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This event has been cancelled by the organizers and has been removed from the Event Calendar by a GM.
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Posted (edited)

The PvPWaP™ / Community committee welcomes you to ring in the new year with the…


Cops & Robbers Themed PvP Event: Draft n’ Bash


We will be hosting a 4v4 DRAFT PICK event.


WHEN: Saturday, January 9th at 6pm EST


The way it works: You will register your Global Handle and Eligible Character Pool by January 1st, along with indicating your interest/qualifications in (1) making additional characters for the event and (2) being a captain for the draft. On the following day, January 2nd at 6pm EST, we will have a live draft pick of teams selected by those chosen to captain. You will then have one [1] week to finalize your composition and get any practice in before the event. As is a staple with the PvP with a Purpose events, there will be MULTIPLE ways to win prizes. The total prize pool will be at almost 9 BILLION influence! Wow.

Examples of prizes up for grabs: best costume, most matches won, most kills acquired, least amount of deaths, and more!

These events are made to be competitive, fun, and social. Show your support to the community, your team, and the other teams throughout the event. Come with a good spirit and give it all you got. Be ready to participate fully in every match!



- ATs may not be duplicated. In other words, any given team can only have 1 of any given AT… NO 3 blaster teams, etc.

- Buff/Debuff Powersets may not be duplicated whatsoever. Example: A team cannot have two therms, two rads, two poisons, two emps, two natures, etc.

- You may have both Forcefields and Sonic Resonance, but only one will be allowed to use containment/detention/capture effects.

- Discord is required. You do not have to speak, but you have to be able to listen.

- No incarnates are allowed, except for Alpha.

- Emote animation canceling is NOT allowed. Crey Pistol / Nullifier is allowed.

- No griefing. Griefing includes repeated and unwarranted AFKs, causing significant event delays, zero-point stalls, and exploiting. Griefing will result in a vote to ban your participation from future PvPwaP™ events.



- Stalker ZAPP

- Any variation of taunt (presence, confront, taunt, Gauntlet, Fury, etc.) - This means both Brutes and Tankers are banned.

- Non-Arena Temp Powers



Most Wins: Awarded to the team with the most matches won.

1st place: 1 billion influence

2nd place: 500 million influence

3rd place: 250 million influence


Most Kills: Awarded to the team with the most kills accrued over all of their matches.

1st place: 1 billion influence

2nd place: 500 million influence

3rd place: 250 million influence


Least Deaths: Awarded to the team with the LEAST deaths forfeited over all of their matches.

1st place: 1 billion influence

2nd place: 500 million influence

3rd place: 250 million influence


Placement Prize Heist: Awarded to teams based on most 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place rankings in the above categories (Most Wins, Most Kills, and Least Deaths).

1st place: 1 billion influence

2nd place: 500 million influence

3rd place: 250 million influence



Best Cops & Robbers themed costume!

1st place: 500 million influence

2nd place: 250 million influence

3rd place: 100 million influence


…amongst many raffles and more to come. It is not uncommon for @Hot and other community donors to also add to the prize pool / add more winning categories as the event nears, so stay tuned! 


We would like to take the time to thank Hot Heals for his generosity in personally funding this entire event and establishing PvP with a Purpose to increase community engagement and giving! Volunteers to add to the prize pool are always welcome. 🙂


Monitor this thread for any additional information to come.


Message @Hot, @Sarrona, and @RealPoned in game with any questions or reach out to us on discord on the Community discords or PvPWaP™ discord!


Community Discord: https://discord.gg/25G5TWKcw5

PvPWaP Discord: https://discord.gg/mmQS3UVTkt

Edited by Sarrona
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This event has been approved by the PvPwaP committee*

On behalf of the board of directors, I would also like to welcome CR sMolchi and extend a full invitation to our event. 

We are super excited to bring in the new year with some fun, friendly, and competitive matches. Happy Holidays from the PvPwaP committee and see you all Saturday, January 9th! 👅 

  • Like 2

Super excited, thanks @Sarrona!


