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The Cel shading setting in the current client


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Has anyone else found this?  It turns on cell shading and makes the game look AMAZING...It was experimental at the time but newer video cards should do this with ease...check out the screenies! 

The settings to turn it on is in the graphics settings tab under experimental section and there are a few sliders to configure. 





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I do like the options, and it has a fair amount of customization. I turned the filters down a fair bit because it was doing wacky stuff to auras and reflective surface like metal and water.  It certainly looks better than CO's cell shading effect, which amuses me since that game was build with it in mind, but if find CO's outlines and edge seeking way to aggressive and it's gross looking. CoH's new version can be reigned in to just a nice "pop" to all the geometry without getting too overboard

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I turn the filters off and just use the outline effect. I have a hard time reading really "busy"-looking environments, like the inside of the layer-cake caves. The hard outline lets me see where one rock ends and where empty space begins instead of it all just melding into one rock-like object.

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