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Should have the ability to save and import Base builds

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I think it would be a fantastic idea to enable the ability to save the specs and settings for bases so people could import them later. IMO, it would likely create the opportunity for a community to develop that creates base build templates that others can use in creating their own SG/VG base. 


I love all of the super-customized, elaborate base builds, but I personally don't have the capacity to do all of that all the time. Even the basic bse stuff takes a fair amount of time and effort to make a base build worth the effort. If there were some templates available that people could import and then customize for their own SG/VG use, I feel it would help to promote SG/VG play without requiring that people pore over the minutiae of base building for hours and hours just to produce something that realistically should be relatively simple to crank out for someone that is well-versed in base building. 


Hope this picks up some traction so that the Devs are amenable to instituting it in future patches. 

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The suggestion has popped up a number of times.  I've been told that smaller servers have the capacity to import bases from demorecords, but that the process is a manual one which can only be done while the server is down for maintenance mode.  Given the size of Homecoming, that wouldn't be practical for the team here.

I imagine an integrated base save/load feature is on their radar, but I'm not sure any of the volunteer coding Devs are necessarily interested in prioritizing a feature like this.  They generally don't discuss their plans much.


For whatever it's worth, though, I'll "plus one" having a feature of this nature implemented in to Homecoming!  Given the AMAZING bases we have from some extremely talented players, having the ability to share their work even further would be absolutely delightful.

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To expand on this, it would also be nice to import/export "objects" vs an entire base.    Not sure how an amalgamation could be grouped together to be described as such an object, but it would be an awesome feature.


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Honestly I'd like to see a "first step" for this being some - let's say "standard bases" you can pick from when you start building ("City street," "Personal apartment," "Jungle," whatever) that you can then start customizing. Kind of get the process down and streamlined. Then move to "import base from file."

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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