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Everything posted by Coin

  1. In defense of Tahliah, and myself as well, it does get a little wearing when someone calls you a griefer for playing KB, or indeed, when someone says that an actual game mechanic of the game is evil??? I get it, some people don't like it, I even understand it, I've played scrappers to 50 and I know what effect KB can have, but how can constantly haranguing people on the forums for playing it, sticking people on ignore without even giving them the chance to show they know what they are doing or calling them aggressive be any worse than us defending ourselves? Weirdly, it only seems to be on the forums that people scream about KB so much. In 15 years of playing a KB blaster I can think of two, maybe three times I've had any crap about it, and two of them were just after the game returned as Homecoming and I put it down to new people joining up and not knowing how to play so I gently moved on and left them to it, only one of which I ignored. I guess I just resent being insulted and reviled by some people just for playing a KB powerset. I could understand if I was being a dick about how I play the powerset, if I spent every mission being a douche who scatters every enemy constantly, but I don't, and, honestly, I've only met one person in game who did the same as well, and he was well known for being an idiot anyway so I blamed him and not the powerset.
  2. OI OI!! Good stuff, people 🙂
  3. I have no issue with how anyone feels about KB, if that's their views, that's fine, I'll add them my ignore list if they are being dumb-asses about and move on. People are entitled to their opinions on how the game should be played, it's wide enough for everyone. I do resent being called a griefer because I play a KB powerset though.
  4. Cool. Cool cool cool. Anyone know how to stick someone on ignore on the forum? I'm done with this. Never mind, figured it out.
  5. No, actually, I haven't, mostly because I know how to play my character and don't knock everybody around mindlessly, and also because leave teams for dozens of different reasons. You do realise, short of slotting every single power with the KD enhancement, it's impossible to avoid the knockback at times? I'm not going to slot it in every power because that limits the effects of a full set of IO's and Purple sets etc so that's not happening. I only have the one AOE with knockback and that's Nova which usually is used to either end that group before we even get started or as a last resort when things go pear shaped. The single shot powers with knockback I use carefully, trying to position myself so that it's a useful KB, ie into a wall or a corner, but you know what, that's not always possible! When it's a full team in an ouroboros corridor, I can't get past people to be in a good shot so have to just blast away. Or if it's a wide open field map, like the carnies, no matter where I stand, KB knocks them away and there's very little I can do about that. If I can, I try and fly over them to turn it in an effective KD. But hey, you'd just see me on the team as a KB blaster and just refuse to team with me as a "griefer" or a bad player, making assumptions before even finding out how well I can or can't play. Works both ways though. Like finding that annoying scrapper who runs off and aggros the entire map without warning, the healer who goes AFK with no warning, the tank that drags too many people to one spot before the team is ready or the player who clears half the map before the rest of the team have even gotten into the mish. All of these can be annoying, do you refuse to team with them? Or the worst one, the idiot who tries to tell people how to play their characters on a game when it's got sod all to do with them. They are the worst of the bunch and the only ones I tend to ignore. The rest can be annoying at times, but at least they add some fun and excitement to the game at times 🙂
  6. Are you.....are you for real?? Widely?? In 15 years of playing this game with an En/En blaster as my main, I've maybe met 2 or 3 people who complained enough to stand out in my memory, so I think that's a BIG claim!! And calling me a griefer?? For the love of the gods, put me on your ignore list immediately! Jeez!
  7. Heh, amusingly, I started reading this thread and thought about it, realising the only people I've stuck on ignore were the ones who tell me how to play my characters, especially my EN/EN blaster that is my main and then I saw the argument in here 🙂 Sorry, but it annoys me when I've had people tell me how to play my main, or any of my characters. I've played him since live launch, I know exactly how to play him, how to make him effective in groups and TF's, almost all my attacks are single shot KB except for Nova (which usually ends a battle) and I know where to position myself in a group battle to be effective. Saying that, occasionally it happens I knockback an enemy that I can't avoid, it';s either that or die 🙂 The one person I've ignored both went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on through the missions about it. I explained I knew what I was doing and it was unavoidable. It was fairly early back after the game came back, I was still low level, hadn't gotten enough inf yet for the enhancements to change to KD and I was STILL getting crap from the player about it. The rest of the team were defending me and explaining and he STILL complained about it every time I shot someone, saying I was a bad team player and should PL to get the inf I needed. Screw that 😄 So, yeah, I thanked the rest of the team for the fun, politely left and went about my business. This guy then sent me tells to call me names, telling me I was pathetic for not accepting advice, was a loser who was rubbish in a team etc, so I smiled politely, thanked him and *plonk* he's on ignore. He's still there as well. I was in a recent Posi 2 when someone started telling off another team member for not doing the TF his way (he wasn't the team leader, btw) complaining that someone started killing the groups of COT in the wrong order in the final part inside the Longbow base. We explained that there was nothing wrong with the order we were doing, the team leader had called it already and he still complained saying were useless for not doing it the "correct, faster" way. He had been bitching at another team member earlier for how they had been playing their character, how they were doing it wrong, how they should do it his way because he had a 50 of a similar build and was starting to upset the other player. I sent tells to the person getting the crap and reassured them they were doing fine and they seemed to appreciate it. I was going to stick the idiot on ignore but he got a mouthful off the rest of the players and was nearly kicked from the TF before the end so he shut up and stayed silent in the end. These are the only type of people who annoy me. This game is not the hardest game in the world, it's pretty easy to do and rarely have I been in a team or TF that has gone really badly, so pretty much all builds are viable and useful as far as I'm concerned. No one has the right to be a douche and tell me how to play the game. If you don't like it, leave, especially if it's my team. Complain long enough, you get kicked, simple as. So, yeah, just one person on my ignore list. For now 😉
  8. Been trying it out, early days for me yet, only up to lvl 4 so far and 3 attacks 😄 Seems interesting, if a little slow paced so far. Rolled a Thaumaturge on a free trial, if I like it I'll keep going for a while, perhaps. Not entirely sure I understand the whole Data centre things? Are these like servers on here? And why are there so many??
  9. Currently downloading the free trial to check it out. I remember being in the beta for the original game and not liking it at all but I kno it's a totally different thing now and heard good things, so I'll give it a free go at least.
  10. Yeah, been here since the reboot 😉 Which server you on?
  11. Caereen! Welcome back! 🙂
  12. Coin

