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Everything posted by Starhammer

  1. I really just wish Tiki Men and Masks were available among Banished Pantheon lore pets.
  2. So I have seizures, with photosensitivity triggers. I am completely aware that there is an inherent risk in playing video games with my condition. This is just to bring awareness that the combination of power effects in the new Storm Blast sets can be visually overwhelming (especially, as I found out last night, when fighting Freakshow... ). It's not so bad when I can zoom out from the action, but turn the wrong way next to a wall and you're practically in first person perspective with no way out. I understand there's likely no easy fix for this. Each of the powers look wonderful on its own, and I wouldn't want anyone else's game experience limited because of my health issues. However, if such things could be kept in mind during future development, it would be appreciated. I can think of two optimal solutions, though I don't imagine either would be easy to implement. First would be to implement a Power Effects Customization to allow for Minimal Effects on such powers, but to do so in a way that alters everyone's powers, not just your own, but only does so client side, like a mod. That way, nobody else's game experience would have to be impaired, but folks like me could shut down problematic visuals, reducing them to the bare minimum to know what's happening. Second, would be an option to disable most power effect of other players (again, client side, so it doesn't mess with anyone else). This is a little more "scorched earth" but might be simpler for end users to implement than dealing with individual power effect customizations. Maybe a Null the Gull type of option. Again, I get it. There's no easy or perfect fix. And I'm not going to set aside a game that's been a part of my life for almost two decades just because I can't safely play alongside some characters. But you folks managed to improve the situation with that Archery Support power that was similar. Maybe it's not impossible to improve this as well.
  3. I never cared about it as a procbox. An attack power shouldn't require a second power (Swap Ammo) to not be garbage. Oh well. If this is intended, I guess I'll have to buy lots of Revolvers or something 😕 Or just get used to using other attack sets that weren't nerfed.
  4. Not sure how difficult it would be to make prestige powers customizable, or if it would just be easier to add mutually exclusive variants to the P2W vendor, but it would be really neat to have Stheno Staff and Stheno Mace versions of the Nemesis Staff and Blackwand, respectively.
  5. Yeah, this has got to be unintended. This problem doesn't seem to be affecting any other Sentinel attack sets. Also, when changing damage types with [Swap Ammo] the damage returns to useful amounts.
  6. So since the patch, Suppressive Fire on pistol wielding Sentinels is doing almost no damage, on par with Blasters, Defenders, etc. Alt damage types for Swap Ammo are showing normal numbers, but lethal is reduced to token damage. I'm really hoping this is unintended, since Sentinels are the only AT worth using this power on, at least in my experience. If it's intended, it ruins attack sequence for my DP Sents 😞 EDIT: The recharge has significantly increased (again, to Blaster levels) as well.
  7. I'd really enjoy that switch. I have a lot of characters that don't need yet another weak melee attack, but would love a Tough that's more like a Res based Combat Jumping (Setting aside that Leaping is a mess, and CJ is too good while Acrobatics isn't good enough). And then the characters that do need another melee attack could have a more significant Kick, Which on some, I use all the way past 50 just because I like the animation and knock, but regret the poor performance if I haven't taken Boxing & Cross Punch.
  8. Could we get the skin version of the Barbarian Loincloth fur underoos added to the Skirts/Shorts section? It would give us more options for what to do with the legs besides one version of tinted tights.
  9. I too was really hoping the "Mini Costume" would simply make certain characters equally scaled but smaller. I'm not even that upset about the Funko look, just that I was looking forward to an option that is now clearly not what you had in mind. It would be nice if the Devs had managed expectations a little better by being more accurate in their early descriptions of what the power would do. Frankly, I just wish we could get a wider scale range on our customization sliders... 2 ft-10 ft maybe. Heck, I even have a character that would benefit greatly from the larger head, though not with a mini-body 😞
  10. So One of this years Trick or Treat builds was simply a set of kids out trick or treating. The costumes have gotten an overwhelmingly positive response so I figured I'd share them here. Feel free to use them yourselves, or use them as a starting point. Nothing wrong with having hundreds of these wee ones running about in game. ToT Devil Mask.costume ToT Fairy Princess.costume ToT Frank.costume ToT Ghost.costume ToT Mummy.costume ToT Robot Cowboy.costume ToT Skeleton.costume ToT Vampire.costume ToT Witch.costume ToT Wolfman.costume ToT Football Zombie.costume
  11. A defensive set and a buff set on the same character? Sounds cool. Lacks a little offense, but that can be picked up in pool powers. Honestly, if you're going to aggressively and intentionally misunderstand the point, just block me and be done with it. Nobody needs that detracting from the conversation.
