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Cross-posting this here since it would seem to be relevant to the interests of all Kheldians.

And yes, I want this available (here) for my own build research efforts.  Why do you ask?


  On 4/11/2020 at 11:59 PM, Redlynne said:
  On 4/11/2020 at 10:47 PM, Galaxy Brain said:

Just a note, you need 234% recharge to perma light form.


That's assuming you've only got "permanent" recharge buffs helping you get there and no Force Feedback procs.


Light Form is a 300s recharge on a 90s duration.

300 / 90 = 3.3334 = +233.34% recharge buffing from all sources to perma.


However, each Force Feedback proc (functionally) applies a -5 to the 300 before dividing by 90 in order to compute recharge needed.  You can then generate a matrix of possibilities for how many Force Feedback procs are needed within the 90s duration to be able to perma Light Form so as to "close the perma gap" due to insufficient recharge.  Note that since it is not possible to get Force Feedback to (usefully) proc more often than once per 5 seconds, there is a theoretical upper limit of 18 Force Feedback procs per 90s that can make a useful difference in how quickly Light Form recharges.


Number of Force Feedback procs per 90s to make Light Form perma at various total recharge values from all sources:

  1. (300 - (1 * 5)) / 90 = 3.2778 = +227.78%
  2. (300 - (2 * 5)) / 90 = 3.2222 = +222.22%
  3. (300 - (3 * 5)) / 90 = 3.1667 = +216.67% (note: this means 1 Force Feedback proc every ~30s on average every 90s, which is pathetically easy to achieve)
  4. (300 - (4 * 5)) / 90 = 3.1111 = +211.11%
  5. (300 - (5 * 5)) / 90 = 3.0556 = +205.56%
  6. (300 - (6 * 5)) / 90 = 3.0000 = +200.00% (note: this means 1 Force Feedback proc every ~15s on average every 90s, which ought to be routinely achievable)
  7. (300 - (7 * 5)) / 90 = 2.9444 = +194.44%
  8. (300 - (8 * 5)) / 90 = 2.8889 = +188.89%
  9. (300 - (9 * 5)) / 90 = 2.8333 = +183.33% (note: this means 1 Force Feedback proc every ~10s on average every 90s, which can be difficult to sustain)
  10. (300 - (10 * 5)) / 90 = 2.7778 = +177.78%
  11. (300 - (11 * 5)) / 90 = 2.7222 = +172.22%
  12. (300 - (12 * 5)) / 90 = 2.6667 = +166.67%
  13. (300 - (13 * 5)) / 90 = 2.6111 = +161.11%
  14. (300 - (14 * 5)) / 90 = 2.5556 = +155.56%
  15. (300 - (15 * 5)) / 90 = 2.5000 = +150.00%
  16. (300 - (16 * 5)) / 90 = 2.4444 = +144.44%
  17. (300 - (17 * 5)) / 90 = 2.3889 = +138.89%
  18. (300 - (18 * 5)) / 90 = 2.3333 = +133.33%

Since Light Form is a minimum Level 38 power, it can only be accessed at Exemplar Levels 33+ ... and the Scaling Modifiers for enhancement levels does not begin to drop until reaching Level 1-31.  This means that if you slot 50+5 IOs into Light Form then Light Form will ALWAYS gain the benefit of the maximum enhancement value at all Exemplar Levels relevant to Light Form (because you lose access to the power before getting low enough to start losing enhancement value).  So don't attune frankenslots in Light Form/Eclipse (unless if you're slotting for set bonuses) ... boost them!


Light Form can be 3-slotted with Resistance/Recharge set IOs from Titanium Coating, Aegis and Unbreakable Guard for +94.56% recharge enhancement and 81.81% Resistance (just shy of the 85% cap).  With an additional +105.44% global recharge from set bonuses (so total +200% recharge on Light Form) you would only need 6 Force Feedback procs per 90s in order to be able to perma Light Form WITHOUT NEEDING HASTEN.  Being able to rack up 6 Force Feedback procs within 90s sounds like a reasonable assumption when using AoE attacks with Force Feedback procs slotted into them.




