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Everything posted by Cyrickain13

  1. Challenge Accepted will be making a new toon tonight.
  2. Snarky, my good fellow it's called organization. My first page is for toons I am working on. The second page is left intentionally blank. The third page is for special archtypes - my WS, PB, Crab and Widow. The fourth page is left intentionally blank. The fifth page are blasters ordered by level. If I have more then 10 I add another page. All blasters are located on my google sheets with origin, level, , description, Power Set (spots for primary and secondary), power pools, mastery, and what server they are on, and then finally a link to their Mids. Lets say the eighth page is left blank intentionally, so that I can add brutes ordered by level on the ninth page. The google sheet is updated. continue this for all the archetypes of the game and keep your google sheet updated. Here is an example: Blaster 1 50 Psychic Blast Mental Manipulation Third Eye Blind 2 50 Assault Rifle Devices Compu-Shot 3 50 Ice Blast Ice manipulation Snow-Flake 4 39 Energy Blaster Martial Combat Martial-Artist 5 35 Water Blast Plant Chloro-Tide 6 30 Siesmic blast Earth Manipulation Green-Earth 7 26 Archery Tactical Arrow Heart-Strings 8 25 Dual Pistols Ninja Double-Tapp 9 23 Radiation Blast Atomic Geo-Fusion 10 that way you never make a toon that is the same.
  3. 1. Only sell common stuff to vendor. 2. Mostly what ever I can get unless its less then what it cost to make/get. 3. Not a whole lot but when you aren't poor do you need to?
  4. I've seen players talking about spending BILLIONS of Inf so they can get their build completed. - those are not the average CoH players. My Fire Farmer build is the one that I have invested a significant amount of inf into and it is a close to 1B. Depending on what I want to do with that character represents the amount of inf spent on their enhancements. You can do end game missions, task forces and content with IO enhancements. You won't be the cream of the crop, but you will be a viable member of the team.
  5. Second best AT to play when you have nothing. (This going to be very unpopular) You can play this but it will be slow but reliable - Defender - Dark Miasma - Force Field Bubbler. You can survive anything and with the - to hit Debuffs and - To Hit Buffs from bubbles you can nigh untouchable.
  6. Why did the Hero fall out of the sky? Because he was dead.
  7. IMHO - The easiest AT to play when you have nothing is: Mastermind. Very easy to play. Your pets do almost all the work. Your great solo your great in a team. Bots and Devices is good. Really everything but Ninja/Trick Arrow. Thugs + Time or Kinetics is amazingly easy.
  8. Chapter 3: He glimpsed Brittany slipping out of Moe's back door. The celebration inside likely fueled her fiery temper, so she needed the cool night air for an escape. He hadn't seen anyone else use that exit; this was his moment. With practiced agility, he navigated the intoxicated stragglers of her crew, their merriment loud and sloppy. Pushing open the door, he emerged to find her poised, leaning casually against her staff, moonlight glinting off its cold metal. The stage was set for their confrontation. "Greetings, Grandpa," Brittany drawled, her smirk tinged with disdain. "Took you long enough." The Shrouded-Shaft chuckled, a dry rasp in the night. "Your adopted fathers would've instilled better manners, had you bothered with their 'school of misfits.'" "Oh, they tried. Skipped that day, though." Her smirk widened. "Judging by tonight's carnage, seems you skipped several lessons." "Scum deserved it. Just taking out the trash." "Trash deserves proper disposal, child. By trained hands, not reckless fury." Brittany scoffed. "High and mighty, Broken-Shaft, Kings Row's self-proclaimed savior..." "There are rules," he cut in, his voice firm. "Face it, Grandpa," she retorted, her smirk fading into defiance. "Your way's outdated. We put scum down, permanently. No more laws broken, no more harm done." "This path leads to your downfall. You'll hurt innocents, and they'll retaliate, striking those you hold dear." "Conveniently, I have none." "You are not alone. They will find someone." She narrowed her eyes. "My adopted fathers warned me about sentimental oldsters... Listen, as a favor for them, I'm letting you walk away." "Hear me out, I think we started off on the wrong foot. All I want to-" His words were swallowed by a thunderous explosion that rocked Kings Row. Both hero and vigilante exchanged startled glances, adrenaline replacing their tense standoff. A race against time had begun, a desperate scramble to find the source of the blast. Their differences blurred, replaced by a single, unifying purpose: protect the Row.
