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Controversial Opinion of Population Decline


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53 minutes ago, Solarverse said:

I will be periodically posting this because I see people continuing to respond as though this post is about nerfing AE or telling people how to play or telling people PLing is bad or whatever other false intent people like to put on threads like these. So I want to keep this in perspective since all it takes is one post stating false intent and it derails the real intent.

I can say all the same things about 'running low level content'.


"If you are bored with playing the same low level stories over and over, if the writing of the game leaves you thinking you are back in HS and you are ready to quit, perhaps try Power Leveling a few characters to find one that interests you and then play some other parts of the game, like farming hundreds of enemies with a tricked out character and feel like a god for a while, you might like it, rather than just quitting the game over reading the bad writing over and over and leave us with fewer players."


IMO, if the intent is to simply show players there are many ways to play the game, a simple list of "If you are feeling bored with your playstyle, have you tried these?" would, IMO, work much better than some passive-aggressive missive about how "I have seen so very many players quit for reasons I decided in my head must be true".


The Execution of the Intent matters. 

It's an old addage in Sales...never put down the competition, just upsell your advantages.

Edited by jubakumbi
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For what it's worth, my own characters do almost all get played regularly after they're completed... and for the support types at least, it's very rarely in "end game" content. I'm more likely to do high level things with my stalkers or brute. The defenders and corruptors spend most of their lives exemp-ed with mid-level teams, since that's the portion of the game where they're actually useful.

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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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43 minutes ago, Krimson said:

Finger pointing is just a scapegoat.

When I see my SG go from one of the biggest on Excelsior server to it being...just me...and the commonality between them is that they all PLed and then burnt themselves out on end game content, I have no other logical choice but to put together the commonalities between all of those players and the one thing they all had in common.

Having said that, it would seem you have missed my point of this thread since you feel I am pointing a finger at anyone or anything. I simply made an observation and pointed that observation out. I cannot withhold my findings out of fear that people will think that I am pointing a finger at them. There is an expression of, "Facts don't care about your feelings" and although the only facts that I have are the facts of my personal experience, I simply can't stay silent out of fear that people are threatened by my personal experience.

Again, I simply ask that those who do get bored from all the power leveling, to at least give a try running low level content before running off. I don't think that is too much to ask for and considering my personal experience of something that is prevalent in my SG, I used that as to my basis to make such a request of players who would do so.

This narrative that continues to get pushed that ignores the root of this thread's purpose for some strange reason keeps being repeated all through this thread...and to be honest, despite my best efforts to keep this thread on track, it is quite frustratingly repeating the false projected intent over and over.

The odds that they all quit playing while having that one thing in common being a pure coincidence would be an astronomical number considering all of the obvious reasons one could quit playing for. The observation had to be made in order to make my point. Instead of people saying, "Yeah, I guess that would be worth a try if I ever get bored of Power Leveling, hell, I just might like it and if I don't, I can always walk after giving it a shot" people are instead coming at me with, "you don't own me, you don't control me, stop telling me how to play and stop pointing your fingers at me" which is completely not even the point or subject matter of this thread, not to mention I have done none of those things.

That is the most frustrating thing about posting forums. You can say one thing, but all it takes is for one person to misinterpret your meaning or place an accusation based on false assumptions and it throws the thread off for the rest of the duration. Meanwhile, even though I have made this abundantly clear that this is not my intentions, those posts are continuously overlooked and I continue to have to explain myself.

I absolutely love a good debate. What I hate is debating against things that I never even said. That drives me insane and if there is ever a reason that I just vanish and stop posting these forums all together, it will be because of that very reason. I just wish people would open their minds and ask for clarification rather than assuming intent and then arguing against that projected intent instead of arguing against what the actual intent was.

Edited by Solarverse
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9 minutes ago, Solarverse said:

When I see my SG go from one of the biggest on Excelsior server to it being...just me...and the commonality between them is that they all PLed and then burnt themselves out on end game content, I have no other logical choice but to put together the commonalities between all of those players and the one thing they all had in common.

Having said that, it would seem you have missed my point of this thread since you feel I am pointing a finger at anyone or anything. I simply made an observation and pointed that observation out. I cannot withhold my findings out of fear that people will think that I am pointing a finger at them. There is an expression of, "Facts don't care about your feelings" and although the only facts that I have are the facts of my personal experience, I simply can't stay silent out of fear that people are threatened by my personal experience.

Again, I simply ask that those who do get bored from all the power leveling, to at least give a try running low level content before running off. I don't think that is too much to ask for and considering my personal experience of something that is prevalent in my SG, I used that as to my basis to make such a request of players who would do so.

This narrative that continues to get pushed that ignores the root of this thread's purpose for some strange reason keeps being repeated all through this thread...and to be honest, despite my best efforts to keep this thread on track, it is quite frustratingly repeating the false projected intent over and over.

