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My trek to 1500 badges...


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I think my main badger is sitting around 1375(?), but now I am actually getting to enjoy my badge runs. It's funny, but I am intentionally taking my time, even soloing content so that I can read through mission stories and dialogue. I know the 'Master of...' badges are going to be a real grind (unless I can find a good badging group), but other than that, the rest of my badges are just real easy, but time consuming.

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Thought this might be helpful, too, on 2 badges that I had trouble tracking down info for (going to go try to get'em shortly):


Whip Cracker: Lvl20-29 alignment mission named Eldritch Summoning Script, Villain/Rogue side will pop the one needed up to lvl50, apparently.

Eye of the Storm: Not sure on level, but it's apparently a Hero/Vigilante side one, look for either Destroy the Bomb Triggers or Recruitment Flier.


These are the ones for defeating Desdemona and Maelstrom, respectively. Good luck, fellow badgers! 🙂

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5 hours ago, Fiftycalsniper said:

Thought this might be helpful, too, on 2 badges that I had trouble tracking down info for (going to go try to get'em shortly):


Whip Cracker: Lvl20-29 alignment mission named Eldritch Summoning Script, Villain/Rogue side will pop the one needed up to lvl50, apparently.

Eye of the Storm: Not sure on level, but it's apparently a Hero/Vigilante side one, look for either Destroy the Bomb Triggers or Recruitment Flier.


These are the ones for defeating Desdemona and Maelstrom, respectively. Good luck, fellow badgers! 🙂

If you have a supergroup base, you can select the specific tip mission you need for the badges via the Supercomputer.

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Nearly done with all the Mayhems. 4/10 Arson side missions, but I know where the one in Peregrine mayhem is now, so that won't take too long. And I pulled in the Vandal badge this am. Need to still keep whackin' the citizens, though. 1000 of them is a lot.


Daily Rikti raids are getting me some progress on Master At Arms and Demolitionist, but I occasionally manage to miss a kill/click for one or the other during a raid.


Progress is slowing, but still there. I hear that you can purchase all the back Vet yearly badges when the Anniversary event happens, so that'll pull in around 17 badges then (if it's true). And when I punch out the LRSF, I should get a bunch of badges for Freedom Phalanx defeats, plus the Recluse's Right Hand badge (already did all 4 patron arcs all the way through).


So...onwaaaaaards! For glory! For badges! For the 1500!

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On 4/9/2021 at 8:03 AM, Glacier Peak said:

 I know the 'Master of...' badges are going to be a real grind (unless I can find a good badging group), but other than that, the rest of my badges are just real easy, but time consuming.


That is my struggle at the moment, I'm sitting on 1516. I need 3 Lambda badges, Army of Neu and 7 Traditional Masters. May will give me all but 1 event badge and that will push me over 1530.  I would like to find others to run the traditional Masters.

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1 minute ago, Griefmaker said:

That is my struggle at the moment, I'm sitting on 1516. I need 3 Lambda badges, Army of Neu and 7 Traditional Masters. May will give me all but 1 event badge and that will push me over 1530.  I would like to find others to run the traditional Masters.

Right! I've been debating just trying to solo the non incarnate master of TFs just to keep it interesting. 

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22 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

Right! I've been debating just trying to solo the non incarnate master of TFs just to keep it interesting. 

I tried my first unsuccessful attempt on and ITF last weekend. Running an Ill/kin. Everything was smooth until Requim and Romulus. I was hoping they would spawn as EB's, but nope, AV's.  As I fell from the sky I clicked "Quit TF" before I hit the ground. In retrospect, I should have tried some other techniques for future runs.

Edited by Griefmaker
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25 minutes ago, Griefmaker said:

I tried my first unsuccessful attempt on and ITF last weekend. Running an Ill/kin. Everything was smooth until Requim and Romulus. I was hoping they would spawn as EB's, but nope, AV's.  As I fell from the sky I clicked "Quit TF" before I hit the ground. In retrospect, I should have tried some other techniques for future runs.

Yeah part of my interest in attempting solo Master of runs is the stakes. But that's what makes it exciting. I've faired pretty well with my Ice/cold Corruptor against AVs, but I still have to follow the game mechanics like everyone else (i.e., get away from Romulus after you kill him)

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Cleared out the Incarnate CoT and Tsoo Ancestor Spirit badges this morning.


