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Force Redux

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Everything posted by Force Redux

  1. I'm no blaster expert, but I will try to put something together for you by this weekend, friend.
  2. Looks like Nemesis' "cranky" uncle 😁👍🏻
  3. I totally agree. I light mine reliably with various procs solo, but in teams I don't even need that most of the time due to the prevalence of fire and energy damage.
  4. My Trick Arrow/Dark Blast is amazing in teams and very solid as a soloer. Both power sets compliment each other like peanut butter and jelly. For theme, TA/Water is also comparable.
  5. My Time/Rad Defender is an AoE beast. Very easy to get in the thick of combat safely and mix it up. 2 procs in each attack, very fun and effective character. Agree with the above, Water is also excellent, you could easily skip Dehydrate.
  6. I'd sign up for this. I want to blast ebil doers with the power of nature.
  7. This saddens me to hear of this... One of the rocks of this community 🥺
  8. Not a combo I've made myself, sorry. With pain and sorcery you really want recharge. Leadership pool is highly recommended. I'd pick up Heat mastery as a PP for Bonfire to add crowd control for the pets safety. Just some quick thoughts.
  9. Demons/Dark is one of my most fun, and potent characters, solo or in group. You got some great advice, above, too.
  10. Hi @brasilgringo, sorry I just saw this. I like everything about Striker's build. I'm sorry I don't have much time to review a build myself, but with striker you are in good hands!
  11. The more recharge you put into a power through slotting the lower it will proc. GLobal recharge doesn't affect proc rate, however. Thus the answer is 'it depends' on your slotting. I'm ready for bed, so not able to post more but do check out some of the proc threads from last year, they will go ove rhow it works after the Devs tweaked the calculations.
  12. Mercs could use some love, but it was my first MM back with CoV and I have a desire to roll one over again. I think Mercs / Nature or my original /Traps would work well.
  13. Entangling in amazing. With a +2 hold proc and 4 pc basilisk's does a lot of mitigation. Grab an epic hold to stack and lock down bosses.
  14. Nice! Yes, it's a really robust combo for a Sentinel
  15. If you haven't already looked at it, check out my Dark Miasma guide stickied to the top of this forum. Might have some info you might find handy. 🙂
  16. Not a judgment on you, just wondering why I'm not having end issues. I generally take one attack from the primary, and I never use pool attacks. I will use Blackstaff, and Epic attacks, however. Usually I'm busy buffing/debuffing to fit in full attack chains, though on my Beast/Time and Best/Nature I have all three attacks and use them frequently to stack Pack Mentality. Of course, Time and Nature both have End recovery tools... My Demon/Dark has two whip attacks, black staff, and Epic Tendrils, plus holds, etc. Same sitch with my Bots/FF... Two rifle attacks, nemesis staff, force bolts, plus electricity epic immobilize, etc. Neither have End recovery powers. Unless I'm purposefully being lazy, I'm using powers, but perhaps the key is I'm not fitting in overly high end use MM primary attack powers in tight attack chains? I weave primary attacks in between my other powers.
  17. I must be doing something wrong, I don't use Cardio or temp buffs or things, and I don't have endurance woes on, even when spamming abilities. My build are typical IO builds. 🤫🤫
  18. Since HC is already about QoL, and there is nothing proposed by OP that is not already transferrable without a bit of mailing (ie, he's NOT proposing Badges, merits, etc.) the only barrier is "do we want this to take more time?" I personally feel that's not nepotism, its just speeding up administratae.
  19. My Thugs/Time is named Time Bandit, and she's essentially an dimension hopping Oceans Eleven with her crew: Chain Dog, Snake Eyes, Candy Man, Smokey Joe, Ace and Cowboy.
  20. Clearly evidence OP is teaming with Super Speed/Reflex heroes 🙃😁
  21. Surely it's censoring out a portrait of Lord Nemesis reclining au naturale...
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