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Everything posted by Player2

  1. My April Fool's prank on everyone was not logging in yesterday.
  2. Stop getting in front of the water blaster. Those splashes make your white costumes a little translucent.
  3. We need a Longbow mecha giant monster to attack red side.
  4. Image at left should have glowing eyes and the asymmetrical mantle showing for the cape... pink with a gold broach. Image at right has glowing eyes but got the hairstyle a little off, and added cat ears from no detail whatsoever on her head. Also left hand looks backwards. My first dual blades tanker. It's awkward positioning, so I'm not going to hold Krea accountable for making a recognizable heart symbol on her chest... but her face paint should be the 50/50 with red on her left half with just red circle around her right eye. Jack-in-Irons looks fairly intimidating... my tanker, on the other hand, looks like she doesn't know how to us an iron. Look at all those costume wrinkles.
  5. Even close up with a fairly consistent background, there can be issues... Image on the left should have the chest detail of a large star with smaller stars circling it, plus stars down the legs. Main star is visible but went from white to gold, while the smaller stars are barely visible blurs. Stars down the left leg went from half visible to indistinct blurs. Image on the right is mostly good, but the star detail over her heart just broke up into what looks like a bird pooped on her. I have a great action scene against a bunch of Crey, but for some reason my mask disappears and her face ends up looking at the floor, while the star on her chest gets moved to the right side of her chest. The belt here is an accurate representation, but the big fight scene replaced it with a black belt with a couple of indistinct blurs where the capsules are. In this one, her neck seems to have gotten lost in the costume wrinkles. This one is mostly good, but the thumb on her right hand is positioned weird and her costume ends at the neck when it should go further up. Close up perfection. More detail in the mask than I anticipated, but I'm not complaining.
  6. Case in point, I dug into some of my old screenshots from before the shutdown and I found a couple of gems, but clearly the polish wasn't quite done. I had to run this one through a second time because the first time without altering the prompt, it gave me my character topless. Even with a description for a gray halter top and sleeves, I didn't get the sleeves or the glasses. This one was almost perfect... but no glasses (again). Got the glasses, but they're wrong. Also got a choker from no where. Hands are a little wonky, with the thumb of her left hand being cut short while the number of fingers overall was just wrong. Lusca looks good, though. Almost perfect. Glasses are slightly misshapen (forgivable) and the loop on the belt isn't threaded through the belt but sits over it (tolerable). Hands aren't quite right, but they're not really wrong either. Close up and solid background definitely helped here.
  7. The first few images look like they lean more toward anime stuff, while the last three look more comic booky (or comic book cartoonish). I've never heard of Fooocus. I will have to see what else you show us, but this definitely looks like it has potential.
  8. Mind you, these are the very same sunglasses with similar colors in the head region as the one with the green & black costume I posted earlier today. No problems here.
  9. Looks like the mirrored visor just becomes the forehead of the helmet and it manifests her eyes and nose a little lower to see out of the open area. Also, her right hand looks weird... However, the rest of the armor bits look great and I love the shift in color... but the best part is how well it maintained that arcing electricity on the boot.
  10. Couldn't quite get the shredded mask to represent properly... I do want to highlight something else I noticed with this one. I see Krea adding a bellybutton onto tights often enough that when the outline of one can be seen in the original it is kind of refreshing to see it concealed by the added zipper seamin the enhanced version.
  11. Comparison time: OpenArt vs Krea Pretty Cool has the Spines powerset, and I chose the crystalline form to look like ice. Instead I got a mix of mutated feathers and possibly a tarantula limb... Fingers all over the place, clothing is some kind of post-apocalyptic fashion trend I think... Just weird all around. Krea gives me sunglasses, costume looks spot on, and spines do kind of look like crystalline ice shards. Bonus: I like what it did with the clock face on her belt buckle.
  12. Some of my more recent creations in the costumes thread... I know I already did this one, but only the forward image. This time she gets the full turn around with front, profile, and back views.
  13. Krea finally hit a wall with one of my designs... First one I didn't change settings. The second one I specifically added "mirrored sunglasses"; didn't help and changed her hairstyle. Third one I replaced sunglasses with goggles.
  14. Well that's a terrific upgrade.
  15. Thongbow looking good...
  16. Well that's a reason for why. Why not? No reason at all. Don't really need one.
  17. Since my previous horror attempt turned out so great, I went with my stalker with flayed skin and blood-red effects.
  18. I've just been going through page after page of the costumes thread for screenshots of my characters to copy and paste into Krea, and I've been anticipating this one. The thumb on her left hand looks a little dead, but otherwise I'm quite pleased with this one.
  19. In the auto-generated prompt, Krea identified my Little Trickster as "A green alien with a red hat is jumping in the air on a space ship." I figured goblin would have been the obvious term, but what do I know. Still, it worked fantastically.
  20. My kheldian's costume leaned into the Spectrum costume pieces and light, and she has the Phoenix tail. Her light is very whispy now and surprisingly has some facial detail. I like it.
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