And yes, you better believe that this analysis is making me question my slotting priorities for my own Kheldian builds (Peacebringer in particular!) since if I can manage to pull Hasten OUT of my Kheldian builds and still have an expectation of being able to perma Light Form/Eclipse I would totally do it.




Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

  On 4/14/2020 at 8:16 PM, dtj714 said:

And the adverse effect on offense is?


You "have to" use powers slotted with Force Feedback procs as often as possible ...?


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

Posted (edited)



Well DAYUM ...




So being a believer in practicing what you preach (it tends to work out better in the longer run) I decided to do a test modification of my Evolving Tri-Form Peacebringer build and tweak it to drop Hasten and move to a maximalist global recharge setup to see if the info I provided in the OP had any validity to it when it came time to actually invest in a build that is supposed to function in a broadly holistic rather than narrow hyper-specialized sense.  The major changes that I made to the previous build were ...

  • Knockback Protection moved from White Dwarf Step to Bright Nova form so as to slot it as early as Level 7 instead of waiting until Level 20.
  • Move Kheldian's Grace from Bright Nova Blast to Radiant Strike and get it slotted up EARLY and slot up Bright Nova Blast with Entropic Chaos for a slight recharge increase over Crushing Impact slotted into Radiant Strike.
  • Remove Hasten.
  • Remove Shining Shield, Thermal Shield and Quantum Shield from the build entirely (which also cost significant Psionic Resistance slotting, as it turns out) so as to move Maneuvers, Tactics and Assault (added!) early into the build and slot up Maneuvers with Reactive Defenses for a large global recharge increase in addition to scaling resistances as HP is lost.  Additional slots for the 6-slotting of Maneuvers (which replaced a 2-slotted Hasten) came from Radiant Strike (1), Solar Flare (1) and Light Form (2) relative to the parent/prior build.
  • Reshuffle of slots and slotting between Solar Flare, Dawn Strike and White Dwarf Flare so as to better leverage the Essence Transfer ATO set in Solar Flare and Dawn Strike (particularly once upgraded to Superior).  The slotting of Solar Flare and Dawn Strike were reshuffled/rebalanced so as to lead into optimal Superior ATO slotting without needing to make changes.
  • Light Form got trimmed down to only 3 slots of 50+5 Resistance/Recharge set IOs, yielding +94.56% (Pre-ED: 99.38%) Recharge Reduction enhancement and +55.84% (Pre-ED: 59.77%) Resistance enhancement.  This yields a throughput of 81.81% Resistance versus All But Psionic from Light Form.
  • Stealth IO moved from Sprint to White Dwarf Step, since the Teleport Stealth IO lasts for 120 seconds, while the Running/Jumping Stealth IOs when slotted into toggle powers (like Sprint) only last for as long as the toggle remains toggled on.  This makes it possible to have some Stealth in Nova and Dwarf forms and "double" Stealth in Human form (requires Stealth power be toggled on plus 120s duration proc from White Dwarf Step).
  • Added Grant Invisibility as a Luck of the Gambler mule power for extra global recharge boosting.
  • Added Victory Rush.
    • Underlings, turrets: +5% recovery, 2.5% endurance discount, 120s duration on 300s recharge, only recovery can be enhanced.
    • Minions: +10% recovery, 5% endurance discount, 120s duration on 300s recharge, only recovery can be enhanced.
    • Lieutenants: +30% recovery, 15% endurance discount, 120s duration on 300s recharge, only recovery can be enhanced.
    • Bosses: +60% recovery, +30% endurance discount, 120s duration on 300s recharge, only recovery can be enhanced.
    • Elite Bosses: +80% recovery, +40% endurance discount, 120s duration on 300s recharge, only recovery can be enhanced.
    • AVs/GMs: +100% recovery, +50% endurance discount, 120s duration on 300s recharge, only recovery can be enhanced.

All of those changes yielded the following look to the build in leveling (27+31 slotting) and Attuned+Superior 50 versions.






The build .mxd file below will have both versions in it (the Attuned+Superior+Purple 50 is the alternate slots).