I think I'm going to have to dip into the PvP/Arena/Gladiator match ones. I dislike that stuff intensely, but I think it'll have to be done if I want to hit 1500. I managed to already get a couple of the arena ones that require assistance with a few other badgers, but I might need to go try to control Heavies and such in RV, match myself up against myself in my 2nd account, etc. I think there's a few badges for just doing the contact missions in the PvP zones, so I'll pursue that, too.


Looking forward to the bump I'll get in my number from the May anniversary badge haul.

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The one Arena Badge that is troublesome is Tournament Victor/Swiss Draw,,   you must have a total of 8 players to launch that and it only rewards to one of the first two in the team list.


I once ran a Swiss Draw with 10 players, no one got the badge.  So use only 8


This is a legacy bug from the old days.

Edited by Voltor

25 alts with all the badges!

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Good tip on that Swiss Draw thing, man, appreciate it.


1408! Got my MSR badges wrapped up, and someone was very kind and taught me the run-through of the SBB. It looks like it just awards all the role badges at once now? I got'em all after I just ran as the hitter.


I'm getting concerned, though - I tallied up what I think I have left, and I don't think it'll actually run up to 1500. I need to work the iTrials for the "master of..." badges, and a few of those strike forces/task forces that'll give it. But even then, it looks like I might fall about 40 short. I'm wondering if I'm missing a big group of badges somewhere, somehow.


I grabbed all history, all explore, all Ouro, all WW, all the anniversary badges, all event badges (so far), all gladiators (I think...although I haven't run any gladiator MATCHES yet), virtually all of the defeats (...Paladin and Hami buds...), all the basic SF/TF completes, all Day Jobs. What am I missing, other than (ick) PvP? I grabbed the ones I easily could there, with the mission completes in the particular zones. Still need to grab the pillboxes and heavies in RV, but that doesn't actually end up being too difficult, even soloing. Also still need to grab DFB and DiB badges.


What am I missing? 

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These badge trackers looked a little more tech-heavy than I was expecting. I still think I can handle them, but it might take some tinkering. I'm usually just tech-savvy enough to get myself INTO trouble first, and then OUT of that trouble with additional tinkering.


I do appreciate you pointing them out to me, though.

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Trying to get a feel on the best way to do the RV badges. I grab a heavy and do as many pillboxes as I can stand in a go. I don't think the pillbox badges will be too hard, just a bit of a grind - but is there a better way to get a heavy, dismiss it quickly, and get another one? I tried the "dismiss" command, but it doesn't seem to actually cause them to go away. And, of course, I'm dreading trying to summon and defeat the various AVs and Heroes for the badges. Might need to try to pull together a team of like-minded badgers for that task.


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It is a bit of a pain, but zone out to Atlas or Grandville and then come back in.  It will drop the pet and by the time you get back in it will have respawned.  You do have to stay out of zone for at least 5 seconds to get it to despawn properly.  One other note, you can't just grab it and exit.  It takes a bit to register that you have it, so what I do is take it by the first pillbox and let the pillbox damage it, then exit.

Edited by Ura Hero
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Making some good progress again - believe I'm at 1419, with a few more about to come in soon.


Been making the push on some of the PvP ones (just not the AV kills - going to need to try to assemble a team of like-minded badgers for those, I fear...).


Think I'm going to fiddle with the badge tracking items listed up above, see if any of them can give me some clarity on what I'm still missing.

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Got the popmenu badge tracker mod thing working, which was really helpful in figuring out which ones I was missing (both the easy and hard ones).


Ground my way through the gladiator arena stuff, a few easy ones I was missing (Chatterbox, Denial of Service).


Need to see about the Praetorian Zone Events (for Laureate, Protester, and Takedown Artist badges). I'm hoping they can be done with a lvl50 for ease of getting'em. And the Brickstown Freakshow event for Probation Denied and Valet - gotta see about that event, not sure what you do for it.


And it looks like I need to try to get the various skiing badges...which might be hard, I was never good at that. And I hope you can get those year-round now. Not sure.


But lots of progress, getting there! 🙂

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Got Knight Errant today for the Paladin kill!


And making solid progress through the various Arena badges for rated matches, but my 2nd account highest badge helper character is only lvl20. I may need to recruit a lvl50 in-game to assist. Hopefully there are some likeminded badgers in need.

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