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About merrypessimist

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Can it hopefully be Croatoa?
  2. I think they changed it to always an option a couple years ago. Heck, might have been changed on Live, I forget.
  3. Agreed, floating mini-flyer makes a lot more sense.
  4. I really wish they wouldn't. I don't even care about these characters or performers anymore.
  5. Because for some people the entire point is forcing others to play by their preferred rules.
  6. Aren't we already softcore servers? I mean just look around any given Pocket D.
  7. This would be my suggestion and reasoning as well.
  8. Obviously the only travel power would be Super Speed.
  9. There already exists a server that does this. His response was "lol, they're too smol for me!"
  10. The fact Thunderspy has a smaller average population than most Everlasting supergroups does.
  11. I played all six previous Civ games (God help me, I'm old) and have minimal interest in the seventh iteration. I feel the series really peaked around four, and went slowly but steadily downhill in terms of design and execution after that. Five and six were very pretty, but not particularly fun.
  12. YOu clearly don't understand how market research works. If there is an existing product or service that performs the task you're looking to provide/produce and nobody is paying for it then it's clearly not a viable product/service for that market/demographic. Let's give an example: I want to sell cel phones to the Amish. First step is looking to see if anyone else has tried that. If they have, I look at how well they did with that market. If they haven't, I look into why. In this case, the reason they'd be unsuccessful is that the Amish market doesn't buy cel phones for religious reasons. Thus, my market research shows that a cel phone shop in Amish country would be a bad idea. So called hardcore mode with the City playerbase, i.e. the target market is a similar nonstarter.
  13. I suspect it's less a matter of "can't" and more a matter of "won't." Which is their right. As has been repeatedly mentioned, there already is a hardcore CoH server. There's a reason nobody plays there.
  14. They also get the shiniest skintight body suits with buttcapes integrated.
  15. I'm all in favor of more customization options. I'm not 100% sure they can do new animations though, since far as I know they don't have any animators on staff.
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