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Micro's Bounty Board


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Various seafood folk,

An idea occurred to me to push the boundaries of this AT and get some fun challenges going: I would like to offer "bounties" for accomplishing certain things in game with your Kheldian. I think some goals with rewards tied to them might be a good way to get ideas flowing or just for people to recognize what they really can and cannot do. To that end I'm thinking of starting with the below.


WS Pylon Challenge

First WS to defeat a Pylon with 300 dps or above under normal Pylon rules (no insps, temps, outside buffs, lore pets) and hybrid off can claim 200 mil. That's not a high dps number [dps has been increased since op], but this is the worst case scenario for a WS given how their powers work, so it might be more challenging than it seems. You will probably have to round up a bunch of high level rikti to feed your buffs, or try to leverage your pets if you can.

Completion List:


PB Pylon Challenge--Bounty claimed by Doomrider!

Same as above but for a PB, and the threshold is 330 dps this time since PBs are better at this. Also 200 mil.

Completion List:



PB and WS +4x8 carnie mission with bosses clear, solo, no temps/lore. --Both bounties claimed by Honest Abe!

First one of each can claim 100 mil. Probably best to do the first Harvey Psychic Plane mission in Oro. This seems easy enough, but might surprise some people 🙂

Second and third person to complete these can still claim 50 mil each!

Completion List:

Honest Abe (PB, WS)

nicoliy (PB)


New bounty: Same as above, but with Arachnos --Both bounties claimed by Honest Abe!

100 mil again.

Completion List:

Honest Abe (PB, WS)


I'm open to adjusting the above requirements or changing the bounty size. Also open to adding more bounties if people come up with some good ones. It would probably would be best to provide some evidence of your accomplishments, so I guess vids or it didn't happen 😉


So who's game to claim one of these or throw out something more interesting?



Edited by Microcosm
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I’m game, but need a level and a half on my Pb to hit 50, not to speak of incarnate abilities. Plenty of you will have a chance to take this before me as a result.


I’m not touching the WS pylon test, I’ve tried a few times and always die.

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Test server is fair game, as some of these challenges could be hard enough to require serious build tweaks and retries you may not want to do with your live build (note incarnates are currently not free there but should be again at some point). I've not seen anyone hit those Pylon numbers for either Kheld (though some have gotten close), for example. That's also why the bounty is higher than the carnie mission, which is still tough but has been done a few times.

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What about soloing an AV on a Warshade with no pets/temps/lore as a challenge? I've already done this, but the real test is an exercise in managing your endurance without bodies. An endurance test of sorts.

Maybe you could have rewards that scale depending on the level and difficulty of the particular AV? 

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1 hour ago, Doomrider said:

What about soloing an AV on a Warshade with no pets/temps/lore as a challenge? I've already done this, but the real test is an exercise in managing your endurance without bodies. An endurance test of sorts.

Maybe you could have rewards that scale depending on the level and difficulty of the particular AV? 

Sure. You guys have a particular AV in mind that would be a good challenge or just any AV? AIB did a giant monster once on live, thinking of throwing that up there as well.


Edit: he did the GM with lore pets I think before people get crazy ideas 😉

Edited by Microcosm
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46 minutes ago, egoprovince said:

Hmm.. interesting.  Is this doable in pure-human or does high-dps pb/ws mandate Squid form?

I would personally try to tackle both pylons as human form, but that doesn't mean I'm right. Part of this exercise is to try it your way and challenge our assumptions on what actually is the best damage you can do in a certain way. I've not myself hit those numbers (I've gotten close enough I don't think they're impossible). I'm betting someone can do it. The carnie map is just a fun little wake-up call to those of us used to roflstomping with eclipse or lightform.

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3 minutes ago, Microcosm said:

Sure. You guys have a particular AV in mind that would be a good challenge or just any AV? AIB did a giant monster once on live, thinking of throwing that up there as well.

Not really, I think most of the AV's in either A Hero's Hero or A Hero's Epic arcs should suffice. Some may be more difficult than others, I did Chimera and Shadowhunter without too much trouble and without Lore or Temps mind you.

Might want to put a larger reward for whoever can taken down more difficult AV's like say Ghost Widow or Siege for instance. What the rewards should be i'll leave to you.

