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Everything posted by Starhammer

  1. I can take or leave most of the suggested power changes. For me VEATs work amazingly well, and until I start doubledipping my Leadership from the Pools, my end is quite manageable. However, I wholeheartedly agree on No Redraw and optional Crab Backpacks. The Crablegs look awesome when you're just standing around, but they don't always (rarely) fit the theme of a desired character (I know, heresy, making the theme something other than full fledged member of the NPC group). Generally I just don't bother with Crab advancement just because of the mandatory costume debuff. I firmly believe costumes should never be forcibly tied to powers, whether that means the lasers just don't match up with your gun, or a Dual Pistol character shoots bullets out of their hands (invisible guns) or any other imaginable combination. But I make a lot of VEATs. I'd love to take the armor route instead of the stealth route on some of them, without having to give up my costume preferences.
  2. I'd love to see the flames optional on that whip too. Just by eliminating that effect, you get an excellent Laser Lash. Oh what despicable acts I would perform to get access to it in a chain format too, with or without the flames... but I don't think any of the devs are doing that kind of work on the game 😞
  3. So I know we have the KB to KD enhancements, but considering that effect is primarily a QoL benefit for whomever you're teaming with, I'd love to just see a prestige power available at P2W that imposes that effect on all your relevant powers, without having to acquire/slot enhancements in each. That way you can just be a KD-Team Freindly NRG\NRG from the get go and not waste time/money/slots on something just to limit yourself. Bonus if there's a separate Repel to KD prestige power simultaneously available.
  4. I would love to see Munitions themed Assault and Control sets, so we can have Doms and Trollers with a guns vibe instead of them all just being mystic\elemental in nature. I'd also really like to see the Demon Summoning whip proliferated to ranged, melee and maybe even assault/control. It's just too awesome of a power effect to have to settle for petless MMs if you dislike the demons themselves.
  5. I would really like something like this. I don't know coding beyond keybinds, so I know saying "How I would do it," is tremendously presumptive, but... How I would do it is to create something like a SG or SK-bond (not precisely the same, but similar) only with you're own alt... unlock the option when you reach Level 50 on both characters. Then, when you "activate" the switch, it's like changing characters, but doesn't require the full logout\select\login process, and the alt is logged in at your current location, in your current team, with your current quests, etc. Sometimes Iron Man is a Tank, sometimes he's a Blaster, but he's always (well, except when he\she isn't) Tony Stark. I can see how this might be abusive in some regards, the limitations of each archetype are there for a reason... switching between roles during a mission, even during a fight, would make that meaningless. However, once you're already 50, there's less significance to it. From then on you're just grinding Incarnate stuff anyway. However, as a QoL issue, this would be a nice alternative to "Hey team, we're not doing enough damage to this AV, should I switch to my Blaster?" Whether or not costumes match or how close the names line up would be up to the player to manage, but the QoL benefit would be bypassing the transfer and travel process.
  6. /chat_set is, to the best of my knowledge, currently incompatible with the Help, General, and Looking For Group channels. You can send a message directly to them, or you can set the channel by clicking on the tiny letters above the chat input field, but cannot set them using the command. Could we please get command-compatible channel names associated with /chat_set? For me, I use a custom set of binds to cycle back and forth through the channels I use with PgUp & PgDown, a variation on the /chat_cycle command, but allowing for inclusion of channels that aren't associated with /chat_cycle, such as the above mentioned, or custom channels, as well as being able to remove channels I don't use from the sequence (like Coalition... Seems like every coalition just uses their own custom global channel anyway, so you can keep up with them when you're on another character, or even server). I'd like to be able to include these channels in my cycle command, rather than having to change channels one way for some, and another way for others, like driving a car, but having to steer with handlebars if you're in reverse.
  7. So let me preface this by saying that you guys are doing amazing work, and any disappointment I have is likely my own fault for not spending enough time on Beta and\or adjusting my own expectations... So, with the stance customization, I guess I was kinda hoping for something a little different. In my case, with Beast Run, sometimes I use it primarily because I want that kind of hunched over, wrestler like pose it gives... but I don't always like the bounding on all fours movement animation tied to it (gotta say it was the first thing that came to mind seeing Frog-lady do it on The Mandalorian though). From the description of Stance customization, I was hoping I could, for instance, use Athletic Run for the performance side of the movement, on a mere two legs, while customizing the default to have that wrestler pose when just standing around. (yes, I'm sure I could achieve this through some "move-on-demand" bind, but was hoping for something a little more baked in). So, I'm not gonna say what was done needs to be redone differently, again, the flaw was my expectations, not the alterations that were made, but for the purpose of future modifications, I'd love to see a way to accomplish something more like what I'm looking for, perhaps some way of tying an emote to a default stance or something (obviously not all emotes would be appropriate) whether by adding a stance category to the costume creator (thereby allowing different stances emotes to be tied to different costumes, much like what was just done, but not tying movement animation to standing around animation), or perhaps a /stance <emote name> command that would semi-permanently (until you use the command again) activate an emote whenever you're just stancing there. On a related note, I didn't notice anything about Flypose in this build... any chance we can get the flypose emotes built into the customizer like was done with Ninja/Beast Run? What was done would be perfect for those, and so much more dependable than messing with emote commands while flying.