@Hot @Celebrity @Famous @Uncensored


i would like to consider myself multi-talented, so any role is fine. Prefer 1606.

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@Madvillain @Quasimoto

I am interested. My qualifications are having built 30 fully IOed and incarnated characters, the fastest from level 1-50 and IOed/Incarnated in 36 hours. I have obtained sub 30 second ski slope runs 5 separate times. My crab spider soloed a lvl 54 AV Lord Recluse in an AE mission. My fastest rikti pylon time is 17 seconds. 

  • Like 2
  • Thanks 2

This event looks like a cluster fuck! with that being said I'm super excited to sign up! @BANGBANGDOOF @Beers

I show interest in being captain for this event so that I can choose who will burn with me. 420 blaze it BRRRRRAPPPP BRRRRAAAPPPP.


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Hey guys,


We appreciate all the enthusiasm you guys are displaying in your registration posts, but we ask that you please keep these comments on topic and public forum appropriate.


thank you all for your cooperation. #PvPwaP

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@Ravenfrost and Dan Petro said I could use anything on his account as well since he will be out of town that day.  So lots of characters.  Blasters, 1606 offense, debuffers, and lots of support characters. No captain since my mic doesn't work.  Willing to roll a new character if needed. 


Qualifications  - I made Hot Heals top 10 emp list multiple times ❤️

  • Like 2
  • Haha 1

@RealPoned @Poned Too


Support main although apparently I’m better on offense? I have plenty of toons and will roll a different one as long as you farm and fund it since I don’t play this game anymore. 


-Carried Quas to victory in multiple events

-Was #1 emp in the game for a brief time, per Hot’s top 10 emps

-Professional Heartbreaker 

-Aided in the Canceling of Rare

-Expert Among Us Player (see my twitch RealPoned)

  • Like 3

@Blue Jay I have a fire nature corr, a fire plant blaster, a beam plant blaster, and I'm afraid to play emp but will roll any toon if needed for a team. I have good days and bad days but I have potential

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No mud no lotus

Badges: Victory: 1345 Homecoming: 1629
Discord: Blue Jay#2187


Bluejays are fierce!

Posted (edited)



Can play offensive roles.

Fire/nature, beam/Nature, ice/kin Corrs.

Psi/plant, Fire/plant, ice/EM Blasters.

Poison/ice, Ffield/ice, Rad/ice Defs.


Qualifications: some good placement in some event and i think those who frequent PvP zones knows Wintr, Predatox and Radagaist pretty well (Dieharder and Cannon. In 8v8 as WAP).

No captain, i'm here to serve.

Italian stallion.



Edited by reib
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@Rizzle Bizzle Bo


Hello!  I'm still new and have very little PvP experience in this game.


Currently have a fire/plant blaster

Currently rolling a poison/ice defender that I'll have even less experience on, but should be ready in time.

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  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

@Neuronia, @Shottimus Prime


Fire/Nature Corr

Fire/Poison Corr

Beam/Nature Corr

Beam/W/e has Gymnastics Blaster (think it's still slotted)

A bunch of Emps, but only the Grav/Emp and Emp/Ice Def have Jaunt

Willing to roll a new alt, can PL it to 50 and Alpha but will need help slotting (IOs).

Qualifications: I  once loaded in on the wrong team during scrims last week.
I was also on a 3 v 3 team with Hot and Maverick Hunter and they carried me.


Captain: No.

Also, please let's not the Overbrook Dam  map.

(Edited to add 2nd account where my fighter will be.)


Edited by Neuronia
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global is @Xtreme Dynamics

I have many PvE builds that I can respec in time for the event, could also try and get a new build prior if my captain would prefer it.


Have also played in RV quite a bit lately.

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Just a quick PSA, the draft is in exactly ONE WEEK & the tournament is in exactly 2 WEEKS !!


if you haven’t already done so, please register your globals in the quickest fashion possible.


we encourage you not to WAIT. thank you. see you all soon. #PvPwaP 👅 

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