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So I think I would really like the powersets. My question is are there any powers I should think about not taking on either powerset? Both powersets are fairly new to me so any advice is welcome!


Twilight Grasp is obviously essential in groups (its your only heal). Make sure to slot it with accuracy as it requires a hit check.


So, Darkest Night is amazing in groups, just pop it on the boss/elite boss/AV and you've just saved the team from taking a ton of dmg.


Next, I'd say Tar Patch is also essential and try to get as much recharge as you can, if you get two tar pits out in a group that's 60% more dmg everyone in the group is doing and its a way to go beyond the dmg buff cap (500% for corruptors). Make friends with a /kin and just watch as all the mobs in the tar pit melt.


Howling Twilight is also essential in groups, if you can rez allies, its a damn good thing and the disorient to enemies makes it safe for them to pop up and get their toggles back up.



Shadow Fall is another great group support ability. More def and stealth? Yes, please. If people put celerity in sprint also you guys can basically stealth through missions around you. It's really the defense that is so valuable though as getting close or to the softcap offers huge dmg mitigation.


I never got much use out of fearsome stare in groups, you arent a controller or a dominator so the chance of successfully fearing enemeis is much lower especially as you go to +3 or +4 mobs. I personally wouldn't take it, but hey maybe there is a set bonus that will get you closer to the softcap so you can use it just for io set bonuses. (there is, they are called Siphon insight and Cloud Senses, but both require 5 or 6 slots to get the defense.....So I personally would skip this power all together if you mostly intend to group)


Petrifying Gaze, same thoughts as fearsome stare. Its only a mag 3 hold, hard to pull off against higher lvl enemies without another hold already on them. I wouldnt take it for group play.


Black hole is the bane of a groups existence. DO NOT TAKE IT. Making the foes intangible means no one in your group can do anything to them, this will vastly slow down the group flow. (However, there is one caveat to this, if your team wipes and its just you or 1-2 other people against a crowd, you can black hole and then Howling twilight rez, I've done this and its amazing, but honestly this occurence almost never happens). I would personally skip this.


God I wish this pet was good, he's so cool, but no, he's an idiot and does stupid things and is just not as useful as he should be. I would especially avoid him for group play as he isn't really needed and may just get in the way.


Ok, those are my opinions on the secondaries, I have never got a primary dark blast to 50 so someone else will have to help you with that. I've only made a fire/dark corr farmer a long long time ago. Hope this helps.




Thank you for all the information. I will definitely spec myself that way and see how I like it. I'm sure I will enjoy it alot. If anyone knows what would be the best powers for Dark Blast that would be great


I half take back what I said about dark servant after reading a bit more. Although still stupid he can be quite good for solo play or small teams. Still wouldn't use him for large groups though.


Fearsome Stare packs a not insignificant -ToHit debuff, and can also be four-slotted with Cloud Senses for an efficient 6.25 % Recharge bonus.

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Dark Pit, Torrent, Black Hole and maybe Petrifying Gaze are optional.


Dark pit, as is typical of AoE mezzes, has 60% base accuracy. The duration and recharge are far apart -- it's not without its uses but it's basically an emergency button. When it unlocks at level 6 you'd be better off taking a regular attack or a good support power. It is nice to get much later in your build when you have plenty of slots and high level enhancements to build it up. It can be stacked with Howling Twilight as a booster. In comparison Howling Twilight has an autohit stun that affects lieutenants and lower so it's a much better tool for a low level character's emergency use.


Torrent is a knockback "hose them down" style power. Fine if you like that kind of thing or skippable if you don't. Many people will now want to use a knockback to knockdown proc to mitigate the wild spray of foes that knockbacks have.


Petrifying Gaze is an edge case. It used to be controller-level and it got nerfed hard. It takes a massive slot investment just to be able to stack it and thus affect a boss who's even a little resistant to holds.  It's useful as a hard hold on many lts and bosses but you have so many tools in your kit putting a darkest night and tenebrous tentacles on a boss might be a better use of your time and stamina.


