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The Mastermind Wishlist: Completed, Uncut, and En Masse

Enhancement Extension: For the below, assume the ATO def/res aura's will be installed into Supremacy scaling up to level 50.  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. What Changes to MM ATO's would you prefer?

    • None, fine as are.
    • Change the Aura's into damage procs
    • Change the Aura's into debuff procs
    • Change the Aura's into pet debuff res procs
    • Allow to be slotted into attacking primary powers
    • Do not prefer any listed suggestions.
  2. 2. What Changes to existing MM Aura procs would you prefer?

    • None, fine as are.
    • Change auras into damage procs
    • Change auras into debuff procs
    • Change auras into pet debuff res procs
    • Include damage proc
    • Include a debuff proc
    • Include a debuff res proc
    • Do not prefer any listed suggestions.
  3. 3. What Mastermind IO's would you like to see added?

    • None, fine as are.
    • Posting suggestion in the thread!

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I would love a simple tic box where we can opt to disable certain MM pet powers - if I don't want my Commando to use full auto, but still want him to have access to the other 2nd upgrade powers, that should be my call to make.  I'd also love to see supremacy grant my pets increased benefit from my secondary set.

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Beyond figuring out a way for MMs without a mini-pet to slot the auras without wasting primary pet slots, I would like those debuff type procs, any type, mix it up, but not at the cost of the protection aura part.  Add, not replace.


Granted survivability is pretty strong for everyone at incarnate.  I have a tricked out regen scrapper for damage, and she can tank four monsters on monster isle no problem.

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