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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. A definitive beatdown by a Hero = Blue Shield basically murdering the kid. What...am I speaking Urdu here?
  2. The biggest change in characters is the Clockwork King. Who went from a stalkery youth with superpowers to a (after a definitive beatdown by a hero) brain in a jar robo-chomo
  3. Even though I have a metric crapton of math training I am NOT going to drag it out for stuff like this. Not for me, you, or anyone. I use the "common sense" math training. This is where you look at the big picture and say "screw the details" If you are solo, could be a toss up. Could depend on the AV/Boss and their particular power sets. So, unless some uber geek who has done intricate testing (math analysis is not enough, you gotta test. Just ask a certain submersible captain. Oh wait, nvm) But there are threads of people who test powers and if you want to explore their work, have at it. For solo, I would go with feel and fun. If you are on a team... What makes more sense? Not hard. A little extra DPS from one person... ORrrrrrr A Res debuff EVERYONE can take advantage of? Yeah, it's like that. And not a single derivative needed...
  4. All you need to know about the best enhancement!
  5. it is a little involved and yet real simple. pause character design 1)find the volume for your comp. 1b)turn that down 2)put on tunes you like from 2a)radio, earbuds, stereo, w/e you got 2b) turn that up continue character design
  6. This. I play on a very large screen (TV as monitor) and use a strange key setup (razer tarterus) I have to have all 3 expanded out to get the Razer to recognize the keybinds. Then I just leave that to one side and have 5-7 trays out around the middle bottom of the screen. Two are keyed to the ones opened in the orig bar and are my attacks.. The third over there is stuff like reveal and other utilities. the others are incarnate powers, temp powers, you name it. Some characters have keybinds beyond the tarterus and that when the larger number of trays come out. Ice Blast has 3 keys for each AoE rain. 1) center on me 2) center on target 3) get a reticle to drop normal. I have never run a MM for long but that would be insane.
  7. Well aware. The first time (how many years ago...?) I tried to make a Longbow gone bad I discovered you cannot ever be satisfied with that "mask" It works for all colors but white, where it looks like instead of a pullover mask you have smeared white grease paint on your bald head. Thinly.
  8. yeah, certain things textures do not match. old game. lot of options. some have to be repurposed to something else and simple ideas can quickly sink
  9. My AR Devices has ALL the temps. But trust me, the AR does 95% of the work unless you are exemping to a Posi 1 and have a stupid (regular?) team on the city hall assault. Then you need to be dropping temp nade city around you
  10. I just look at that and am paralyzed with OCD fear. Redraw? Disappearing weapons? AR is finally in a decent place. AR Devices (where do the nades come from?) is a good option for a modern assault set. Very strong if you build for ranged defense and learn to leverage the first strike DPS build up bonus.
  11. AE was blown up in Atlas and Mercy. Pocket D is the hot hub usually for social types and hangers on.
  12. your best bet for recruiting is to start a NEW thread. With the clear title Gold Team Saturdays 1 PM EST then details in the post. Then stick with that. I sporadically follow the boards and had no idea you guys had started or when. If you want customers you gotta be loud clear and consistent. Then deliver the product. (Always be there) A form up location and chat channel in game would be a good start.
  13. I have done these types of things a few times in CoH. Red Gold Blue. I have never organized. Observations. 1) get a group to commit. This might be 4 or 8 or 16 the first week. 2) Have a set day and time each week. Do not change this. no matter what. not kidding. 3) There will be a huge drop off in enthusiasm in a week or 3. You will be left with the "core group" Hopefully 4+ 4) Be willing to accept randos into the team. But do not compromise the teams goals and commitments for the rando. That person will 99% never show up again.
  14. yeah, dont go that. The new one has the new badges, missions, and at least one of the Devs is slowly but surely meticulously combing that database for errors and updating missing links.
  15. I have tried Crab Spiders numerous times on live and once here. In my opinion, Crabs suffer the same "niche" issues Sentinels have. While not exact, they appear to be penalized damage dealers for having armor and penalized as defensive sets for having ranged attacks. They just suffer all around the wheel. I did have a Crab on HC and 50d them. Then the crab arm backpack started showing up when I rolled new alts. No way to get rid of. then it started showing up on OLD toons. Just appeared. I deleted the toon and have had no issues since. No bughunter badge either. Like a wet fart in a crowded elevator on a hot NY day.
  16. Doing anything political is the worst attention you could draw to Homecoming in my opinion The country is in a deep political divide. There was violence in the last Presidential election. Any political reference will be taken by some people as a reason to attack. Definitely not something Homecoming needs or wants
  17. If you "did all content" Hero side, tip of the mask wag of the cape! I find it easy to do Redside and horrid to do Blue. It sounds like you do not 'like' villany. Because if you got through Blue. Sheesh! You musta loved that. You might try running a bunch of TFs as a break. It is an ENTIRELY different experience than soloing. You have to adapt to various teams, use powers differently, and play a different way.
  18. Now, here is a little trick I use a LOT. That Numina you want? 5-6 million huh? Bet there is a healingI/O you can buy cheaper? in the two million range... Make sure the level ranges overlap. Buy the unwanted heal I/O. Convert (use drop down menu, Healing) Convert until you get a numina. Then convert in set to the one you want. The cash you spend on converters (and I get converters with reward merits) will be much less than the 4 mill difference.
  19. Yes. This was one of the things that put me off trying control classes when I first started. Teams did not want you confusing things. Or using Grav Dom “time outs” or even “relocations”. You needed to be very careful of what control powers you used and how or the flames started. So i just ran Brutes and ignored people. Now people just yoink whole spawns out of tar patch and AoEs and no one says a word. If you say “hey, you just ruined my setup” then if anything is said back it is something like “just grouping them up”….. So I am back to running Brutes…
  20. THIS. There are some VERY smart NPCs that follow. But most, even in "newer" content? Dumb as a drunk after an all night bender. Why? There is only one answer. The Devs wanted to make players lives suck.
  21. I know a true "whale" who hardly plays anymore. Last time he was on he gave me 2 bill. I am set for....ever? a year? hard to say. depends on how many crazy alts I make and store.
  22. I have noticed a serious and steady DECLINE im market prices over the last two years. not dropping off a cliff but a serious softening. LOTG, Perf Shifter, the staples.
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