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An AR/Ninja is next up to the plate for me to level up.  


I'm torn for what's best to use with Ignite.  The objective is to minimize the fleeing out of it so I'm wondering what's more effective - an immob from a patron or Bonfire.  I want the answer to be Bonfire for a) added damage and b) the lulz.


So the purpose of this post is to see what AR-ites have found in their hands-on experience.  Was Bonfire effective at minimizing scatter from Ignite?  2xp points for anyone with hands-on experience with pairing Ignite with both Bonfire and a patron immob (separately of course).


Note - I made the character on the test server and suited it up per the Mids build I made.  I found Bonfire effective enough.  This was during 10 minutes-ish of play though so not a thorough analysis by any means.


I have had both on my AR Device.


Bonfire is a knock back unless your changing it to knock down I guess. 

Ignite is going to make them run for sure. 

As a matter of fact I use Ignite on myself at times to clear mobs off of me.


I used Bonfire as a "Thou Shall Not Pass" type of power. 


Use the patron instead. I really do not think you will get what your expecting from Bonfire even with a knockdown in it. 




Bonfire with a knockdown IO is very effective and will often juggle enemies, and the AoE is big enough to catch large groups.  It's a very good power when slotted that way.  I haven't tried stacking ignite with it yet though.


Immobilizes with ignite work as you'd expect them to.


One thing to know about ignite is that it's a very long animation time.  It'll lock you in place longer than you may want.  However, it does have one really neat trait: as a placed patch, you don't need line of sight to where you are placing it.  So you can apply an immob, duck behind a corner/box/whatever, toss out ignite, and /emote cackle.  It's nothing super busted, but if you're looking for 'lulz' it'll deliver.


Bonfire with a knockdown proc is the way to go. For use with ignite or otherwise it has a much bigger radius at 25' versus 10' in electrifying fences or 15' in web grenade and will provide far more mitigation with fewer slots, fairly certain it also doesn't have a target cap. Put a sudden acceleration or overwhelming force proc in it at a minimum and maybe 1 rch IO depending on the build. 

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