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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. increased range will not help with AoE. AoE is an effect in a defined area. Shadow Maul is an AoE. Increased range is for Ranged abilities like bolts and fireballs etc. if you launch a fireball with a range of 80, and you (through enhancement set bonuses, incarnate abilities, whatever) increase it's range to 100, that will still NOT increase the diameter of the fireball (an AoE)
  2. i had fun with an Ice / Cold controller. very laid back style with giant AoEs and no one on the team but you can usually tell how helpful you are being. half your effects (slows etc) are just not visual. but YOU know how different the flow is if you know the game and are really working the combat strategy. in the end it is just no damage and i cant play that for too long. but sooooo powerful. if a team had an ice/cold troller and an ice/ice tank they prob would need zero heal ever lol
  3. in the months of March - June I did nonstop levelling of new 50s. Nearly all with the same method. PL to 20-30, then run DFB (badges) and all the TF/SF/Trials Red/Blue in level order (top level of the TF/SF/Trial as reference) to me this was very fast, and I could get a new 50 after about two days. This method would be a disservice to anyone learning the game. (it would be nearly as fast without the PL bump to 20, but for slotting convenience I always tend to do it that way) To test a new AT and power sets it is great for an experienced player. But a new player might quickly get lost in TF mechanics and over whelmed by choices in combat and character development. They will level fast and might be great 80-90% time and then the "city hall fight" in Posi 1 hits and they are screwed. Or the "get through the dam" in Posi 2. And on, and on. We cannot (and should not) dictate how players learn the game. There are plenty of players in game and on the boards who will answer all the questions people have. No one can make a person reach out, and it is hard to even teach people they might want to ask if that is not their comfort zone. CoH, like life, can be a very organic learning process. That might be a rave review or a giant critique.
  4. How would you balance game development for a player base who has both experienced the game one way since legacy launch and with the new players who through all odds find themselves trying out this super hero MMO? .... it is balanced.... unless the poor SoB starts a toon Goldside.
  5. yeah i blocked drinker from my youtube channels a while back.
  6. Props to a master of his craft. Of tanning...
  7. crap, and I have two ghouls writing a porn version of that for the last month! You know how difficult it is to get even a ghoul to cross the writers strike? Brutal. Ruined! Now, where is that Shakespeare for idiots. Gotta be something in there we can rip off.
  8. Can I make a "Not even close to white and seven mostly not vertically challenged MM?" or is that too close to the next big screen movie?
  9. that is how you rant? i can provide lessons.
  10. And this is why this game will always rock, In CoH you can make your own wild character.
  11. We need more options to emulate these costumes in game. Including robes for men and translucent option
  12. To be absolutely clear I am a vampire. Except for a passing interest in your blood type i do not care what any of you are, or what you do. oh, and stay off my graveyard!
  13. This is entirely situational. If a really drunk person said F-bomb they might be using a slur.
  14. This is literally why i do not play the game as much anymore. it is my fault. i cannot (will not) try to be in the same universe as people that think like this
  15. are you sure you tried the exit button?
  16. There is a street in Santa Barbara Ca called Indio Muerto street. (Dead Indian street) Long story short, a native american died there. The local politicians many years later were making a real case and giant cause of changing the name to stop offending anyone. Then the local Native population were like "We are not offended. Thanks." Still..... If anyone was offended... that would be different. Calling someone Useless (derogatory) is different than calling someone dead (a natural state) I am unsure and cannot speak for the Native population, but useless indian street might have had a different effect on their sensibilities....
  17. In my role playing career I have run many knock offs. I had a DM that let me run Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and a Wolverine knock off. Having Darth Maul knock on George Lucas front door was a fun RP session. Vader ended up in a uber fantasy (very high magic) setting where we even got some Stormtrooper golems and set up a Star Wars series of plays. (no movie screens) My Wolv knock off was named Badger and more or less a parallel uniberse. Of course Badger is not available in game and frankly claws regen suck in CoH anyways. I also have some long running "just mine" creations. But I do enjoy taking a concept, like say Nosferatu, and try to experience what the world is like through that odd perspective. There has been so many stories told through human history that almost everything is inspired by or a amalgamation of other peoples ideas. Even my reptile man Sssautharg who was a Mana Fire/Evil Mentalist in RoleMaster was probably just bits of all my other RP adventures glued together. But not a knock off, nothing like him around I remember. But there is nothing truly new under the sun. Humans do not work that way.
  18. This is truth. In all my MiDs torturing every number for more more more only in Dull Pain have I found a benefit of Hami=Os. The other place I use them is when I just have one slot (the default) sometimes slapping a Hami in there is marginally better (and a lot more expensive)
  19. it really depends on the Hami-O. There are Rech/Heal Hamis that came out with the Dr Aeon. Those filled a spot in Invulnerability (Dull Pain) that traditionally got 3 rech/heal from various sets. Two 53 Hamis there save a enhancement slot. priceless, but spendy indeed. those things are not cheap
  20. this is fine. it is parody. be creative and do parody. DO NOT run Wolverine straight up with the name Wolver!ne and expect it to fly um....but do not do batmanuel. that would now be copying...
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