Black Hole is a phase shift, it makes your enemies intangible so they can't hurt you but your team also can't hurt them until the time-out is over. A lot of people just don't like this class of power though obviously this might be the panic button that saves your team from a wipe. If you do take it be very thoughtful about its use.


For a defender Life Drain is also optional but for a corrupter it's some really nice damage so with that disclaimer I'd say take everything else in the set other than the 4 powers named above without any hesitation. However, take them thoughtfully in whatever order works best for you.

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See me on Excelsior as Eridanus - Whisperkill - Kid Physics - Ranger Wilde - The Hometown Scrapper - Firewatch - and more!


Dark Blast Powers

Dark Blast: Excellent

Gloom: Best DPS you have

Moonbeam: I respec out of this at 50. No need in my in combat rotation & just as a pre-combat snipe a waste of a power (after the snipe change might take another look)

DarkPit: There is no point to this power, none, no good case can be made. Worthless.

TenebrousTentacles: A solid hold with a wide cone+Damage+DeBuff... Terrific

NightFall: You just held the mobs with TT now you get to hit them all with one power!

Torrent: So situational its not worth taking. Always something better to take

LifeDrain: Part of your combat rotation, does BIG damage, not just a heal.

Blackstar: This power is so much fun. I play my corruptor close to melee range, when the tank has aggro, pop soul drain, Blackstar, & watch the mobs fall.


Dark Miasma

Twilight Grasp: Not just a heal, -Regen & a debuff too SPAM IT

TarPatch: Not just a slow -Res more damage for all!

DarkestNight: Overrated power, I use like everyone else!  :P

HowlingTwilight: Not just a team rez, has a disorient, -Reg, -Recharge. Can be used offensively

ShadowFall: Incredible power can walk by mobs without aggro, along with Def buff

Fearsome Stare: Misunderstood power, a powerful fear along with a powerful -tohit debuff. Even if you do not fear the mob, it gets the -to hit debuff

PetrifyingGaze: I like this power and use it quite often. Effective in teams with other control powers & solo picking off dangerous adds.

BlackHole: While useful in some situations, not worth taking, it has only one effect, a timeout 

Dark Servant:A fine solo pet (as long as you are ready for it pulling mobs from across the room). One slot with Accuracy. NEVER use in a group


Dark Mastery

Dark Consumption: + Endurance, was an essential power before I got my enhancement sets, now considering respec out, will keep for now

Dark Embrace: Take essential power

Oppressive Gloom: To use you need to be in melee range, your tank needs to have aggro, the disorient is weak & has no other effects, worthless

Soul Drain: + Dam use before Blackstar & while doing straight DPS, must be around many mobs, if you like to stay out of the fire, using hover, might be skippable

Soul Transfer: DEAD, hit button, you comeback invulnerable, with the biggest stun in the game to all mobs in range... A must have power



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  On 6/7/2019 at 3:51 PM, Nihil said:

Buy lots of Black clothes and mascara.


Hey now a good deep purple is perfectly acceptable as well!


Having recently, as in when I started on HC, I tried the D3 as I never did on Live.

Prteey hooked, is my 'main' for most things now.

Just has something for every situation, I still have to play and drive well or I I will die, just my kind of chracter.


For powers, I have been experiementing and leveling, Black Hole for me is the only worthless power.  Torrent can have it's uses but there are better mitigation tools, IMO, so unneeded.  Al the rest have been handy to have leveling so far.


I think he will be my first IOed 50 on HC.

  On 6/1/2019 at 5:55 PM, Darkir said:

Next, I'd say Tar Patch is also essential and try to get as much recharge as you can, if you get two tar pits out in a group that's 60% more dmg everyone in the group i


Unfortunately not, dropping a second Tar Patch while your first one is active will kill the first one, you can only have one active at a time.