  9. I honestly thought that mostly people on this forum were exaggerating their in game wealth. Then I really took a long look at my characters and added up how much actual inf I had on hand if I needed to make a 50 and slot them out right away. 1. Heat-Spike my main inf holder 575 M Inf. 2. My Fire Fire Fire - 50's - Each hold around 100 M to 400 M. (11 of them) 3. My New Farmer - 300 M 4. Various 50's - 100m to 400M - (32 of them) 5. Some random characters I was slotting with 25 IO's -10 to 50 M ( about 4 of them) Tonight I will edit this and give a breakdown of how much each has on it for a grand total.
  10. Just make a second Gmail account. Make it as nefarious as possible so your SO gets worried when they see it. Also make you use that account for all the other sites you go to so that it has lots of suggestive mail in it. or do what the other posters have done.
  11. Has what become a race?
  12. Pocket D - is an intra-dimensional spot where Heroes and Villains can meet without fighting each other. It's also a first rate night club. DJ Zero - is the main character in Pocket-D. DJ Zero created the place himself after the paragon dance party shutdown. Also has Monkey Fight Club in it. A place where Rikti monkeys spawn and fight each other.
  13. Made - Icy-Patch - not a super original name but .. meh...got her to 45 last night will explore the last 5 levels with her doing missions and see how she goes.
  14. I honestly tried searching for this but did not have any luck. I will post my build later this afternoon ( I know bad form) 1. Is anyone playing this? 2. Does anyone have a Mids build that they like and can post. 3. Any tips or tricks for playing this toon. So I am not looking for anything negative like this build sucks , reroll your toon, or "shoulda played "X"". Thanks,
  15. Like most everyone here, I am an altoholic. I have way to many characters to play and way to little time. I have been focusing on my all Fire/Fire/Fire builds recently but for a break I have been switching between these three types: 1. 50's that just need IO's in them. 2. Characters that are the closest to 50. 3. Characters that have not been played for a long time (longest last played dates.) The third option is what I wanted to rant/rave about. Had an amazing time playing a toon I had forgot about. She is a Psychic/Ninjutsu scrapper with weapons mastery. It was amazing running her through missions and I forgot how quickly she can kill things. Anyways my point is try some characters you haven't played in a while. The general question is how do other altoholics pick who to play. PS> No build advice pls there is another forum for that.
  16. Making an Ice / Dark corruptor tonight -- putting it on my list and checking it twice.
  17. Need to update my corruptors it seems I do not have one like yours (i forgot what we were talking about) I need to eat more fish oils. No Ice / Dark corrupters closest I have is: Cold Dom Dark Blast Mr. Ice-Guy I really like his costume too
  18. Ye Huge Female models would be awesome. I used the search function to find this.
  19. I post on here with stories and "roleplay's" that I find interesting. it wasn't like before that if you waiting 24 hours you almost had too many post to read to get out your part. I remember an open RP that was like a "Super Hero High" based of sky-high. That was an amazing "RP" that was consistently and constantly having people join and play along. Know you post in here and 3-4 days later someone might reply....
  20. Sure...might as well have 1 instead of none.
  21. Nope it would be a Colossus homage character 😎
  22. Why did that get Genned? (Generic'ed I think is the term.) What did Genned do? I assume removed costume to a generic hero costume? Have never been Genned before ...but scared for Terra-Fish and Russian Steele. (my two most flagrant violations.)
  23. MIDS - I use Mids unless I am using non-set IO's cause if I use non-set IO's do I even truly care about that character. My main fire farmer is slotted very well and has no issues. Most of my mains 50's have MIDS for slotting as well. I just recently figured out that I did not have to have Set Inventions on every character that reached 50. I can just use regular IO's which are super easy to slot and use. Most attack powers - DMG X3 - Range X1 - Accuracy X1 - recharge X1 Most travel powers I add the +stealth to. Hasten is usually a 3 slotter. I am pretty sure I am doing it correctly.
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