The thing that astonishes me about this version of the build is that in the leveling version (pre-Superior and pre-Purple 50) the global recharge adds up to +115%(!!) which I think may be the highest global recharge I've ever been able to cram into a build short of Superior+Purple 50 and Incarnates (note that the build file comes with no Incarnate slots pre-selected).  Flip over to the alternate slotting for the Superior+Purple 50 (and with everything that can be Attuned slotted as Attuned and at max level on the enhancements) and the global recharge adds up to a whopping +132.5%(!!!) ... which is pretty ridiculous for not having any help from Incarnates, which means that there's a net gain of +17.5% global recharge from Catalyzing 11 Kheldian ATO slots to be Superior and adding a mere 10 Purple 50 set IOs (5 Ranged, 5 Melee) on top of everything else.


Light Form has 94.56% Recharge slotted into it, meaning that the total recharge for Light Form is anywhere from +209.56% to +227.06% from slotting and global recharge set bonuses ... without Hasten in the build ... which then puts it into this range for the Force Feedback procs needed to make Light Form perma:

  1. (300 - (1 * 5)) / 90 = 3.2778 = +227.78%
  2. (300 - (2 * 5)) / 90 = 3.2222 = +222.22%
  3. (300 - (3 * 5)) / 90 = 3.1667 = +216.67% (note: this means 1 Force Feedback proc every ~30s on average every 90s, which is pathetically easy to achieve)
  4. (300 - (4 * 5)) / 90 = 3.1111 = +211.11%
  5. (300 - (5 * 5)) / 90 = 3.0556 = +205.56%


So with all of the slots in the build ... pre-Superior+Purple 50 ... you need 5 Force Feedback procs per 90s (1 per ~18s) on average in order to perma Light Form.

With full Superior+Purple 50 slotting ... you need  only 1 Force Feedback proc per 90s in order to perma Light Form.



As for Essence Boost ... pre-Superior+Purple 50, you need 7 Force Feedback procs per 120s (1 per ~17s) on average in order to perma Essence Boost.

With full Superior+Purple 50 slotting ... you need only 2 Force Feedback procs per 120s (1 per ~60s) on average in order to perma Essence Boost.



And then there's Inner Light ... pre-Superior+Purple 50, you need 2 Force Feedback procs per 30s (1 per ~15s) on average in order to perma Inner Light.

With full Superior+Purple 50 slotting ... you need only 1 Force Feedback proc per 30s in order to perma Inner Light.




And where are the Force Feedback procs found in this build?

  • Solar Flare (15 ft PBAoE)
  • Bright Nova Detonation (15ft Target AoE)
  • White Dwarf Flare (15ft PBAoE)

So all you need to do is ... use one of these AoE attacks (and there's one in each form!) and you should be able to score enough Force Feedback procs to be able to perma Light Form, Essence Boost and Inner Light with relative ease, since all three of these attacks have an animation+recharge time of ~10s or less, which then gives sufficient margin to be able to score Force Feedback procs every 15-18 seconds (on average) with relatively little fuss.




So yes ... it is quite possible to create a Tri-form Peacebringer build that does not need Hasten in order to achieve perma status for its 3 longest recharge powers of consequence ... Light Form, Essence Boost and Inner Light.  I wouldn't necessarily say that the details of this build will be to EVERYONE'S taste, but I'm now seriously thinking of doing this No Hasten Needed build for my own Peacebringer, rather than the previous Evolving Tri-form Peacebringer build that I posted just last November.  So ... I guess ... welcome to v4.0 of my Tri-form Peacebringer builds?









Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


Level 50 Natural Peacebringer
Primary Power Set: Luminous Blast
Secondary Power Set: Luminous Aura

Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Concealment

Hero Profile:

  Reveal hidden contents


Set Bonus Totals:

  Reveal hidden contents

Set Bonuses:

  Reveal hidden contents





Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


Level 50 Natural Peacebringer
Primary Power Set: Luminous Blast
Secondary Power Set: Luminous Aura

Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Concealment


Hero Profile:

  Reveal hidden contents


Set Bonus Totals:

  Reveal hidden contents

Set Bonuses:

  Reveal hidden contents


Peacebringer - Luminous Blast - Luminous Aura.mxdFetching info...

Edited by Redlynne


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

  On 4/14/2020 at 11:11 PM, Redlynne said:

You "have to" use powers slotted with Force Feedback procs as often as possible ...?


