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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Snarky


    Can you people organize your replies by type and size?
  2. AoE in a Synapse is always appreciated. And with any decent play the clocks cannot beat you down. I could see that working well there. And evidently did
  3. Rad fire is pretty much a farmer thing. And it is great for that, have two. Built normally for regular content….. well. Anything is playable
  4. It’s a dead mans party. Who could ask for more? I caught the last live performance by the band in LA on Halloween 1995. Was invited by members of my “family” and I had no awareness of who they were. Blown away. I listened to their recordings for years afterwards
  5. History book? Bah. Ancient vampires know things you mortals have to write half truths to your grandchildren about.
  6. Well…part of her character was impulsive and reckless. Sehr chaotisch!
  7. i'm not doing any belly slaps and name calling at those rates. you gotta charge the freaks extra....
  8. ....is there remuneration offered?
  9. Depends on your goals. If you are uber gaming certain content...a LOT. If you are designing a toon based on a concept and fun....very F-ing little.
  10. CoH is an old game. It is easy to point at ANY change and say "look, this is causing population decline. I can prove it. They added it and the population declined...."
  11. okay. Nostalgia is great, ...but.... On Redside we needed the location badge from each bank for the accolade power. There were some clunky workarounds, a lot of begging, and luck involved. (if you missed one or more) They put in a workaround. That we begged for, for many years. I do not want them to take that away...so we can be "creative"
  12. Napoleon also died a raging alcoholic
  13. You make a helluva good argument. Combine that with relatively low damage attacks and it is almost textbook
  14. all three died as raging alcoholics
  15. Dark Dark Brute. It is my signature vampire toon. I think Dark Invul Brute is tougher, but Dark Dark is thematic. I think Dark Dark is slightly better on a Brute than a Tank. My thinking is your survivability is almost the same on a Brute. With my build and playstyle at least. Someone posted they used my build and could not keep the thing alive in 4/8. I have used it to Tank Rom in a Master Miss Liberty. Twice. It can be put down, but played well that is rare. Unless you try a Really Hard Way Magi with it. That last fight is tough for long animation attack Dark Dark with a resist set lol. The damage is better on the Brute vs Tank, and due to the non suppressing stealth I find the Dark Armor set lends itself more naturally to the Brute AT vs the Tank AT. Who wants a Tank that struggles to get agro? I have an Ice Armor Tank that can look sideways at a room and pull 70 mobs. (well, it feels like that anyways...)
  16. I love me some Jessica Jones. the live action TV character rocks. But Jessica is defintely way more scrapper. a SS scrapper that uses shock and awe to get through opponents. No real armor or defenses to speak of.
  17. mostly 2/5 on all. i know a few things, but i seen people just walk on stuff and pwn content
  18. I think the major issue we are all dancing around is that "in game" or "in fiction....comic/movies/books" SR (defense) makes for an inevitably horrid outcome for any Tank at a certain point. You WILL eventually get hit, unless you are Domino. (who cleverly does not tank) If SR if your Big Power and you have little else you WILL be in der krankenhaus....erm, the hospital.
  19. BjorJlen is just a middle man. Just send the cash directly to the monsters...@Snarky 🙂
  20. The closest example that comes to mind is .... Superman. (But he has all the powers) You regularly see him dodging punches and things in superfast mode. But a Tank that ONLY has SR? Tough to recall on my old vamp memory banks. Although some Supernatural creatures may come closer to that way of being invulnerable than most golden age supers.
  21. You let someone with 65 posts get under your skin? C'mon man! That is not even a travelled tourist of the boards. Probably some B over from Reddit.
  22. Been studying German since march. 1 = eins, 2 = zwei, 3, =Drei, .... 11 = Elf. I shit you not.
  23. this way exactly why i shifted a solo story arc toon from Stalker to Blaster.
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