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Everything posted by starro

  1. that last one stunk something awful.
  2. Maybe it’s me… tank super strength and invulnerability and after about 20 crank up difficulty to x4 +3 and after a while all the way up. I slot for damage resistance. I have maxed out recipes or salvage not paying attention in a mission.
  3. I just went through this but a dominator except I could not hurt her. I could mez her to stand there but no good way to bring her health down. I broke down and finally pulled in a 3 person pug.
  4. As homecoming person can I go create a character over there? Open to anyone to play? Anything cool or different or is it just self-contained server?
  5. Thank you for another month of excellence.
  6. Nyah. Mm pets are basic to mid level if not sub-par villains that can get chewed up and thrown out. If they were balanced or smarter they would not work for me or try to take over. Hey, one of my soldiers or robots actually survived that fight - you other 4, welp, it was nice knowing you.
  7. And there is architect and taskforces and street sweeping and newspaper missions and tip missions and holiday events.... many ways to level a hero/villain. If in doubt give a shout in LFG channel or there is a helper in you contacts tab too to tp you to eligible contacts. You can find a path or make a new one for the next hero/villain you make. WELCOME TO THE GAME!!!
  8. I have wanted custom minions or even use in-game villains as mastermind minions since COV launch but as I understand technical implication is difficult. However… one of the other COH servers did something but no idea if it would scale / work to homecoming. no idea if there is an official list of what is being worked on but this old starfish would grow a 6th arm with excitement if custom minions ever happened.
  9. old guy here.... I uh... never saw the originals until i binge watched them in February... . they were ok. Dark Phoenix was better as a cartoon than two sh*tty Sony movies. Watched the X-men 97 first episode..... ..... ..... damn, that was really quite good. Storm is beautiful.
  10. I want to finally be able to go inside the donut shop in faultine and have a hero enjoying a beverage. He would have a blurb when you click on him.
  11. Harvey Birdman: Mr. Gator! I'm your attorney and I would love to come inside and... [loud explosion, sheep bleating] Harvey Birdman: Uh... For you to come outside so we can discuss your case in a civilised manner. Litigator to... alligator.
  12. Sounds fun, I will send a cease and desist (stun) until I file a motion for change of venue(tp you randomly away and break controls). then again, this is turning into a lawyer powerset. Definitely evil.
  13. Oooh are we going to see that Warriors feedback thread from a couple years back coming to an issue or page soon (TM) ?
  14. No - open an in game ticket. I am positive there are audit tools or ways they can look into the game database. They have some ways to see if it is hung up. I once had too many emails in my inbox and after I deleted 20 it finally appeared. It was like it was queued up to go. I keep only a few emails now and delete the old ones once I claim the attachment now.
  15. There are several in-game references to angels and demons in characters.... my favorite being the one in hot pants.
  16. I thought it was interesting and even if I don’t agree I love seeing the game generate creative or analytical expression. COH has always been a great tool for inspiration or reflection on many topics. there are dozens of case studies alone whether it is about aspects in the game or the players.
  17. Bar owners with some villain maps? Unfortunately they are small and few spawn locations.
  18. A PUG is a friend you haven’t made yet. Also a PUG is someone you have not blocked yet. i still bring up a 90 minute Thanksgiving Eve PUG from back on live with old guild mates or my spouse and we all agree it was single handed the most bizarre online thing we ever experienced.
  19. It might be best to open an in game support ticket even with a temp account and send in email address used, dates and names a GM could look up or try to find. I would not post any personal info in forum.
  20. i may have delayed an ITF start once to get wet burritos.... ....and then played the ITF in my underwear.
  21. The villains blend in with the environment. I found a guy hanging out on the street with a random street sweep and I was then in the event. I wish at a certain distance the villains had an invisible tether that auto teleported them back to the Zig bridge when they go for a stroll.
  22. Big yes please, even if just fan theory and wish list items.
  23. the last new lore before shutdown was the updated spring event. I always hoped for Red Widow breaking free of Cupid Arrow and forming her own Arachnos would be followed up. We only had two of the Signature story arcs (who will die and pandora box) with monthly/bimonthly story drops. I was hoping that form of story telling would return. I am kinda good with less incarnate and less Praetoria driven content to flesh out more rogue / vigilante / under level 50 content.
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