Ok, and you have to be fighting consistently enough to maintain the boost from FF. That’s not necessarily going to happen, so there’s likely going to be gaps. But that’s not specifically on the offensive side. 

On that side, the longer a power’s recharge, the more likely it is to average out the proc benefits. So the impact on attacks, with their short recharges, will be more variable.  You’d have to closely watch the procs in order to maximize attack use, and in short fights, I suppose it’s theoretically possible to receive no benefits from FF.


Personally, I’d rather have the consistency and on-demand benefit that hasten provides. Is it really worth it to go through all this trouble to eliminate one power choice and two slots? I’m no mathematician, so maybe I’m just missing something.

  On 4/17/2020 at 7:07 PM, dtj714 said:

Ok, and you have to be fighting consistently enough to maintain the boost from FF. That’s not necessarily going to happen, so there’s likely going to be gaps.


There CAN be gaps, yes, if there isn't enough combat going on.  But then again, how much of a gap?  Well, in practice ... at worst ... with a fully slotted leveling build the gap would be ... 6.91s ... when there's (by definition) no combat at all going on for the previous 90 seconds for Light Form.  For the Superior+Purple 50 alternate slotting, the gap would be ... 1.73s ... when there's (by definition) no combat at all going on for the previous 90 seconds for Light Form.  Those would be the only conditions where Force Feedback procs simply could not happen (at all) ... and if you're not in constant combat, how necessary is it to close that gap to be absolutely perma?


Short of that, you'd need intermittent combat where you can't manage to get either 5 or 1 Force Feedback Procs from any one of 3 AoE powers (one in each form) during 90s of intermittent combat depending on how Superior/Purple 50 your slotting is, with respect to Light Form.  So it's not like you have to fight in Human form ONLY in order to get the Force Feedback procs you "need" to close the gap on Light Form.


Now, on the way up while leveling from 38 to 50, the problem is going to be more acute than that, because you won't have all of your slots and enhancements (and therefore set bonuses yet) ... but that's not a permanent state of affairs (since you're still leveling, right?).  Eventually you'll get past that and settle into the 50 build posture where that becomes a non-issue.


So long as you're willing to accept that Light Form is perma when you need it to be (plentiful combat) and isn't when you don't need it to be (just standing around with no combat going on), it works out just fine.

  On 4/17/2020 at 7:07 PM, dtj714 said:

Is it really worth it to go through all this trouble to eliminate one power choice and two slots?


Considering how absurdly TIGHT on slots most Tri-form Peacebringer builds are ... I'd say yes.  I mean, we're talking about a gap of less than 7 seconds on Light Form under conditions of light to no combat per 90s when no Force Feedback procs happen, versus a power pick that takes a slot I haven't got "loose" to dedicate to that purpose.


But then, it's a value judgement as to whether or not it's worth it to you.  I just wanted to demonstrate what the trade off involves so people can make their own value judgements.


For me, the big advantage is being able to put Light Form on autofire and not needing to even worry about Hasten at all.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

  • 3 weeks later

Okay, this has gotten REALLY SCARY ...




So you can see the test Peacebringer build I made above, just to demo the concept and check to see if it had any validity to it ... that it would be possible to "close the perma gap" without needing to resort to Hasten for Light Form.  The answer the came back from actually creating the build was ... YES ... it CAN be done.


With that proof of concept tested, I wanted to see if it was possible to "proliferate" the idea behind the No Hasten™ build (although cross-pollinate might be a better term of art) into my preferred build for a Warshade so as to achieve perma Eclipse ... and to make a long story short, I can get CLOSE to the global recharge of a Peacebringer, but can't quite manage to get all the way there with a Warshade.  Part of the difference is that, as people like to point out, Peacebringers are more "self-contained" and in this instance, for this application of build planning, that is very VERY true!  For one thing, Peacebringers have a lot more powers that can do (and therefore be slotted for) Knockback, meaning it's a lot easier to find places to slot in a Force Feedback proc.  Also, my preferences for building a Peacebringer allows me to put the same number of slots into fewer Human form powers, meaning that the "slot density" of Human form powers is higher on those powers that receive additional slots.  By contrast, however, my preferences for building a Warshade result in more Human form powers wanting slots, meaning it's harder to make them stretch.


