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How to make a keybind...


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The underscore is ignored; both versions work.


Can you paste here your exact bind? If you're still in game and haven't had much conversation, you can press enter and press up several times to find the line, then drag-select copy/paste here.

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On 11/14/2020 at 3:53 PM, Zepp said:

Just thought I'd throw this here. I'm playing an Ill/SS troller and for my 1st tray I have my attacks/summons and I used some keybinds to make things run more smoothly...

  1. Blind (no bind)
  2. Spectral Wounds (no bind)
  3. Phantasm ( /bind 3 PowExecLocation Self Phantasm )
  4. Summon Coralax ( /bind 4 PowExecLocation Self Summon Coralax )
  5. Spectral Terror ( /bind 5 PowExecLocation Target Spectral Terror )
  6. Freezing Rain ( /bind 6 PowExecLocation Target Freezing Rain )
  7. Lightning Storm (no bind)
  8. Water Spout ( /bind 8 PowExecLocation Target Water Spout )
  9. Tornado ( /bind 9 PowExecLocation Target Tornado )
  10. Phantom Army ( /bind 0 PowExecLocation Self Phantom Army )

This make the combo of Illusion and Storm Summoning feel a lot less clunky (especially with Leviathan Master, which is a glorious trifecta). Even if you only have to bind Phantasm and Phantom Army, this makes things a lot smoother (and if I want to target something I can just click on it manually).

Just an idea of how binds can be used while still being able to see the countdown timers. One thing to be careful off, "PowExecLocation Target" can get broken with certain powers at times (like Nadoes).

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Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


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5 hours ago, CrudeVileTerror said:

Which key are you trying to bind the command to, and which Power are you trying to get to work?

I got it.


I was typing in Field Distortion instead of Distortion Field. lol...


I must have been too tired last night.


thank you!



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Lesson to learn, always right click the power and view Info.  With very few (if any) exceptions, this will give you the correct binding name.


Glad you got it working!  Location binds make playing south easier because I hate moving my hand to click the mouse.  My superpower is laziness 😉

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If you're making a bind for something with an even slightly complex name, just drag the power into the chat bar after you've typed the whole "/bind <key> powexec_location <operator> " bit, then edit out the extraneous square brackets and "Archetype.Powerset." section.


I use that when I'm setting up my panic button Destiny power binds, because they're always annoying to get the name right on.

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  • 3 weeks later

I just hover the mouse over the power and the name pops up when you aren't typing...

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Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation

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