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Good Morning Everlasting!


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Oh oh! Is it WAR season again?


/e wanders around the place sniffly and sneezing.


Happens every year it seems, the war falls from the tree, covering everything in a yellowish color. Makes my eyes water. My throat clog up.


I have to take shots for it even when the antiwarstimine pills don't work.


Someone should write a sternly worded letter to someone in the know about war season. Maybe when they get rid of Daylight Savings Time, they'll get on it.


Good morning all!


/e sets out juice and eggs and crepes, cause someone else made crepes and I so want some crepes because...uhm....CREPES!

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/e flutters down from the rafters and

opens the curtains to let in the sun,

opens the windows to let in the breeze,

opens the front door to let in the guests,

sweeps up the broken bits of microphone,

pets the sleeping Puppeh, and the Sackboy, and the Bunneh and the Kitteh,

fluffs up all the FBBC's including the purple one named 'LI',

sets out waffles and fresh fruit and homemade whipped cream,

lights a candle and sets it on the mantle.


Good Morning all!



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/e wakes up suddenly and peaks her head out from the FBBC


Is it 1978? Do I have on bellbottoms?


/e sighs a sigh of relief.




I see the calendar says its 2021 so we are all safe...for a few more years at least.


/e opens the paper and reads about a horrible triple murder by a guy name Arthur 'Artie' McCombs. Seems Artie was hired to do a hit by the Marcone family. He already owed them a favor but the guy calling in the hit gave him a dollar as per custom. Artie McCombs stalked his mark for several days trying to learn his patterns and found that frequently the man would go to the local food market around midnight every Saturday for ice cream. A guilty pleasure that would cost him as the market was almost always empty at that time.


The next Saturday Artie made his way to the food market ahead of time and meandered around as if to shop and right on time, his mark entered the store and headed to the frozen food aisle. Artie crept behind him and wrapped his fingers around the man's neck strangling him. Just as he'd finished, a gasp started Artie and he looked up to see the owner standing there, phone in hand. Panicked, Artie leapt up and strangled the owner as well, but no sooner had he finished than the owners wife came out from the back of the store screaming. Grimly, Artie did the horrible deed a third time and quickly made for the front door. 


Only to run straight into the police who had been just moments away when the owner called. They took him into custody and he awaits trial now.


/e sets the paper down, "What a lurid little piece, but what can you expect with a headline of,




/e stops for a moment, stares at the fourth wall of the building, then goes off to make waffles.


Good Morning ALL!

Edited by rookery.
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