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Force Redux

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Everything posted by Force Redux

  1. @res1972 Importing some of my numbers here from my guide. On top of the numbers for Resistance and Defense below, realize that Dark Miasma typically throws around 36% -ToHit Debuff rather casually through Darkest Night and Fearsome Stare (which combines with the Defense numbers below), and can raise it to 41% by using Twilight Grasp. Dark Servant can add another ridiculous 60% or more -ToHit Debuff if he gets involved in the fracas and is properly slotted for -ToHit: [Exerpt from Gather the Shadows: A Dark Miasma Primer for Masterminds]: Demonlings (Resists) 74% Smash/Lethal 52% Energy/Negative Energy, Psionic 90% Fire (Fiery Demonling); 65% Fire (Cold Demonling); 56% Fire (Hellfire Demonling) 56% Cold (Fiery Demonling); 81% Cold (Cold Demonling); 56% Cold (Hellfire Demonling) 60% Toxic (Fiery Demonling); 60% Toxic (Cold Demonling); 85% Toxic (Hellfire Demonling) Demonlings (Defense) 19% Melee 19% Ranged 34% AoE 19% S/L/F/C/E/N/Psi Gargoyles (Resists) 60% Smash/Lethal (Ember Demon); 79% Smash/Lethal (Hellfire Gargoyle) 52% Energy/Negative Energy, Psionic 72% Fire (Ember Demon); 77% Fire (Hellfire Gargoyle) 47% Cold (Ember Demon); 56% Cold (Hellfire Gargoyle) 60% Toxic (Ember Demon); 85% Toxic (Hellfire Gargoyle) Gargoyles (Defense) 19% Melee 19% Ranged 34% AoE 19% S/L/F/C/E/N/Psi Demon Prince (Resists) 66% Smash/Lethal 60% Fire 64% Cold 52% Energy/Negative Energy, Psionic 68% Toxic Demon Prince (Defense) 19% Melee 19% Ranged 34% AoE 35% Smash/Lethal 29% Fire 39% Cold 19% E/N/Psi
  2. My guide, linked below my signature, has hard numbers for demons / dark resistance, defense etc
  3. Check out my guide in my signature... 🙂
  4. I didn't want to sound biased or derail from Thermal/Cold via the OP, but you summed up my experiences very well 🙂
  5. Also Shadow Fall in Dark also boosts some resists and a bit of Defense. Honestly, can't go wrong with any of these, as many have reported excellent results with thermal & cold, too.
  6. Well, uhm..it IS dangerous... For Hellions! 😃
  7. My old main was Bots/FF, and it's one of my new mains here when HC launched. I can farm Comic Con with it at +2/x8 (anything more is too slow). The key is Big Bot's burn patches. An aoe immobilize (Mu or Mace), Overwhelming Force KD proc in Drones, and KB reduction in Big Bot are key to damage. If you feel up to it, the FF smashing damage in Big Bot and a few procs in Repulsion Bomb are helpful. You can also Proc one of the primary Attacks (Pulse Rifle Burst) - the damage this will do over time on hard targets is noticable. Force Bolt recharges too quickly to proc effectively, though I've tried. Keep it for CC. Bots excels at defeating hordes of Minions and Lts, and AVs (due to -Regen in Big Bot's plasma attacks). But fighting Bosses and EBs is sometimes frustrating because they have enough HP to draw out the battle but not enough for -Regen to really show it's potential. Interface procs will help when you unlock it. Each Mastermind type has its own feel, style, and pace. I enjoy playing my robotics/FF Mastermind because it is a bit more hands-off and relaxing, and sometimes I just want to chill while my bots do their disco laser light show.
  8. Group Fly helps a bit, but that particular fight is a bit of a slog with melee only pets. Knowing the fight, and learning how and when to joust your pets helps, as it does when fighting Battle Maiden and the blue fire pools in a TinPex. I've fought both fights with a Beast/Time MM with no pet loss, so it can be done. Practice makes it better.
  9. Agreed, I'm grateful every time I log on...
  10. Hybrid support does buff pets. One version(radial??) is double buff numbers for pets, too
  11. Went through two Razer Nagas in a short time, then went Logitech and haven't looked back in over 14 years. Very dependable.
  12. Put pets in Passive mode until ready for them to jump into the mosh pit.
  13. I've always dropped a 50+5 accuracy IO into it, based on Mids and in game numbers, as nothing indicates it's autohit. Not much else to do with that default slot anyhow...
  14. Neat-o! Yes, the Group Fly changed were super awesome... I'll load up your build tomorrow and see if I can make some comments, but overall I think trying to reach soft cap resists on anything other than say a Demon/* is not necessary or desirable. At least in my experience.
  15. I simply picked up Evasive Maneuvers as a slot mule for LoTG. No real change I now recommend Group Fly with the buffs it received making it quite useful, and dropping OG. 🙂
  16. Robots/Dark has everything you need to hunt AVs and GMs.
  17. If my team is steamrolling with my Miasma characters, I go solo ahead of the team. This is not unique to steamrolling teams and Dark Miasma. Against anything but AVs, many ATs have reduced contribution. Of course, I don't always run +4/x8 incarnate content. I exemplar down a lot, as well. Or run more challenging content like 801.1+ AE. I rarely feel useless. Reminder, my incarnated BR/Devices blaster isn't really essential either at veteran power levels where rotating Judgements, Lore Pets, Hybrid buffs and various Destiny powers make almost everything redundant as the murder ball rolls along. DM is just fine, if you love it, play it, that's what matters.
  18. Thanks @Nexros, I'm only on my phone. But I'll say this, I like about 25 Ranged Defense on /Dark, combined with -ToHit, then pump up resistances. Shadowfall and Demons gives a good base for building on.
  19. I'll have to give this a try, thank you!
  20. Seconding Earth/Thermal with @Scarlet Shocker, great controls and team support even with few slots. Stony can tank AVs, and it scales very well from low levels through high. Mine is very enjoyable
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