To give an illustration of the point I'm trying to make here, this is the kind of slot distribution I'm looking at vis-a-vis Peacebringer vs Warshade in terms of "balancing" where the additional slots go ...



Human form (+33 slots): +1 slot = 1 power ... +2 slots = 1 power ... +4 slots = 5 powers ... +5 slots = 2 powers

Inherents (+4 slots): +2 slots = 2 powers

Nova form (+12 slots): +3 slots = 1 power ... +4 slots = 1 power ... +5 slots = 1 power

Dwarf form (+18 slots): +4 slots = 2 powers ... + 5 slots = 2 powers



Human form (+34 slots): +1 slot = 1 power ... +2 slots = 1 power ... +3 slots = 2 powers ... +4 slots = 5 powers ... +5 slots = 1 power

Inherents (+4 slots): +2 slots = 2 powers

Nova form (+12 slots): +3 slots = 1 power ... +4 slots = 1 power ... +5 slots = 1 power

Dwarf form (+17 slots): +4 slots = 3 powers ... + 5 slots = 1 power


This is an important point because aside from the Essence Transfer Kheldian ATO set, the only place to obtain global recharge set bonuses are from 5 or 6 slotted sets and/or from the Luck of the Gambler global recharge set IO.  Also, as you can see in both cases I'm spending almost exactly HALF (either 33 or 34) of my additional slots on Human form powers, out of a total of 67 additional slots to invest in the build overall ... with the remaining other half of those slots going to Inherent powers (Health and Stamina specifically) as well as Nova and Dwarf forms, so reasonably "well balanced" between the different forms.


The challenge though is figuring out a way to build as much global recharge as (in)humanly possible into the build(s) so as to be able to skip Hasten and then rely on Force Feedback procs in order to "fill the gap" left over.  The objective is to get as close as possible to +233.34% total recharge from all sources (slotted, global and incarnate) in order to require as few Force Feedback procs per 90s so as to be able to perma Light Form or Eclipse.  Realistically speaking, with a frankenslotting method of 3x 50+5 Resistance/Recharge set IOs you're limited to getting only +94.56% recharge enhancement on Light Form/Eclipse itself, meaning the goal is to somehow try and get as close as possible to +138.78% from global recharge sources WITHOUT needing to resort to use of Incarnate slotting to make up the difference ... since the idea is to use Force Feedback procs to "close the perma gap" for you.




So, just to be clear, the goal is to get as close to +138.78% global recharge as possible, and it's okay to fall a LITTLE bit short of that goal.


In the build I posted above, I was able to get a Peacebringer build to +115% global recharge while leveling ... and peaking at +132.5% when "finished out" with Superior and Purple 50 slotting.

So the build was gaining an extra +17.5% global recharge enhancement from Superior plus Purple 50 slotting.  Mind you, this is with no Incarnate slotting at all.




I then tried to replicate that performance with my Warshade build and ... the results were nowhere NEAR as promising (at first...).


Going pretty much all out, I was able to push the Warshade build to a (for me) incredible +97.5% global recharge while leveling performance, which compared to the Peacebringer was pretty anemic (being a full +17.5% behind the Peacebringer).  Two factors conspired to impose this (seemingly) much lower total of global recharge.  One is that on the Peacebringer I could 6 slot the Reactive Defenses AND Preventative Medicine sets on the Peacebringer build without compromising slotting for the overall build as a whole.  The other was that on the Warshade there is a 6th set bonus for +6.25% global recharge that is being "wasted" courtesy of the Rule Of Five™ but which is "preferable" to do in order to be positioned well to transition from the leveling build into the Superior and Purple 50 "end state" slotting.


The Warshade build, however, was able to achieve an astounding (to me, anyway) maximal performance of +122.5% global recharge enhancement when finalized into Superior and Purple 50 slotting, but still without including any Incarnate slots.  That's a full +25% global recharge GAIN when glowing out of the leveling build into the Superior and Purple 50 "final" endgame build!


