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Suggestion for P2W Vendor: Permanent Convention/Halloween Costume Toggles

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Yes please!! Would love to have a Freakshow and Rikti toon. Maybe make it 10-100mil per costume as to have an additional decent inf sink and keep some form of exclusivity.

Edited by Beul
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7 hours ago, Beul said:

Yes please!! Would love to have a Freakshow and Rikti toon. Maybe make it 10-100mil per costume as to have an additional decent inf sink and keep some form of exclusivity.

I would say 10mil would need to be the cap, and even that would price some people out on them.


I also think we'd probably see more inf. Removed from the system at 1-5 mil per than from 10+ mil per

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I definitely think 10mil would be too much, and I don't see the appeal of exclusivity. I doubt everyone would give up their custom made costumes to look like a rikti or freakshow. The people who want the costumes probably want them for fun or for concept (thats me) not to make a statement about my grinding skills.

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Even if they would be totally free it would be good. It would just add a great variety of type of toons you would be able to roleplay as. And its a good alternative until we hopefully see some NPC parts remade for players.

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Completely agree. It is important to remember that we are all here to play and enjoy the game, and the game doesn't need to turn a profit (just get enough donations to keep the servers up). So a lot of the artificial difficulty/exclusivity that goes on behind the scenes to generate money can be thrown out.


The costumes don't need to be incentives to play longer (and therefor spend more money), and they don't change the actual gameplay, so there doesn't need to be an unreasonable challenge in obtaining them.


Personally I think it would be neat if the first one was free, subsequent ones could be purchased OR earned via badges. Get the badge for killing a ton of Rikti, or complete certain story arcs (like the ones with the Ambassador in Grandville, or in Rikti Warzone) and you unlock the costume for that character (if you haven't purchased it). That way if say you are like me and really want to play a Rikti, you can make a character and get the Rikti costume for free. But you can then later earn the Freakshow Tank via an appropriate badge. But if you want a tank, you can get that for free.


You still accomplish things, and it is in fact very thematic and appropriate, but it doesn't hinder your ability to make a unique character.

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4 hours ago, Crashen said:

Completely agree. It is important to remember that we are all here to play and enjoy the game, and the game doesn't need to turn a profit (just get enough donations to keep the servers up). So a lot of the artificial difficulty/exclusivity that goes on behind the scenes to generate money can be thrown out.


The costumes don't need to be incentives to play longer (and therefor spend more money), and they don't change the actual gameplay, so there doesn't need to be an unreasonable challenge in obtaining them.


Personally I think it would be neat if the first one was free, subsequent ones could be purchased OR earned via badges. Get the badge for killing a ton of Rikti, or complete certain story arcs (like the ones with the Ambassador in Grandville, or in Rikti Warzone) and you unlock the costume for that character (if you haven't purchased it). That way if say you are like me and really want to play a Rikti, you can make a character and get the Rikti costume for free. But you can then later earn the Freakshow Tank via an appropriate badge. But if you want a tank, you can get that for free.


You still accomplish things, and it is in fact very thematic and appropriate, but it doesn't hinder your ability to make a unique character.

Another great idea! Very well thought out 😀 Being a badge collector myself, I'd be down for earning the costumes via badges/story arc completion.

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/sign, I actually made a post about this over in "Help and Support" because with the removal of all unlock requirements for costume parts, it seemed odd that the costume powers (especially the ones that were on the paragon market) would not be in the P2W Vendor, so it seemed like a bug or oversight.

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I was obsessive about acquiring these when the game was live. Spent hundreds of dollars on ebay for ones I couldn't get from cons. (as bad as it sounds, I've known too many people to blow more on a Friday night bar tab, so I don't regret it). I would really love to see them brought back to the game.

I like the idea of buying them from P2W for a million, or free if you've already got an appropriate badge.

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  • 1 year later

Adding another +1, never got any of the con codes or anything, but did have at least 1 shapeshifter in my DP/Psi blaster (had ideas for others, but they never leveled enough to materialize).

He was an anime nerd mutant who developed shapeshifting and psionic powers . First he used his psi powers to pull knowledge of gun katta from another hero, shifted into the form of Vash the Stampede, then started fighting infected, later adding Spike, Alucard as other costume slots. Would've been nice for him to be able to get the idea of shifting into villain groups to infiltrate and gather info before taking them down.

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