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Mechanically, what playstyles are missing from CoH that you'd love to see?

Galaxy Brain

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Well, obviously this one:


I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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On 3/19/2021 at 10:02 PM, ninja surprise said:


Nooooooooooooooo.... The obvious method is Carp Melee!

As you slap a chump with a carp, the scales and guts spatter off onto other nearby critters causing minor damage but also temporary blindness, nausea, and choking.  Your carp deteriorates over time, resulting in the need to summon a Fresh Fish perodically.



Like a "alter density" toggle on Gravity Control that changes all the Gravity control powers so that instead of immobilizing or holding in place, the affected targets are drawn towards each other as if by a gravity well? Or towards the caster, she/he being the Center of Gravity? And the more critters you get into your gravity ball the more crushing damage they take?


I thank you for bringing CM back! .... this means a need for Carp Armor .....

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/e poofgone



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Interrupts. A couple of other MMO games I play, this is a great mechanic to add challenge to the gameplay. Specifically, have an AV charge up a power, and you need to have a power that will interrupt it. Kind of like Dr. Aoen and the thorn tree; or Khan with the dimensional ray. But I'd like to see it as maybe a set of P2W or defender/tank powers that interrupts massive damage, holds/immobs, or debuffs from multiple enemy NPCs. And not just applied once in a fight, but the need to apply it multiple times.  Missing the interrupt would actuallly need healz.. imagine that.


I think I'd rather see smarter/faster enemies that challenge ppl to hop around far more than we currently have to. I recognise this playstyle may make other ppl feel excluded, so I wouldn't want to attach it to any unique rewards. Just strictly for increasing variety of challenge.





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A new AT with Melee Primary and buff/debuff secondary would give a ton of new options without having to create a bunch of new powers.


I've always wanted to do a Katana/Traps toon.  I just really like that combination conceptually.  But there's no way to build it in this game.   I've played Dual Pistols/Traps as a close combat focused toon, and it's close to what I'm looking for, but I really would prefer a katana.  Street Justice/Traps would also be fun.  Using the fighting pool on a support toon, doesn't quite give me what I'm looking for.  I need more the flashy attack animations.


VEATs give a chance to run a support/melee toon, but they are very limited on weapon choices.





Edited by Shred Monkey
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Active on Excelsior:

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1 hour ago, Shred Monkey said:

A new AT with Melee Primary and buff/debuff secondary would give a ton of new options without having to create a bunch of new powers.


I've always wanted to do a Katana/Traps toon.  I just really like that combination conceptually.  But there's no way to build it in this game.   I've played Dual Pistols/Traps as a close combat focused toon, and it's close to what I'm looking for, but I really would prefer a katana.  Street Justice/Traps would also be fun.  Using the fighting pool on a support toon, doesn't quite give me what I'm looking for.  I need more the flashy attack animations.


VEATs give a chance to run a support/melee toon, but they are very limited on weapon choices.


I very much hope we see a Melee/Support archtype on Homecoming.

Do I expect it soon?  Hell no.

Have I heard a peep about the HC devs feeling like that's a direction they want to go?  No.  In fact, I dimly recall reading some expressed sceptism on how to make the idea playable at all.


I'm still kinda hoping. But it's sorta the same way I'm still hoping to win Powerball.  Not really a deep emotional investment to it.  Yes, I know other servers have it already, but the point is, I trust Homecoming Devs to EITHER do a professional job and produce a viable balanced Archtype, OR, to not do it at all. I have NO such faith for Cake or Thunderspy or others, and I would NOT want a direct port of any portion of their code without a solid review / QC effort to make sure it was up to snuff.

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I want to see more power choices within the sets, e.g. Master Brawler vs Practiced Brawler.


Animation choices, e.g. Greater Fire Sword Circle w/o the sword.


I want to see the AT (can't recall the name, maybe Warden?) that got developed where the primary power set had ranged and melee attacks, and the secondary had armor and buff/debuff powers mixed.  IOW you'd be able to take Ice primary and have ice based blasts and melee, and take the secondary that has both Time and Super Reflexes, or Radiation Armor and Radiation Emission powers.

Edited by Col. Kernel
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I want to see a class inspired from the class called Theurgist (in the game Dark Ages of Camelot), they summon big elemental spiritis to deal damage and control enemies, summoning pets is their main attack, each pet last a minute and are killable. 


This could be a new more mobile and active MM class, or could be a new dominator/controller powerset.


This playstyle is addictive when summoning infinite one-minute pets have low recharge, specially if pets feel like pets and not just dots.


If this becomes a new class heres some ideas:

Powerset primaries:

-Victorian Spiritism (summons air and poltergeist spirits)

-Xenoslime Pact (summons giant slimes than hold enemies inside their gelatinous bodies and acid slime worms with tentacles attacking like whips)

-Hologram Hacker (summons random pixelated holograms affecting enemies, this would be random like the propel power of gravity, holograms could be pacman alike or random holograpic space opera soldiers, or even beach girls)

Elementalist Adept (the more similar to Theurgist from daoc)









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