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Focused Feedback: Mastermind Henchmen AI Updates (Release Candidates)

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Mastermind Henchmen AI Updates

  • Melee Mastermind Henchmen set to Go To are now free to move within a 30' radius of the selected position in order to attack foes.
  • Ranged Mastermind Henchmen set to Go To are now free to move within a 5' radius of the selected position in order to attack foes.
  • Mastermind Henchmen set to Go To strongly prefer targets closer to the location they are supposed to be guarding.
  • When Mastermind pets are teleported to their owner due to being out of range, they now now reset their orders to Follow to avoid odd Stay/Goto behavior.
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  • Jimmy changed the title to Focused Feedback: Mastermind Henchmen AI Updates (Release Candidates)

OK, was just farting around on Brainstorm with my boys...  and the leash does not appear to be as short as it should be.


Here's the initial position using a GOTO command.


And here's how far they moved after being told to attack a mob.

Mea Culpa - I thought I had tested it earlier, turns out I hadn't.

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22 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

And here's how far they moved after being told to attack a mob.

Told to attack a mob how? If you gave an attack order, that takes them out of Goto mode. They also have no leash at all when told to attack a specific enemy.

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2 minutes ago, Number Six said:

Told to attack a mob how? If you gave an attack order, that takes them out of Goto mode. They also have no leash at all when told to attack a specific enemy.

I didn't understand it worked like that...  To my way of thinking the only thing that should alter a movement command would be another movement command.  (Which would probably break other things.)

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Movement commands aren't a specific thing. Pet commands come in only two kinds, stances (Aggressive, defensive or passive) and orders (Attack, follow, goto or stay.) Giving a command in either category will always override any previously given command.

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2 hours ago, General Idiot said:

Movement commands aren't a specific thing. Pet commands come in only two kinds, stances (Aggressive, defensive or passive) and orders (Attack, follow, goto or stay.) Giving a command in either category will always override any previously given command.

I guess I never understood quite how the interacted before...  Learn something new every day.

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2 hours ago, Rumahu said:

Any news regarding getting rid of the follow-mode idle?

Video [39 seconds] Here:


See stance in pet menu

From what I can tell, you have them in defensive follow (bodyguard mode.)  After the goto command this seems to reset them and if you watch, they wait until you or they are attacked again.  This doesn't seem like a bug, but perhaps test it with them on attack aggressive instead.  It would be nice if it didn't reset their AI and perhaps that can be improved so that they do not forget their attack on defensive targets - but I believe they are just following orders according to your footage.

image.png.440bd3ba66421192ca1fb954c5d313c2.pngspacer.pngFlint Eastwood

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11 minutes ago, JayboH said:

From what I can tell, you have them in defensive follow (bodyguard mode.)  After the goto command this seems to reset them and if you watch, they wait until you or they are attacked again.  This doesn't seem like a bug, but perhaps test it with them on attack aggressive instead.  It would be nice if it didn't reset their AI and perhaps that can be improved so that they do not forget their attack on defensive targets - but I believe they are just following orders according to your footage.

They were actively getting shot at for a couple seconds multiple times in the video while in defensive follow, and goto properly resets them, yup!


The point of this was to highlight that there IS a delay on responding when switched into follow, as highlighted by the footage. The goal of that video was to try to make the ai simply lock up and do nothing because the idling itself exists.

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