  8. yeah, I tried spelling out the whole channel name, using the first letter, using quotes... those three channels don't seem to be compatible with /chat_set using any obvious version of their names.
  9. Ooh, I was not previously aware of that functionality. Thank you. This will save me some much needed character space on some binds that I use across many characters. So, I have a question for anyone who might know... for purposes of the /chat_set command, do we have channel names for Help, General, and Looking For Group? not to send a message directly to the channel, but to set the channel as if clicking the tiny little button above the input field. Since /chat_cycle includes some channels I almost never use, and doesn't include those mentioned (or custom channel names), I use a series of bind files that replicate the effect of /chat_cycle... but I haven't been able to discover functional names for those channels.
  10. So normally that is correct, SHIFT, CTRL, & ALT are the only viable modifier keys... *however* if you're familiar with writing binds that load other bind files, and are willing to put in some effort, you can work around this. in your default set of binds, add: NUMPAD0 "bindloadfile {path}\numpad.txt" then create a second .txt file titled numpad.txt in the location appropriate to the path containing whatever binds you want to work only when the Numpad0 is pressed (this will work with just about any other keyboard key you could bind as well). in the numpad.txt file, make sure to include a bind for NUMPAD0: NUMPAD0 "+down$$-down$$bindloadfile whateverpath&filenameisyourdefault.txt" Then, when you press NUMPAD0, the new binds should be active, and when you release it, the binds should change back. IF you have keys that you want to ONLY have functionality when pressing NUMPAD0, make sure your default bind file includes "nop" binds for those keys. If they have functionality normally, but are only changing with NUMPAD0, releasing will rebind their original function. Be careful not to press/release too fast. your comp might get confused which is which, and then you'll have to manually reload the default file to clear it up.
  11. Sic transit gloria mundi So, as the Homecoming team strives to affect airs of legitimacy to go along withe the legal business operating as a front for the pirate server running stolen code (none of which I have a problem with beyond the hypocrisy of course) should we remember that NCSoft has rights to every character we made on their servers, and delete such recreations as well? I need to know for my next alt, Costume Cop, who is inspired by self-righteous school bullies who get away with their harassment of others under the authority of a hall monitor harness...
  12. Eh, that's how many existing sets came together originally. I'm always for more options. Nobody has to use them, and having to put up with others using them is no worse than some horrid costume or running with someone who PL'd their first character to 50 and thinks they know everything.
  13. I think this will take care of you on that point... I25 Patchnotes -------------- Powexec_Location: Added /powexec_location, a client-side slash command to allow use of location targeted powers without having to click. Usage: /powexec_location loc power loc is a location specifier. There's several different things you can use here: me or self - Both target the power on yourself. target - Your currently selected target. If you have no target, the power is not activated. direction:distance - direction can either be one of six cardinal directions relative to the player: forward, back, left, right, up, down, -or- it can be a number. If it's a number, it is taken as an angle in degrees. 0 is straight in front of you, 90 is right, etc. It can also be camera, to indicate the direction the camera is facing, including elevation. distance is either a number in world units (feet), or the keyword max, which means to use the maximum range of the power. power is the name of the power, just like what you'd use with /powexec_name. You can put quotes around the name to make it look cleaner if you want, but they are optional. Useful examples: /powexec_location me Fire Imps /powexec_location target Tar Patch /powexec_location camera:max Teleport Redirector powers will no longer accidentally be flagged as NearGround.
  14. The most important thing of course is a stable gaming experience. Good maintenance and minimal downtime. I would appreciate continued minimal interference with my character creation/play. As attached as I am to my custom creations, I also greatly enjoy my recreations, my digital action figures, that would be generic'd on most "legitimate" servers. Of course I would like to see new content. Costume parts, powersets, ATs, zones, missions... I and many others will certainly be content to continue playing the game as is for years to come. Even stagnant there is a tremendous wealth of material to enjoy, with more usually available from AE. But growth would of course be better. Optimally I would love to see a method for player created content to transition to the game. Not just missions, but costumes and zones and such. A toolkit to edit or even create such things, and subject them for review and implementation would be worth it to me to pay significant money for even if I wasn't using it much but it helped justify development for the more artistically talented among us to use. I'd really like an "alias" command so I can significantly shorten oft-used command strings in complex keybinds,
  15. So as of tonight (first I've played since the last patch), if I try to open Options or Settings, everything locks up and I get (not Responding) effectively permanently (half hour plus, it ain't gonna fix itself). Anyone else encountered this?
  16. While I didn't have problems with antivirus, I did notice that the process name for the game changed, which made it unrecognizable to my joypad app. Easy enough to fix, once I figured out what happened.