Even better yet, I figured out a new slotting trick on my Warshade build that I was able to cross-pollinate back into my Peacebringer build, causing the Peacebringer global recharge numbers to move from +115% to +132.5% as shown above ... to instead become +115% to a phenomenal +133.75% when including that slight tweak to the Peacebringer build, a new increase of +18.75% compared to the +25% gain seen on the Warshade build.




So, to recap ... I've worked out builds where a Peacebringer can get up to +133.75% global recharge bonuses (without Incarnate slotting) and a Warshade can get up to +122.5% global recharge slotting (without Incarnate slotting) ... while having a Force Feedback proc in each of the three forms, so you don't have to be in the "right" form in order to accrue Force Feedback procs.


And remember, the goal was to get as close as possible to +138.78% global recharge.

With Superior and Purple 50 slotting the (updated but not yet posted) Peacebringer build falls a mere +5.03% global recharge short of the goal ... which Force Feedback procs can EASILY make up the difference for.  The Warshade build fashioned along the same lines falls +16.28% global recharge short of the goal ... but again, a few Force Feedback procs can EASILY make up the difference, although it does take more Force Feedback procs on the Warshade than it does on the Peacebringer to achieve that result (because the "gap" is smaller for the Peacebringer build).  Still, the difference between needing 1 Force Feedback proc (Peacebringer) versus needing 3 Force Feedback procs (Warshade) within 90s in order to perma Light Form/Eclipse is almost a moot point, since both builds do manage (with Superior and Purple 50 slotting) to get "close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades" (so to speak) so as to make this all work.




So I was expecting the Peacebringer build to be the winner on the global recharge side of things from the start, and it certainly did not disappoint on that score.


What I was NOT expecting to see was the differential in global damage bonus for the two builds.


The Peacebringer goes from a relatively anemic +15% global damage set bonus while leveling to a +21.5% global damage set bonus when slotted with Superior and Purple 50 enhancements.  So a slight gain (+6.5%) but not a tremendous bump in power ... basically a "free" DO worth of extra damage to every damaging power.


The Warshade, by contrast, goes from a healthy +24% global damage set bonus while leveling to a robust +30.5% global damage set bonus when slotted with Superior and Purple 50 enhancements.  This is, again, only a slight gain (+6.5%) but it somehow FEELS more impactful, in part because that's verging on adding a "free" SO worth of extra damage to every damaging power.  It also means that the Warshade build is (as advertised) a WARSHADE that can dish out some pretty respectable damage before stacking on even more buffs.




Anyway, it's going to be a few days before I can get the builds "finalized" in the build planner (need to sort the slots and take screencaps and compute proc chances and all that jazz) but I might be able to start posting them either this weekend or sometime next week as time allows for me to work on getting the builds "forum post" ready to publish.


Just wanted to mention.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

Posted (edited)

I found that 130 is the number to hit if you slot Eclipse/Lightform for recharge. If you get to 122.5 you can get perma with an alpha slot.

Attached is my work-in-progress Warshade build:

  Reveal hidden contents



Edited by Zepp

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation

  On 5/7/2020 at 1:36 PM, Zepp said:

I found that 130 is the number to hit if you slot Eclipse/Lightform for recharge. If you get to 122.5 you can get perma with an alpha slot.


The build(s) that I'm using rely on using 3x Resistance/Recharge 50+5 boosted set IOs (Titanium Coating, Aegis, Unbreakable guard).  The Warshade adds a 4th slot for a common 50+5 Accuracy IO so Eclipse won't MISS $Targets.  But that slotting provides +94.56% Recharge (Pre-ED: 99.38%) as well as +55.84% Resistance (Pre-ED: 59.77%).


I can easily imagine that if you slot for more than Pre-ED: 100% you can bring the global recharge number down below the amount I was calculating above ... but that's not the slotting I'm using so that's why I'm building slightly differently.


Here's the math I'm using, by the way.

As a matter of usage, I'm simply adding +94.56% from the enhancement slotting on Light Form/Eclipse and then adding global recharge to it and compare it to the chart below to figure out how many Force Feedback procs are needed to get Light Form/Eclipse to recharge in 90s or less.


Peacebringer = 94.56+133.75 = +228.31%

Warshade = 94.56+122.5 = +217.06%


Comparing that to the chart below, the number of Force Feedback procs required is checking the above totals and then go DOWN the chart until you get a recharge total BELOW the above number ... and then cross reference how many Force Feedback procs that needs to close the "gap" in recharge.


