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Suggestion: Allow us to select content level

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Is this possible? I have absolutely no idea. What am I suggesting?


I'm suggesting a new option where we select our contents levels. Currently, we have notoriety. That's awesome, and I love it, but that doesn't stop old content from being 100% unused. 


I'm suggesting that we have, instead of notoriety, a window that selects level 1-54. 


What would this open up? A level 50 mission team in atlas park, doing actual mission arcs at level 50. Level 50 frostfire? Yep. Level 50 Doc Delilah arc? Yep. Literally all villain arcs that very few people have seen since live? Hell yes. Level 50 positron, citadel, manticore etc TFs? Shut up and take my money!


Yes, I understand people can just play it as low levels. Yes, I understand that stuff exists in ouroboros... but it's not the same. However most people playing don't want to do that. Most people want to be able to play their character the way it was meant to be (in their eyes) which is at 50 with their full range of powers... and rightfully so if they're RPing!


I, personally, think this would be just one tiny step in seeing people play content in zones not named peregrine island or rikti war zone on a more regular basis.


Possible? Dunno, but I think it would be incredibly neat. 

Edited by Pizzamurai
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Ouroboros was said to be a concession for players who wanted to play missed content on high level characters.  Whether that was a concession for technical reasons, or because the development philosophy on the Legacy game was still for-profit and they wanted to encourage time sinks, I do not know.  All the same, I'm all-for more options for players to cater their playing experience to their own personal tastes (of course, with the caveat that their preference doesn't negatively impact other players, et cetera).


I don't know the technical limitations which might hinder this idea, but if it's feasible, I'm for it.

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The immediate problem would be that not all enemies scale up to 50. A hellion is very limited in their powers and even if his stats were boosted he'd still be a total walkover compared to a real level 50 mob. There would have to be quite a bit of enemy redesign to get this idea to work.

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34 minutes ago, parabola said:

The immediate problem would be that not all enemies scale up to 50. A hellion is very limited in their powers and even if his stats were boosted he'd still be a total walkover compared to a real level 50 mob. There would have to be quite a bit of enemy redesign to get this idea to work.

This is indeed an issue. You can see it in the AE mob groups where many of what look the same are actually different mobs with distinct level bands because at higher levels they need more powers to stand a chance against players.


One of the reasons that Praetoria is so hard is that their mobs are all basically given the powers appropriate to a level 20 mob even when you’re fighting them at level 2 (the ones that turn up again in First and Night Ward content from 20-35 are significantly easier to handle because you now have appropriate tools to handle them).

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47 minutes ago, parabola said:

The immediate problem would be that not all enemies scale up to 50. A hellion is very limited in their powers and even if his stats were boosted he'd still be a total walkover compared to a real level 50 mob. There would have to be quite a bit of enemy redesign to get this idea to work.

That's true. Can't think it would be -too- hard to add powers to a mob though. It's not like we have thousands of variants of enemies. 

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I just wish Contacts had their maximum level removed while exemplaring players down ONLY inside door missions. This would allow players to progress through content and not have to commit to an entire Ouroboros arc missing whatever teaming opportunities that come along. Could also make for fun team-content building as your team is also not locked inside a Task Force like Ouroboros.

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As well intentioned as this idea is, I'm sorry, I must vote no.


Why? The time investment would be immense, not even discussing issues like enemy scalability or the fact this would make the game environment even less MMo and more "mobile arena."



Edited by SwitchFade
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1 hour ago, SwitchFade said:

As well intentioned as this idea is, I'm sorry, I must vote no.


Why? The time investment would be immense, not even discussing issues like enemy scalability or the fact this would make the game environment even less MMo and more "mobile arena."



Could you elaborate on mobile arena? I'm not even sure what that is supposed to mean. 

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7 hours ago, Pizzamurai said:

That's true. Can't think it would be -too- hard to add powers to a mob though. It's not like we have thousands of variants of enemies.

Filling in the data wouldn't be difficult per se, you just need to fill in the appropriate data (each mob has a specific name/costume/exp grant) defined individually from level 1-50. The powers table is shared across all levels and simply notes which levels they should have which powers.


From a game balance and content issue, it would probably feel less than stellar. Low level groups would have pretty lackluster abilities when leveled up, and high level groups (especially 40+ and incarnate) would probably flatten lower level characters. You'd have to go through (again per individual mob not group) and figure out what powers they should have at which levels, which might necessitate creating more appropriate powers since a lot of NPCs don't use player powers. I'm not surprised the original devs chose Ouro as a compromise, as that's a much cleaner way of addressing the issue without introducing what's essentially a huge new amount of content and balancing issues.


I would love it if we could do easy, on-the-fly level scaling without using sidekick/Ouro, that was one of the things I loved about Guild Wars 2... but going through and updating all 7,000 villain defs sounds like it would be a lot of unfun busy work for someone. 😧

"We're out of options, I'll have to use the jetpack," I said, strapping on the jetpack and ignoring the many non-jetpack options still left.

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59 minutes ago, RubyRed said:

 and high level groups (especially 40+ and incarnate) would probably flatten lower level characters.😧

... apparently can't trim smileys. Huh.


And yeah, there's no "probably" here. We have "scaling" mobs during events and... they don't scale. Rikti invasion in Kings Row? Better hope there are high level characters around. Your level 7 doesn't stand a chance.

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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