The odds that they all quit playing while having that one thing in common being a pure coincidence would be an astronomical number considering all of the obvious reasons one could quit playing for. The observation had to be made in order to make my point. Instead of people saying, "Yeah, I guess that would be worth a try if I ever get bored of Power Leveling, hell, I just might like it and if I don't, I can always walk after giving it a shot" people are instead coming at me with, "you don't own me, you don't control me, stop telling me how to play and stop pointing your fingers at me" which is completely not even the point or subject matter of this thread, not to mention I have done none of those things.

That is the most frustrating thing about posting forums. You can say one thing, but all it takes is for one person to misinterpret your meaning or place an accusation based on false assumptions and it throws the thread off for the rest of the duration. Meanwhile, even though I have made this abundantly clear that this is not my intentions, those posts are continuously overlooked and I continue to have explain myself.

I absolutely love a good debate. What I hate is debating against things that I never even said. That drives me insane and if there is ever a reason that I just vanish and stop posting these forums all together, it will be because of that very reason. I just wish people would open their minds and ask for clarification rather than assuming intent and then arguing against that projected intent instead of arguing against what the actual intent was.

But your data sample of the population is based on subjective and anecdotal information with a big dose of personal bias, IMO.

That's the problem.

You are drawing a larger conclusion that the 'facts' you have can support, IMO.


As I stated, if your intent is to get people to look at all the ways to play the game, then do that without trying to use another playstyle as an example of a bad way to play.


You have decided that data you have points to power leveling being a reason there are no more players in your SG, without actual exit interviews or any other real data set.

That's not a fact-based premise and IMO, it does not deserve to be called a Debate.


If you wanted to make a list of ways to keep the game fresh, you could have chosen to do it without attacking a playstyle.

Regardless of your intent, this is exactly what you have done here, IMO, and it's not the first time, so pardon me if I won't take what you say at face value any more than I take anything else based on supposition and personal bias fueled by anecdotal evidence. 🙂 


You said in the first post you knew it was going to tick people off and that you could take the heat, and now try to make yourself the martyr.

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Just now, Krimson said:

Between my previous post and here, I just summoned Jack and Eochai in Croatoa, then assembled a team to take them down. No excuses. No finger pointing. I didn't log in with a negative attitude assume the game has been ruined by anything not in my head. I just did it. You want to make the game interesting. Go and make it interesting. No one is going to do it for you.

I give up. It would seem my last post was futile.

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Just now, Krimson said:

The only thing that is going to get results is to get in the game and engage people. You want activity. Make it. I am NEVER without something to do when I log in. Those gripes you have about the game simply do not exist for me. Yet, we live in the same world. You're the one with the problem, so do something about it. Griping on a forum is not going to fill a team or a league. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do and my precious two days off aren't getting any longer.

You are a bit of a feisty one, aren't you. And what exactly gave you the idea that I do not do all of those things? You are arguing with strawman arguments and making claims that simply are not true. You are putting words in my mouth that simply were never said. I never said that I had a hard time building teams. I do it every single day for several hours a day. However, prevention before something becomes a major problem is something that I do believe in. If you could tone down the snarkines that would be appreciated.

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Also, for Jubakumbi....I say again...





I will no longer be having a conversation with you. I'm not a fan of arguing with rude people who argue with strawman tactics. So I would greatly appreciate if you stop trying to engage in conversations with me.

Edited by Solarverse
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28 minutes ago, Solarverse said:

When I see my SG go from one of the biggest on Excelsior server to it being...just me...and the commonality between them is that they all PLed and then burnt themselves out on end game content, I have no other logical choice but to put together the commonalities between all of those players and the one thing they all had in common.


In fairness, there was at least one other obvious commonality.  You.


That's not an accusation.  I'm not suggesting that you don't bathe often enough, or that you verbally assaulted your friends in your supergroup, or anything of the sort.  I've certainly found you to be pleasant on the forums, and though I've never sniffed you (no.  i said no.  take two steps back.  TWO steps.), I assume your hygiene is acceptable.


But an analysis which ignores specific data points to focus on a hypothetical solution is... bad.  Bad science.  It's cold fusion and anti-vax science.


Just pointing that out.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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Just now, Luminara said:


In fairness, there was at least one other obvious commonality.  You.


That's not an accusation.  I'm not suggesting that you don't bathe often enough, or that you verbally assaulted your friends in your supergroup, or anything of the sort.  I've certainly found you to be pleasant on the forums, and though I've never sniffed you (no.  i said no.  take two steps back.  TWO steps.), I assume your hygiene is acceptable.


But an analysis which ignores specific data points to focus on a hypothetical solution is... bad.  Bad science.  It's cold fusion and anti-vax science.


Just pointing that out.

I am actually quite fond of your observation and your point is well taken. Now, if you will excuse me, I must go shower.  😄

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2 minutes ago, Solarverse said:

I am actually quite fond of your observation and your point is well taken. Now, if you will excuse me, I must go shower.  😄


Oh, I wasn't implying that.  It's the social anxiety disorder thing.  Physical contact or close personal proximity give me panic attacks.  I try to keep a distance of a few feet between me and anyone else.

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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