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Irradiated ground and ATO's

Captain Paragon

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Irradiated Ground is a strange power. As I understand it, it's a pseudopet rather than an aura. That might be the reason it doesn't take ATOs.

On the bright side, it ticks twice as much as a regular aura. This makes it really, really good with damage procs and -res procs. I don't miss the ability to slot it with ATOs, because I stuff 4 damage procs and the 2 -res procs in there and call it a day. Slotted that way, Irradiated Ground can take down level 54 bosses by itself.

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2 hours ago, nihilii said:

Irradiated Ground is a strange power. As I understand it, it's a pseudopet rather than an aura. That might be the reason it doesn't take ATOs.

On the bright side, it ticks twice as much as a regular aura. This makes it really, really good with damage procs and -res procs. I don't miss the ability to slot it with ATOs, because I stuff 4 damage procs and the 2 -res procs in there and call it a day. Slotted that way, Irradiated Ground can take down level 54 bosses by itself.

Hmmm, is that a bug? I was under the impression that toggles and pseudo-pets followed the same proc rules and they ticked every 10 seconds. You saying Irradiated Ground ticks every 5 instead? hmmmm, interesting


Being chased by a wasp is the most complete sport practice!

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1 hour ago, Nightmarer said:

You saying Irradiated Ground ticks every 5 instead?

Yes - although I could be mistaken on the specifics, the takeaway is that a proc there is twice as effective as in a standard damage aura, and that result is easy to witness.


Irradiated Ground has all sorts of weird quirks to it. For example, you keep dropping patches even if you're phased. Say a Longbow Ballista locks you in a Detention Field, Irradiated Ground will keep damaging them as you stand there in complete safety for 30 seconds. This should also work with Hibernate.

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2 hours ago, Nightmarer said:

Hmmm, is that a bug? I was under the impression that toggles and pseudo-pets followed the same proc rules and they ticked every 10 seconds. You saying Irradiated Ground ticks every 5 instead? hmmmm, interesting



The Irradiated Ground pseudo-pets follow the same rules, but I think it's because IG drops a pet every 5 seconds. And each pets starts its own 10 second timer when dropped... and ticks at time 0 (for it), and never gets to time 10. So it gets around the pseudo-pet 10 second timer by dropping a new one every 5 seconds, and each ticks once before it dies.

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2 hours ago, nihilii said:

Irradiated Ground has all sorts of weird quirks to it. For example, you keep dropping patches even if you're phased.

It also, as a separate entity, continues to damage the mobs around you even if you get confused. Equally useful, it appears -- I haven't looked at it really closely -- that a mob damaged by it becomes hostile to you, and therefore attackable, even if you're still confused.

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My preference for Irradiated Ground (and most damage auras) is Scirocco's Dervish acc/dmg, acc/dmg/end and dmg/end. You can then add the Scirocco's lethal proc (for 9% acc bonus) and 2 more procs.

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2 hours ago, Uun said:

My preference for Irradiated Ground (and most damage auras) is Scirocco's Dervish acc/dmg, acc/dmg/end and dmg/end. You can then add the Scirocco's lethal proc (for 9% acc bonus) and 2 more procs.

I do the same, the two additional Procs I use are Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage and Eradication: Chance for Energy Damage, affordable and easy to find.

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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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Irradiated ground, because of the pseudo pet mechanics, may be the best place for damage procs in the game. I had some acc/dam/end slotting on my Rad melee tank for a while but I wound up slotting nothing but procs in it and the damage it puts out is incredible. 

  • Achilles Heel res debuff
  • Eradicate energy
  • Armageddon fire
  • Scirocco lethal
  • Obliteration smashing
  • Lady Grey negative


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  • 1 month later

This is all well and good, but doesn't fully explain why it doesn't take ATOs.  Both Shield Charge and Savage Leap have odd mechanics yet accept them fine; additionally all the other dmg aura powers will slot them. Thought I could be mistaken and there are a couple others that cannot, but the ones I've tried can.


And, no I'm not just asking because I want to slot the CritStrikes proc in there on a Scrapper, really. 😉


No. 🤣


Really. 🤣

Edited by InvaderStych

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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It's been explained. It uses a pseudo pet. If you'd slot the ATO there then the pseudo pet would be the one getting the buff. So it cannot be done. Just be happy you get Irradiated Ground, it's the one thing that makes me pick Rad Melee every few months before I drop it with a shudder at the rest of the set's animation's and their times.

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On 3/13/2021 at 4:26 PM, Sovera said:

Just be happy you get Irradiated Ground, it's the one thing that makes me pick Rad Melee every few months before I drop it with a shudder at the rest of the set's animation's and their times.


Pretty much.  I keep going back to my Rad/Rad tank hoping I'll get over the Kirk-Fu animations, but then no.  Every time I go to roll the set on a scrapper I can't bring myself to do it with the tank still stalled.

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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