  17. So, what I described is not really "automated." It still requires the player to press buttons. It just makes it easier to cycle a predetermined selection of powers in a desirable order (and bypass those that are still recharging). Star Wars Galaxies had a macro system that could be automated, because you could do things like incorporate pauses into the command sequence. City of Heroes doesn't allow that. Technically, no matter how long the command string is, the game attempts to process the whole thing at once. It does follow a certain order, with commands at the back of the line being processed first, thereby ignoring any that use the same command earlier in the bind. For instance: 1 "powexec_toggleon Sprint$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec_name Punch$$powexec_toggleon Ninja Run" When this is executed, if you do not have Ninja Run turned on, it will be turned on. Nothing further will happen, because "powexec_toggleon" is essentially the same as "powexec_name" with the limitation that it will not turn off toggles (you can use powexec_toggleoff for that). If Ninja Run was already active, it will then execute "Punch" (presuming you have a target in range, and actually have that power of course). Because it can only activate one power at a time and it tries to process the entire sequence at once, Brawl and Sprint will be ignored, and never activate using that keybind. If you change it though, 1 "powexec_auto Brawl$$powexec_name Punch$$powexec_toggleon Sprint$$powexec_toggleon Ninja Run" Now the 1st time you press 1 it will activate Ninja Run if it is not already active, activate Punch, and set Brawl to autoattack (or if it is already set to autoattack, cancel that setting). If Ninja Run was already on, it will turn on Sprint. If you want it to always set the autoattack to active instead of turning it on and off, add powexec_abort to the beginning of the bind. Also, just as an example of good timming in these binds, it's better to apply auto to the slower power. Finally, if you want to save endurance, turn movement toggles OFF when fighting, like so: 1 "powexec_abort$$powexec_toggleoff Sprint$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run$$powexec_auto Punch$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec By the way, while powexec_toggleon can only tun on one power at a time no matter how many you have in the same bind, powexec_toggleoff is not limited to once per process. So the above example will turn both Sprint & Ninja Run off, attack your target with Brawl, and set Punch to go off whenever it is recharged. If you want anything more automated than keybinds allow, you need to look into external applications like Auto Hot Key, or some hardware macros.
  18. It would be great if there was an option to put a shield on your back, even better if it would toggle on/off depending on whether a shield power was active. Not holding my breath though, at least not until we can get Tsoo katanas as a back option...
  19. I remember the devs addressing this way back when, saying the snake bottoms wouldn't work with some animations. That's certainly a legitimate concern when you have to develop a professional grade product that people pay money for. But considering the state of things now, if someone could hack and stitch snake bottoms into the costume creator, in spite of bad animations, I would neither turn my nose up at them nor disparage anyone else for using them.
  20. I love the idea. I was one of the players pushing for it back in the day, because I loved how they looked on Star Wars clone troopers. Certainly no impairment of masculinity there. But anything that adds more options/layers/themes is always good in my book.
  21. I was obsessive about acquiring these when the game was live. Spent hundreds of dollars on ebay for ones I couldn't get from cons. (as bad as it sounds, I've known too many people to blow more on a Friday night bar tab, so I don't regret it). I would really love to see them brought back to the game. I like the idea of buying them from P2W for a million, or free if you've already got an appropriate badge.
  22. It requires a little work, but can be done with keybinds instead of macros. You need multiple .txt files with keybinds that load each other. For instance: c:\[BINDS]\CoH\TORCHBEARER\Destroyo\attack1.txt 1 "powexec_auto Lunge$$powexec_name Impale$$bindloadfile c:\[BINDS]\CoH\TORCHBEARER\Destroyo\attack2.txt" and the 2nd file: c:\[BINDS]\CoH\TORCHBEARER\Destroyo\attack2.txt 1 "+down$$-down$$powexec_auto Air Superiority$$powexec_name Barb Swipe$$bindloadfile c:\[BINDS]\CoH\TORCHBEARER\Destroyo\attack1.txt" With those two files in place, when you press "1" Destroyo cycles both Impale and Lunge, and when you release, he cycles Barb Swipe and Air Superiority. You can increase the number of files in the sequence to increase the number of powers in the rotation (preferably putting longer recharge powers in the auto space on the odd numbered files).
  23. Definitely a valid point. But that's one of the advantages of discussing this. Perhaps someone less medicated than me has an idea to improve on this...
  24. Maybe not all, but some? Sonic (the first Sentinel I played and current highest Sentinel) doesn't have an Assault version, so would be left out of this. Or, this may sound a little weird, but just give them both options. The Sentinel could go Fire Blast or Fire Assault as they choose. This would actually get a better idea of desirability over all, as they can review the statistics. Let's face it, comparing Martial Assault vs Fire Blast isn't going to go over very well in terms of comparison. Personally, I'm in favor of as many options as I can get, but I fear some would find it confusing to have to choose between Fire Blast and Fire Assault, and they would probably err on the side of lowest common denominator of understanding. And yeah, I'm not saying to get rid of powersets that don't have an Assault version, but to modify them into an Assault version to keep them comparable to the other changes. Also, like the Munitions Assault version of Assault Rifle I suggested (I guess I just suggested it without specifying it would be a modification to AR), that would mean we'd have a Sonic Assault to copy over for Doms as well.
  25. Yes, this happens with Jackets and Robes costumes already. I'd similarly like to see shoulder pieces with an option for symbols.
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