  12. I think the Benevolabs permatemp costumes are a great new tool in our costuming box, but nothing about "shapeshifting" really necessitates new ATs or powersets. Not saying there couldn't be a powerset, just that it doesn't seem like a great focus for development resources for what is essentially a mix of aesthetics and placate 😕
  13. So for me, I'd love to be able to pick whatever powers at whatever level (frankly I'd like to mix and match from different sets at that... 3-4 different melee sets, or combine dual pistols and assault rifle... etc), but in my case it's because I value form over function in this game. Obviously, function matters. Doesn't matter how cool I look if I faceplant at the start of every mob. That's just not fun for me. But as long as I have a smooth attack sequence, and I can win most of the combats I involve myself in if I pay attention and don't do anything too stupid, it's gonna be the choreography that turns my crank. To that end, I'd much rather have more options, and the scale the invisible math for "balance." I'd also rather not have to take "throw away powers" in order to select later ones. Kick is pretty cool for most characters... but not all, and those characters may want/need Tough or Weave, and then they have to have Boxing or Kick to qualify, even if they'll just get removed from the power tray and forgotten. The issue with primary and secondary pools is at least a little less obnoxious, since higher level powers aren't locked out until you get certain lower level ones (at least now that Secondaries can skip T1), but still, more options is always better, in my view. Obviously, development resources are limited, and only so much can be done... But I can see and agree with many aspects of both sides of this issue. I think, if the necessary resources were available, the optimal way of progressing power selection would be to alter a power's base functionality depending on at what level you select it... (essentially, that would mean making a slightly different version of each power for each selection level... lots of work). So if you take your "Nuke" at T1, that's fine, but it will always be a small time power, even if it scales when you level, it won't scale as advantageously as a power selected at a higher level... on the other hand, taking Flares at level 48, once enhanced, would incinerate the Devil himself. But this way, powers selected earlier would be less apt to upset game balance at those early levels, and at the same time, a character could have the sequence of powers best suited to them, whether that be for form, function, or both. Progression and inventory management are not "roleplay," at least not inherently, even if you choose for them to be represented as such in your narrative. P&IM can certainly coexist with RP, but are no substitute for it. Also, as supers go, some characters really do start out by exploding and eventually learn to suppress their full power and use it more precisely with practice and experience, and that's just as valid a playstyle as any other. Do what you do.
  14. Thank you so much. There have been so many characters for which the Tier 1 secondary was a bad fit, and just had to be a wasted power selection. (Though to be fair, if Ki Push repel was affected by KBtKD, and/or had a kick animation, I would use it a lot more instead of just setting it aside)
  15. Yeah, as I said up front, "probably beyond the capacity of the game" And of course I can build the same character on multiple servers. Quite aware of that. That's really, really not the point though. Otherwise, I appreciate the discussion of what can and can't work and how, as long as it doesn't get condescending.
  16. And ToT Werewolves will be hurling coffins this year 🙂
  17. I'm sure it's beyond the ambition of the dev team, if not the technical capabilities of the game, but given the opportunity, I would love to be able to queue up for teams/TFs/Trials/etc across server boundaries. Sure, I could transfer, try to find a team, transfer back, then have to rejoin SGs, and burn two transfer tokens for the week in doing so, but it'd be nice if I didn't have to, just to take advantage of higher server population elsewhere when most of my server is in bed or at work 😞
  18. I would really like if Radio/Paper missions gave three consistent options instead of just pure random. One "Defeat" mission One "Click Glowie" mission One "Escort" mission Personally, I hate escort missions. nothing kills my momentum like opening the paper or radio and seeing three of them when I'm not in the mood for that, and having to zone and come back to reset the options 😕 But at the same time, I'm sure there's others who would love to be able to do more escort missions whenever they want.
  19. How hard would it be to give Super Strength > Hurl Boulder a graphical option to throw random junk (forklifts, pool tables, etc) like Gravity Controllers?
  20. Unfortunately, that's really no different than what I do with keybind files already, with the added step of using the app to do so. Thanks for responding though 🙂
  21. I was having the same problem. I had already installed the newest VidiotMaps (v2), and after getting rid of the old one that was causing problems (just cut/paste to an unrelated folder), everything worked perfectly. Thank you very much. Simple fix with good directions 🙂
  22. One of my characters was using Ninja Run before the latest patch introducing Parkour. I revoked Ninja Run, gave Athletic Run (I use it on more characters, so it's beneficial in keybinds), and changed her stance to Parkour (I like the flip, but not the "ninja stance"). However, while everything works correctly with any travel powers on, when I turn them all off, I revert to "ninja stance." Obviously this isn't game breaking and is easy enough to work around merely by activating Sprint, or any other run/jump power, but it shows there's something happening that shouldn't be.
  23. The split second of draw animation is insufficient to justify how improbable it looks to be carrying a long sword on the right hip. I don't care if draw animation is changed or not. It's the continuous presence of an improperly carried weapon. It's fine if you like how it looks. I have no problem with that. I don't. It breaks immersion just enough to be an ongoing annoyance that impairs my enjoyment of the game on a character that looks "wrong."
  24. I'm sorry I didn't spend more time looking at this in Beta. Upon going through a few dozen alts today that this applies to, I'm recognizing it is more aesthetically disappointing than I realized. Katanas look wrong on the right hip. It's hard to imagine every katana wielder must be left-handed. This is probably the most glaring issue. Though some weapons just look terrible on the back as well, things that should clearly be worn on the hip, like Rapiers or Maces. This system really needs to present an option for each weapon to be worn on hip/back, and right/left. Obviously the easiest workaround is "just don't use it" but I don't feel like you folks put in the work to make this system just to have it look bad or not used. Of course it's not something that could be fixed quickly, but it really should be fixed. Lastly, the "Ninja Blade" category of weapons seems to leave too much space between the back and the weapon.
  25. So one annoyance I'd love to see modified... When looking at detailed power info, for instance on the Enhancement Management screen, for characters whose AT has access to Firey Embrace, many, sometimes most of the power effects show "only when using Firey Embrace." Sometimes the descriptor is even on damage/effects that are inherent to the power without FE. But most of the annoyance comes from the fact that it's on everyone whose AT has access, whether or not the character actually took Fire Armor. It's worse than useless info, it gets in the way of looking at real info. Could we do something about it please?
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