Challenge criteria for AV's I think should be no temps (no daggers especially), no lore for sure. Maybe allow Flufflies since they're built into the AT. If someone can manage to keep them alive and leverage the dps from them that may be impressive all on it's own considering their tendency to stay in melee range lately.

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Man that carnie challenge hates me. I don't have any incarnate yet, so I tried both 4/8 and 3/8 (to simulate a level shift). Ate it hard. Even in light form they can hold me and the psi damage adds quick with a couple master illusionists or other illusionists (37% psi resist global). I'm not sure how much the incarnates will help that for me, but I guess I'll have to wait and see. At present I don't think my PB can take the 4/8 Carnies on.

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17 minutes ago, nicoliy said:

Man that carnie challenge hates me. I don't have any incarnate yet, so I tried both 4/8 and 3/8 (to simulate a level shift). Ate it hard. Even in light form they can hold me and the psi damage adds quick with a couple master illusionists or other illusionists (37% psi resist global). I'm not sure how much the incarnates will help that for me, but I guess I'll have to wait and see. At present I don't think my PB can take the 4/8 Carnies on.

Do you have your build in Mids? Can you tell us what your Status Protect/Resist is to the various holds?


I've been able to take a +4/x8 Circle of Thorns group heavy on Dark Mages.  It wasn't pretty and it wasn't fast, I think one group took me about 3 minutes, give or take.  But I wasn't in danger of being held, just a lot of damage over a long period of time.

Here are my status resist and protections with Light Form on:





Edited by egoprovince

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”


― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Roaming Everlasting as the Peacebringer Ganymedean.

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5 minutes ago, egoprovince said:

Do you have your build in Mids? Can you tell us what your Status Protect/Resist is to the various holds?


I've been able to take a +4/x8 Circle of Thorns group heavy on Dark Mages.  It wasn't pretty and it wasn't fast, I think one group took me about 3 minutes, give or take.  But I wasn't in danger of being held, just a lot of damage over a long period of time.

Here are my status resist and protections with Light Form on:

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Where you have 135% I have 81.3%, sleep is 135.7%, nothing in Taunt/Placate. Protections are the same. Full Build:



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Wow, between our two builds you're very similar in defenses.  Are you in Nova form often? I'm pure human and I don't see a lot of trouble.  Carnies usually give me grief when they start dying as they eat my endurance rather quickly.

Ganymedean v6 - Strike - Peacebringer (Luminous Blast).mxd

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”


― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Roaming Everlasting as the Peacebringer Ganymedean.

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I sometimes jump in Nova if I need the extra AOE. I mostly work a rotation in human, and dwarf is just as needed for kd and heals really. What was happening earlier is I'd come in buffed, pop dawn strike and as it was animating I'd get the held message. I'd shift to lobster, kd, heal, and then try to get back to human. Death wasn't too far off.


If I could keep from dying so fast I think I'd have it no issue. I may try again later tonight at maybe a 53/6 and work my way up (bump to 54 when I get first level shift).

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25 minutes ago, Microcosm said:

Clarion will help with that. You'll still have to deal with the dark ring mistresses though who have some major debuffs. Maybe we should add one for CoT too, I'm not sure I've tried that. Some people find arachnos a pain. Knives of Artemis (OG version) can also surprise you.

I like the idea of the hit lists, various groups or AVs as mentioned above as well.

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7 minutes ago, Microcosm said:

Congratulations, Abe, on claiming the first bounty! And also, sorry for making you upload such a long video 😞 

Thank you.  I had not verified my account so it was not allowing me to post such a long video.  Next time it should go smoothly...the upload...probably not the Microfeats. 🙂


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9 hours ago, Honest Abe said:

Thank you.  I had not verified my account so it was not allowing me to post such a long video.  Next time it should go smoothly...the upload...probably not the Microfeats. 🙂


Congrats Abe!!


We should have a who completed list. I don't really care about the Inf so much as just doing it. We can see how many of us can do it. I'm still practicing and just opened Alpha slot, so getting my shift sometime in the near future I hope.

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1 hour ago, nicoliy said:

Congrats Abe!!


We should have a who completed list. I don't really care about the Inf so much as just doing it. We can see how many of us can do it. I'm still practicing and just opened Alpha slot, so getting my shift sometime in the near future I hope.

We can definitely do that. I can also offer a reduced bounty for the second and third person to complete the task. Say 50 mil in this case. I know a lot of us are flush, but you should get a reward for your accomplishments 🙂

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