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Infamy and XP boost for Villains and Bank Heists


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It seems people playing Villain side is extremely rare, especially for Newspaper missions, so  I have two suggestions to make it a little more active.


Flat 15% XP and Infamy boost for Villain missions:

This would help general missions in Villain be viable as a means for grouping and leveling up.


Double XP and Infamy while in Bank Heist missions:

I feel this would be an amazing incentive to an extremely fun mission type. It gives reason to actually fight before/after the bank mission, and since it has a time limit, it can't be farmed forever. And your robbing a bank, so money money money!

Edited by Raught19
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... ehhh.  I don't think the 200% XP boost would happen (we've already got free 100% boosts, and I *really* doubt they'd be allowed to stack.) The Inf boost makes sense - maybe not 200% worth (and, after all, if you've got an XP booster you're losing some percent there.)


Villainside just hasn't ever really been as popular. I've got some villains around, I just ... am never really in the mood to play them. And villainside for me isn't an issue of people playing. I know they "streamlined" the Isles - but that's part of the problem for me. Heroside, I've got a lot of environments to go through. Yes, some say too many (with "unused" hazard zones, etc.) but it has more contacts and more areas to keep it from feeling the same (or like you're stalled in one area for too long.) Boosts aren't really going to fix that to me.


But that's just me.

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I'm not against incentives being used to encourage Redside, but I would also like them to be a bit more unique than just flat reward increases.  People already have power-levelling down to a crude science in AE and Radio missions.  I don't really think any amount of XP bonus Redside would be enough to make people -play- Redside.  They'd probably just end up farming it, like they currently do with Blueside/AE.


I think the Redside Arcs all need some rewriting to give the player more agency in them (daunting task, but one I would personally be willing to do, given the opportunity).  But rewards like more Temp Powers, or maybe even permanent Powers, might help.  Like the Flames of Prometheus.  I'd be happy to see more content like that!  Especially if it could be something less magicky, and more anything-else'y.

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2 minutes ago, VileTerror said:

I think the Redside Arcs all need some rewriting to give the player more agency in them (daunting task, but one I would personally be willing to do, given the opportunity).  But rewards like more Temp Powers, or maybe even permanent Powers, might help.  Like the Flames of Prometheus.  I'd be happy to see more content like that!  Especially if it could be something less magicky, and more anything-else'y.

This, make Redside give you unique stuff you can't get elsewhere (you can PL anywhere)

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21 minutes ago, Greycat said:

... ehhh.  I don't think the 200% XP boost would happen (we've already got free 100% boosts, and I *really* doubt they'd be allowed to stack.) The Inf boost makes sense - maybe not 200% worth (and, after all, if you've got an XP booster you're losing some percent there.)


Fixed for clarity, by 200% I mean double xp. As 200% of something is double.

Edited by Raught19
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I already disable XP every five levels.  This would just mean that I'd have to disable XP even more quickly every five levels.


Even for those weirdos that don't disable XP, I doubt extra XP and INF would persuade them.  Most of the people that I know that don't play red side refuse to do so because they want to be the hero and doing red side missions and SFs make them feel icky.  The only thing that may bring them red side is if you offer cute puppy snuggles after every SF.  But then you'd turn off those that play red side because they want to play the villain... like me.  It's an unsolvable problem, IMO.


Depending on what server you're on, you can still get teams red side.  It's like pulling teeth and will take a while, but it can be done.

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10 minutes ago, Apparition said:

Most of the people that I know that don't play red side refuse to do so because they want to be the hero and doing red side missions and SFs make them feel icky.  The only thing that may bring them red side is if you offer cute puppy snuggles after every SF.  But then you'd turn off those that play red side because they want to play the villain... like me.  It's an unsolvable problem, IMO.


Depending on what server you're on, you can still get teams red side.  It's like pulling teeth and will take a while, but it can be done.

See I've found the opposite, I run into "Heroes" all the time who are only Heroes because its impossible to find groups on the Villain side. and when they do see a group open, they can be too lazy to travel to Pocket D.  Most players  that are "Villains" will level up Heroes, and switch to Villain at 50, as its near impossible to level up with a group on the Redside. This is why I have this suggestion, to give incentive to people to actually go to Redside and be able to level up. Giving redside Inf and XP bonuses will not keep people from doing Heroside, but will bring over more Villains pre50.

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1 hour ago, Raught19 said:

Giving redside Inf and XP bonuses will not keep people from doing Heroside, but will bring over more Villains pre50.

Given how easy it is to farm and get double XP from the P2W vendor...  No.

Not to mention "lack" of inf and XP is not what's stopping people from playing Redside - it's the general dreariness of the zones.  This was a problem on Live too.

1 hour ago, Raught19 said:

See I've found the opposite, I run into "Heroes" all the time who are only Heroes because its impossible to find groups on the Villain side. and when they do see a group open, they can be too lazy to travel to Pocket D. 

I don't see an Inf and XP bonus every three or five missions changing this.

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Random incentivizing idea: add a few more things into, or similar to, the Weekly Strike Target approach. In addition to taskforces, maybe on randomized/rotating schedule add in specific or general redside/blueside/goldside arcs, have them double merits or a reward merit per mission, that sort of thing.

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12 hours ago, Apparition said:

Most of the people that I know that don't play red side refuse to do so because they want to be the hero and doing red side missions and SFs make them feel icky. 

I wonder about that, actually.  I see so many bios demons out to destroy the world, and such, hanging out in Atlas Park...

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I remember running some blueside DFBs with a couple demons who kept spouting about how they'd destroy the world and enslave its people... Right after they were done consuming coopious amounts of delicious Earth food and pop culture.


Just a product of how MMOs typically go. People looking for social interaction or at least teammates will flock to where they Are already, leaving low populations low.

Edited by HelBlaiz
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