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Blessing of Tielekku


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The Dream Doctor story arc gives a choice at the end of the final mission of a temporary power.  You can choose either Blessing of Tielekku or both Aura of Mot and Magical Burst.  My question is if you do the story arc through Oro do you get the temp power again?  It looks like Blessing of Tielekku gives 2% defense, so if I could get this power every time it expires by running the arc it would enable me to adjust my builds.  Anyone know if you can get this power after the original grant?





The link shows Blessing of Tielekku gives 2.81% defense, but I just got the power and it shows 2% in game.  Updated the percentage from 2.81% to 2%.



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You need to try it from the Powers window. The tray or buff icon doesn't have the option. The Powers window might not either. Some temp powers aren't deletable.


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1 hour ago, Frostbiter said:

The Powers window might not either. Some temp powers aren't deletable.

As I discovered when I tried to get rid of the Heightened Speed buff from Secondary Mutation. The character already had a major movement speed buff from a regular power, and the added speed from Secondary Mutation made navigating caves completely unmanageable.

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You don't get the temp power for running the arc again through Ouro. I tried. You cannot pick the other temp power, either.


I seem to recall it as 2.81% (I rounded it up to 3% in my head, when I was adjusting my build thanks to it). Are you looking in the Combat Attributes, or by rightclicking through the power? A rightclick gives incorrect values sometimes but Combat Attributes should always give the right %.

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  • 2 years later
1 hour ago, Jolly Ogre said:

What happened to this?


I had this on some of my toons and now its gone and when I did the arc again it was not even offered as a reward anymore. What gives?

It's a temp power.  It goes away after so much game time.  (90 Hours?)


I don't think any of the powers granted thru a story can be gotten again.  (I would not be adverse to being able to redo them, thru p2w or just rerunning the arc via oro)

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2 hours ago, lemming said:

I don't think any of the powers granted thru a story can be gotten again.

I think most story arc temp powers actually can be gotten multiple times.  I know the Striga powers can be.

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31 minutes ago, Jolly Ogre said:

I know it is a Temp power but when I re-ran the arc the powers were not even offered again.


It's a one-time reward that can't be gained again by design. 

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