communicate. I am starting to enjoy how it works, although my “brain exercises” still seem to be in the 10pd dumbbells. Fluent German is 200pd Bench and 300 pd squat sets for serious reps
  21. Lol. Vacuum. This tangent was sponsored by your inclusion of vacuum. I am decent at Math, suck at Physics, but I knew there was an issue with Vacuums suck. I guess I listened a bit in classes
  22. No…it is supposed to be the new CoH lol. But on e I unleash the zeds? Sure, tower defense
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