So for Peacebringer, +228.31% is just above the +227.78% breakpoint ... meaning you need only 1 Force Feedback proc per 90s to accelerate recharge of Light Form to be faster than the 90s duration of Light Form.


For Warshade, +217.06% is just above the +216.67% breakpoint ... meaning you only need 3 Force Feedback procs per 90s to accelerate recharge of Eclipse to be faster than the 90s duration of Eclipse.

  On 4/12/2020 at 12:12 AM, Redlynne said:

Light Form is a 300s recharge on a 90s duration.

300 / 90 = 3.3334 = +233.34% recharge buffing from all sources to perma.


However, each Force Feedback proc (functionally) applies a -5 to the 300 before dividing by 90 in order to compute recharge needed.  You can then generate a matrix of possibilities for how many Force Feedback procs are needed within the 90s duration to be able to perma Light Form so as to "close the perma gap" due to insufficient recharge.  Note that since it is not possible to get Force Feedback to (usefully) proc more often than once per 5 seconds, there is a theoretical upper limit of 18 Force Feedback procs per 90s that can make a useful difference in how quickly Light Form recharges.


Number of Force Feedback procs per 90s to make Light Form perma at various total recharge values from all sources:

  1. (300 - (1 * 5)) / 90 = 3.2778 = +227.78%
  2. (300 - (2 * 5)) / 90 = 3.2222 = +222.22%
  3. (300 - (3 * 5)) / 90 = 3.1667 = +216.67% (note: this means 1 Force Feedback proc every ~30s on average every 90s, which is pathetically easy to achieve)
  4. (300 - (4 * 5)) / 90 = 3.1111 = +211.11%
  5. (300 - (5 * 5)) / 90 = 3.0556 = +205.56%
  6. (300 - (6 * 5)) / 90 = 3.0000 = +200.00% (note: this means 1 Force Feedback proc every ~15s on average every 90s, which ought to be routinely achievable)
  7. (300 - (7 * 5)) / 90 = 2.9444 = +194.44%
  8. (300 - (8 * 5)) / 90 = 2.8889 = +188.89%
  9. (300 - (9 * 5)) / 90 = 2.8333 = +183.33% (note: this means 1 Force Feedback proc every ~10s on average every 90s, which can be difficult to sustain)
  10. (300 - (10 * 5)) / 90 = 2.7778 = +177.78%
  11. (300 - (11 * 5)) / 90 = 2.7222 = +172.22%
  12. (300 - (12 * 5)) / 90 = 2.6667 = +166.67%
  13. (300 - (13 * 5)) / 90 = 2.6111 = +161.11%
  14. (300 - (14 * 5)) / 90 = 2.5556 = +155.56%
  15. (300 - (15 * 5)) / 90 = 2.5000 = +150.00%
  16. (300 - (16 * 5)) / 90 = 2.4444 = +144.44%
  17. (300 - (17 * 5)) / 90 = 2.3889 = +138.89%
  18. (300 - (18 * 5)) / 90 = 2.3333 = +133.33%

Since Light Form is a minimum Level 38 power, it can only be accessed at Exemplar Levels 33+ ... and the Scaling Modifiers for enhancement levels does not begin to drop until reaching Level 1-31.


Now, obviously, you can choose Incarnate slotting that will give you even more recharge throughput than I'm talking about above ... but taking that option will also impact the probabilities of proc chances for click powers that have PPM procs slotted into them.  So depending on your priorities, you may want to reserve your Incarnate Alpha slot for something other than recharge enhancement, thereby preserving a diversity of options so as to better fit your personal playstyle preferences as well as character concepts.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

  • 2 weeks later

Oh dear ...  💫




So ever since I settled on the Tri-form Warshade Symbiosis build I posted this past weekend, I've been wondering how applying the same principles would apply that I learned from that experience (caused by the Peacebringer build you can see above) and have been wondering if there was any possible way to increase the global recharge in a Peacebringer build even further than I already have(!)?  In the last couple of days, I've spent something like more than 6 hours messing around with the build planner, checking the enhancement sets to see if they'd be at all useful ... etc. ... and it was only in the past couple of hours that I noticed something and made a breakthrough, by doing something I hadn't even considered at the outset ...


