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The only MMOs I can say I really enjoyed were CoH and Age of Conan, which was the closest thing to the sword and sandals MMO I always wanted.  But like other games, it had a difficulty wall; it also had need and greed drama,  and raids where you just couldn't play a melee character because you were constantly being told to break off and stand over there.  This involved too much catherding.  Live voice chat, immersion breaking, was absolutely necessary to do it.


TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

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COH 2004-2011

WOW - 2008- present

Diablo 3 - 2016-present

Champions for all of 10 minutes


Honestly when CoX shut down I was extremely unhappy. Spent most of my time since then in WoW, tried a few games but nothing ever filled the void

left by CoX and no other game to date has brought me as much fun and as many friends online and irl. Missed the entire last year of it being online

due to my guild on WoW being so active and a very very active raiding schedule ( when your a main tank you dont miss raids....)

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I played the following MMOs. Though the order may not be accurate.



Ultima Online

Anarchy Online


City of Heroes/City of Villains (briefly and ended with a random banning just after the release of CoV)

EvE Online

Guild Wars

World of Warcraft (extremely briefly and ended with an unjust random banning in the vanilla)

Anarchy Online

Age of Conan

Hellgate London


The Sims Online

Everquest 2

Planetside 2

Champions Online

Star Trek Online

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Path of Exile

DC Universe Online

Black Desert Online

NeoCron Evolution

Warcraft Online

(And a bunch of random others too forgettable to remember)

Because I am hard you will not like me. But more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair...

~Gny. Sgt. Heartman, Full Metal Jacket


I am the 'Slow Moving Madness'. I am Wandering Mania.

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Good to see some new interest in what NCSoft called a dead or dying game at the time...


My list(in approx order) since we're all sharing!



RF Online (mostly private servers, or dev work for private servers)











and some other MMO-like games like PoE and Warframe.

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I started following the development of CoH right after it was announced. Started playing on Day 1. 7 years ago I was a 45 year old man with a wife and 3 kids locked in bedroom crying after the shutdown announcement. (I suffer from severe depression so don't go there...)


right now, I'm in heaven. Well, waiting to get into heaven, but at least I know it's there. :)


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I have not played that many MMOs at all.


In order played


City of heroes/villians

Everquest 2

World of warcraft ( if playing for 15 minutes then deleting it because it was visually ugly counts )

Secret World

Champions Online

Other than the first one, I was dragged into all the others by friends.


I actually played Freedom Force before City of Heroes and, at that time, it was my favorite computer game of all time. It was AMAZING. I got to play a superhero with 3 other people at the SAME TIME. How is such a thing possible?

Then a year or two later I found City of Heroes in the computer game discount bin. "Nice", I says  Another superhero game and it sounds a LOT like Freedom Force, from what it said on the back of the CD holder. Then I played it. 


@.@  It was NOT like Freedom Force at all. It was like 100 gazillion times better! There were player characters actually walking around and interacting with each other. Yes, I had never even heard of MMOs up until then. But I liked it.


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    City of Heroes was my first MMO. Played it until the day it closed shop. I played SWTOR with some

friends from Pinnacle for a time but we all got bored with that one rather quickly. I think if your a Hero

or Villain at heart there is only one Game that works. And together we built it into a community

and I think that is why we can't let it go. I for one am glad its back Bugs and all. And thanks to

the people behind the scenes for doing what they do. And I am also glad to see all of your smiling

faces in Paragon


Omega Factor...

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I actually purchased COH “back in the day” when it first came out as an alternative for my 10 yo son who wanted GTA. He got so mad at me he refused to play it, so I did. My life changed after that!! Seriously...Anyway it’s my first and only MMO, besides a little dabble into WOW in which I was so spoiled by the COH character creator I could not deal with the characters all looking the same. And btw that soN is now excited about COH...


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I have not played that many MMOs at all.


In order played


City of heroes/villians

Everquest 2

World of warcraft ( if playing for 15 minutes then deleting it because it was visually ugly counts )

Secret World

Champions Online

Other than the first one, I was dragged into all the others by friends.




Don't forget that brief moment in Minecraft (yes, I know... not an mmo)  ;)


Chauffeur Six

Mistress Mara

Lyrea "Malice" Lucani

Juju Jawa

Anne Jellical

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My wife and I are both former COH/V players, returning to the fold.  We both played COH/V first, then when they shut it down, we moved on to WoW. Got bored of WoW, then I moved onto SW:TOR and FFXIV.

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In order:


Everquest (2000ish, tier something or other)

World of Warcraft (Vanilla PVP to Ice King)

CoH (torchbearer at sunset)

EVE Online

The Secret World PvP

Final Fantasy 14

(console) Elder Scrolls Online (soon to maybe be ignored)


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City of Heroes was not the first I played. But it is my favorite. I played from beta to when they shut it down. I have played alot of others and even have lifetime memberships to Champions and LOTRO, but none of the have ever been able to replace COH.

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Started playing very close to the EU release and quickly became obsessed. CoH was my first MMO. When I took the box home I didn't even know what an MMO was. I've played several MMO's since and none have compared. Tera was pretty good. I just couldn't fly around in spandex.

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I played EQ for a few months with friends before picking up CoH and spent the next 6 years playing all the way to the end.

After that;

Secret World

Neverwinter Nights

Star Wars: The Old Republic

and not really classified as an 'M'MO but Minecraft.



I highly recommend using the ICON tool to create your characters especially if like me, you tend to spend an excessive amount of time in the costume creator. ^.^

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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Played City of Heroes


Eve Online


That's it...I played some Eve Online after the shutdown but I have more than enough things to keep me busy.


Only game I play ATM is Overwatch. Now some CoH.

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