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Torn on what to run


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16 minutes ago, WitchofDread said:

Hmmm do we know the significance of the nerfs?

This is after the next patch


Dark Miasma

  • The following powers were using Defender modifiers, they have been fixed to use their own AT modifiers
    • Controller > Darkness Affinity > Twilight Grasp
    • Controller > Darkness Affinity > Tar Patch
    • Corruptor > Dark Miasma > Twilight Grasp
    • Corruptor > Dark Miasma > Tar Patch
    • Mastermind  > Dark Miasma > Twilight Grasp
    • Mastermind  > Dark Miasma > Tar Patch
    • Pets > Dark Servant > Twilight Grasp
    • Incarnate > Lore > Demons > Support > Twilight Grasp
    • Incarnate > Lore > Vanguard > Support > Twilight Grasp
    • Mission Maker > Dark Miasma > Twilight Grasp
    • Signature Summons > Ghost Widow > Twilight Grasp
  • All versions of Twilight Grasp
    • Accuracy increased from 1.0x to 1.2x
    • Powers
    • The following powers now ignore outside buffs (they all provide enhanceable resistance and should've always ignored buffs)
      • Controller > Darkness Affinity > Fade
Edited by JayboH

image.png.440bd3ba66421192ca1fb954c5d313c2.pngspacer.pngFlint Eastwood

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2 hours ago, WitchofDread said:

Ah ok nothing major then

The acc change is actually quite big.


A couple people really hated the Tar Patch nerf - I think they said it went from -30 to 22.something in resist debuffs

image.png.440bd3ba66421192ca1fb954c5d313c2.pngspacer.pngFlint Eastwood

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6 hours ago, WitchofDread said:

Im REALLY torn on what to run from the below:


Grav/time/primal or Psi

I'm currently attempting to complete the composition of explanation for [v3.0] of my Gravity/Time builds that now enables inclusion of Primal Mastery for Power Boost.  The build itself is done, it's just the WALL OF TEXT CRITS YOU!!! explainer for all kinds of tricks and synergies inside the build that is taking so long.


I recommend Gravity/Time/Primal. 

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Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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1 hour ago, WitchofDread said:

If we are talking damage does /dark offer more over Time for the -regen aspect of Howling Twilight or does it go more towards Time for Distortion Field?

That's a "too many variables" question.  It kind of depends on the entirety of the build and the orientation of your investment of slots within it.  The answer(s) change when the primary powersets change, depending on the synergies with a LOT of other variables ... not the least of which is your preferred tactics and strategies of engagement.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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Both /Dark and /Time are strong secondaries, but if you're trying to crack hard targets, I think /Dark wins out.  Every power except Black Hole makes your character/whole team more effective.  Howling Twilight is still one of the best ST debuffs in the game, Twilight Grasp is a rapid-fire AoE heal that hits for a significant amount of HP *and* packs decent debuffs along with it, and Soul Absorption can amp the team's regen right when they need it most.  Dark Servant adds to your DPS and survivability, and Shadow Fall/Fade can shore up your raw +Def quickly.  


Don't get me wrong, I love the /Time secondary for soloing/normal content, but when you get it rolling you realize its constituent powers are not nearly as complementary as those in /Dark.  Plus, /Time has this Rube Goldberg thing going on, where if you lead with Time Crawl then everything else in /Time gets better but Time Crawl is a lousy opener and right around the time you've hit with all the various powers you need to and go to throw Slowed Response on something, streakbreaker kicks in and you've just wasted like 6 clicks worth of combat.  


And just my 2c, but until they nerf Seismic Smash, there is no better Epic for a controller than Stone Mastery, especially if you have a primary (AND secondary) with very few skippables.  Maybe I am getting this quote wrong, but the power to boost your secondary effects for 15s out of every 30 is insignificant next to the ability to destroy a planet every 12s.  

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People are also focusing on the secondaries, but Grav has a much better ST attack chain and Elec is on the lower damage side. It is proc friendly, but I'm not sure if that translates well enough into being something built for AVs and more so compared to something which out of the box has an effective ST attack chain.


Oh, and if you think end drain is going to save you against AVs, well, I got news for you. It won't.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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Whether it will be enough to take on an AV is going to be debatable. 


@Sir Myshkinmanaged a time of around 4 minutes against a pylon with a elec/dark/primal so its absolutely do able. 


I hadnt even considered the -end aspect tbh especially against an AV so I'm not fussed.


Whilst Grav does have a much better ST rotation and dmg it has no aoe which would limit or at least slow progress in the other areas of the game

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4 hours ago, WitchofDread said:

Whilst Grav does have a much better ST rotation and dmg it has no aoe

My new Gravity/Time/Primal build takes on that assumption and ... does violence to it ... 💫

Distortion Field, Slowed Response and Energy Torrent are the keys to adding AoE damage output to the otherwise AoE damage-less Gravity Control.

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Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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