... switching from Melee/Ranged/PBAoE/Target AoE Damage sets to Knockback sets for increased global recharge potential overall.




In the end, I was able to increase global damage by about +6% and global recharge by another +7.5% over and above the previously posted Peacebringer build.  Doing this, however, cost a bit of damage potential in some attacks, since Knockback sets yield lower enhancement values for accuracy/damage/endurance/recharge than straight damage sets.  The problem was ... I was SO CLOSE to not needing Force Feedback procs AT ALL in order to achieve perma Light Form and perma Essence Boost WITHOUT Hasten, and I just needed to squeeze (and squeeze and SQUEEZE!!!!) a little bit more global recharge into the build and I'd be able to dispense with the Force Feedback procs entirely(!!).


In order to accomplish that, I needed to do this or better:

  On 4/12/2020 at 12:12 AM, Redlynne said:

Light Form is a 300s recharge on a 90s duration.

300 / 90 = 3.3334 = +233.34% recharge buffing from all sources to perma.


With +94.56% recharge enhancement slotted into Light Form, that meant I needed a global recharge of +138.78% (or higher!) in order to have Light Form recharge in 90s (or less) so as to not need ANY Force Feedback procs to enable a perma Light Form.


That goal has now been achieved.  🗯️


The Peacebringer build I've been working on wound up weighing in at an almost unthinkable +140% global recharge(!) and +31.5% global damage buffing (so almost on par with the Warshade on global damage buffing!) ... without Hasten and without Incarnate slotting.  It also wound up losing a bunch of damage procs in the process, but the final result not only doesn't have any Force Feedback procs left in it, it also doesn't NEED them either.  The build is also one of the most Exemplar friendly I've ever made, since with Attuned enhancements you'll basically have all of your set bonuses from Levels 22-50(!) because the sets have the following Level ranges:






Spoiler alert ... the 25-40 set is Decimation, which ultimately gets replaced with Apocalypse in the final Superior/Purple 50 iteration.


So basically, the build has "double Hasten ALWAYS ON" just standing around (or dancing in Pocket D) and has "evolved beyond the need" for Force Feedback procs to "close the perma gap" on Light Form and Essence Boost.  Ironically, making this major structural shift wound up creating a big boost to survivability (more Max HP and Max Endurance!) and enabled a couple of other structural changes as well.  As for the "lost damage" that resulted from this change, since Knockback sets don't "saturate" for damage quite the same way that Damage sets do ... the individual powers with Knockback sets did lose some damage on those specific powers, but the increase in global damage buffing "compensated" some for that loss.  In the end, the overall damage of the build is slightly lowered, but the ... distribution ... of damage within the build wound up being skewed in such a way that much of the loss is made up for in other parts of the attack chain due to the higher global damage bonus and higher recharge making attack chains even tighter so as to maximize use of heavy hitting attacks as fast as possible while relying on fewer "filler" attacks.  So on balance, the overall build weighs in somewhat close to "par" on its damage production (there is a slight loss, but it's only slight) while reaping in exchange a VERY RELIABLE and completely self-contained way to achieve perma recharge status on Light Form (under 90s), Essence Boost (under 120s), and very very nearly perma recharge status on Inner Light (30.72s on a 30s duration buff!).




Hopefully I'll have everything sorted and be ready to post by some point this weekend.

Watch this forum (space).


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


So in case it wasn't obvious enough already ... although, with the way that posts get reshuffled when replied to, this could be non-obvious in about 6+ months or so ... I took what I learned from this post and completed two "ultimate recharge" builds for Peacebringer and Warshade.  They can be found here:


[v4.0.0] Tri-form Peacebringer Light Speed

[v4.0.0] Tri-form Warshade Symbiosis


A major difference between the two builds is that the Peacebringer is able to reach perma Light Form without Hasten and without Force Feedback procs(!).

By contrast, the Warshade is able to reach perma Eclipse without Hasten and as few as 4 Force Feedback procs within the 90 second recharge time of Eclipse.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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