    Contingency SG

    I've been here since the beginning so my main is on Torchbearer, but I've been using all the servers recently, especially Excelsior, seems to be the busiest usually. 🙂
  13. Coin

    Contingency SG

    Good thanks, always around, there's a Coin on every server now.....Crisis of Infinite Coins 😉
  14. Coin

    Contingency SG

    Order of the Cruciform Swords, wasn't it? 😉
  15. Ooh, that doesn't bode well for me 😄
  16. Conversely, I loved it and can't wait for the next season 🙂
  17. It was different for me as I live in the UK and they just weren't that prevalent here outside of specialist comic books. Over here we mostly had UK comic books like the Beano, Dandy, Whzzer and Chips etc, with older fans getting the like of 2000 AD, hardly anywhere sold any "proper" US comics liek DC or Marvel. I only found some when my Nanna was in hospital and I went to visit her and went to the little gift shop outside the hospital which had about 6 or 7 DC comics in there, one of which was Hawk and Dove mini series issue 2, one was Starman issue 1 and also a Teen Titans annual. I bought those threee, read them, loved them, hunted down a comic book store in my home city centre and never looked back 🙂 Anything before that was just single stories that appeared in various UK publications, usually reprints of DC and Marvel stuff. I remember a couple of the storylines when I got them in the original format, but there was very little actual constant release of any US lines So, yeah, when I look around the world today, with numerous TV shows, movies, animation and full access to comic books online, it's a bloody golden age for me 🙂
  18. Just started Endless Legend complete edition as it was 75% off on Steam and might my Civ itch for something new 🙂
  19. Wolfsbane is another name I remember 🙂
  20. Snipped for brevity, but this, this right here, is like it's describing my life as well! I remember going to see Star Wars when I was about 6 or 7 yrs old, I read comic books as a kid, fell in love with superheroes thanks to shows like Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends and DC's Super Friends, got heavily into comics as a teenager when I stumbled over the Hawk and Dove miniseries and not looked back since! And yes, I remember the long years of awful adapations of our heroes, such as the Hulk/Thor TV movie spin off from the classic series (although I still loved it 😄 ) So, yeah, I LOVE the MCU! I'm not as big a Marvel aficionado as some people, but I know enough to understand basics so I loved seeing how it was adapted and I've loved every single one of them. And it is so heartbreaking to see so many people complain about tiny aspects of them because "it's not right, they changed it, WAAAA!" I'm of a simple mindset where I just enjoy something. I don't try to nit pick a movie for fine details, plot holes, little errors etc, I just enjoy them if I enjoy them. The only time I don't enjoy them is when they get the basic fundamentals of a character wrong, the recent Superman/Justice League movies being a perfect example of that, but I don't complain endlessly about it either. I keep an open mind for every movie and I LOVED Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam, they were all excellent 😄 Honestly, as superhero fans, this is the best we have ever had it. Numerous great movies, awesome TV shows that capture the spirit perfectly (Arrowverse and Crisis I adored 😄 ) fantastic animation like Spider-Verse and Young Justice., even novels based on our heroes and villains to read! Plus, I still love Doctor Who as well, there's another toxic fanbase if you want petty and pathetic "fans" 😄 We're in a golden age, people, enjoy it! 😄
  21. So I was on a Synapse earlier with a really good team, was flying through it when we had a power cut in our area and my PC died in the middle of the TF, so I got knocked out of it 😞 Just wanted to apologise to the team I was with, totally unavoidable but still wanted to shout out anyway!
  22. Joined and registered and all that! This program is actually helping my son's anxiety (he's autistic and the Coronavirus is a big trigger for him at the moment) as he knows that his PC is helping towards it. The fact it's now running with 10 times the amount of people using it means it's now more powerful than the top 7 supercomputers put together helps him understand that it's being worked on and we are actually doing our bit to help. I've just told him about this group and he's bouncing and stimming like crazy with excitement and happiness 🙂
  23. Just.....stay out of my head!! It's not a nice place and I've ran out of toilet roll 😄
  24. Ahhh nuts, I did a search, but not for Multiversal 😄 As you were! Nothing to see here! Move along!
  25. Just curious, given all the recent storylines in comics and movies, does anyone else have multiverse versions of their characters and how they played them? I have a Coin on each of the servers, same basic backstory, all Blasters but all with a different powerset, so it's a En/En on Torchbearer and an Ice/Ice on Excelsior for instance, even the same base costume but with some slightvariations of colours at patterns Torchbearer is my main, a recreation of my original character from Live and had to remake him. I originally made the same character on each server to make sure no one else was using my name 😉 but decided to re-roll them all as the different sets. In my Head Canon, I like the idea of people who change servers meeting the differing versions of Coin (Not that I RP in any way!) but it still amuses my DC Comics loving mind 🙂 Anyone else do anything similar?
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