Which of the powers in the Dark Blast set are worth slotting with -ToHit enhancements while leveling?  If the default slotting on a straight damage power while leveling is 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 EndRed and 1 Rech, could it be worthwhile to swap out 1 Dmg for 1 -ToHit in each blast?  (Assume the secondary set isn't Dark Miasma, so no -ToHit is coming from that set.)

  On 6/20/2019 at 5:18 AM, Yeoman said:

Which of the powers in the Dark Blast set are worth slotting with -ToHit enhancements while leveling?  If the default slotting on a straight damage power while leveling is 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 EndRed and 1 Rech, could it be worthwhile to swap out 1 Dmg for 1 -ToHit in each blast?  (Assume the secondary set isn't Dark Miasma, so no -ToHit is coming from that set.)


While leveling.... none.... and Dark blast abilities need 2 ACC in each as Dark does miss more than other powers (especially noticeable while leveling), my standard was  2 Acc, 2 or3 Dmg, 1 EndRed and/or 1 Rech. And that slotting is solely dependent upon your rotation, that there is no waiting.

  On 6/20/2019 at 2:29 PM, Yipp said:


Which of the powers in the Dark Blast set are worth slotting with -ToHit enhancements while leveling?  If the default slotting on a straight damage power while leveling is 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 EndRed and 1 Rech, could it be worthwhile to swap out 1 Dmg for 1 -ToHit in each blast?  (Assume the secondary set isn't Dark Miasma, so no -ToHit is coming from that set.)


While leveling.... none.... and Dark blast abilities need 2 ACC in each as Dark does miss more than other powers (especially noticeable while leveling), my standard was  2 Acc, 2 or3 Dmg, 1 EndRed and/or 1 Rech. And that slotting is solely dependent upon your rotation, that there is no waiting.

This 2 accuracy advice is just Yipp's opinion. It's not something based on facts like an actual lower than baseline tohit value for the miscellaneous blasts; dark pit, as an AoE mez, has the standard 60% accuracy  instead of the 75% standard). Notably, Moonbeam is base 90% accuracy and Blackstar 105%. Everything else is the standard 75%.


It's not my experience while leveling multiple dark defenders and corrupters that this set needs extra accuracy unless you have the difficulty cranked way up. 

See me on Excelsior as Eridanus - Whisperkill - Kid Physics - Ranger Wilde - The Hometown Scrapper - Firewatch - and more!


1: Dark Blast doesn't have the Accuracy bonus of some weapon sets, or a -Def, but otherwise has normal accuracy.


2: Dark Servant puts out a LOT of -ToHit debuffing. I would always take him, and 4-slot Cloud Senses to improve his debuffing. He is a walking (floating) debuff zone with pretty regular AoE heals, go next to him to be pretty safe from melee opponents. His heal also does -Regen and -Dam, so he's a useful power against AVs. I wouldn't skip him in any case.


3: Tar Patch now is limited to one out at a time? It certainly had the ability to stack back on the Live servers.


4: Dark Pit is a pretty weak power. Oppressive Gloom is a pretty weak power. Combined, they stack up to 4 Mag, so everyone in the area (12' radius for OG) is Stunned for about 10 seconds, giving the team plenty of time to wipe out the minions and establish control/debuffing on the Bosses. I don't know whether it's necessary to add yet another defensive option to what is a very strong defensive pairing already, but there is certainly a case to be made for taking the powers in tandem. This is especially true for secondaries that are not as strong defensively as Dark Miasma.

  On 6/20/2019 at 7:40 PM, Erydanus said:

This 2 accuracy advice is just Yipp's opinion


That is true!  ;D


I just hate missing.... and If I miss 1/2 out of 10 instead of 2/3 out of 10 like everyone else I am very happy.


For a player who wants to solo between teaming, is it wise to take both Tenebrous Tentacles and Night Fall?


On a related note, I recall there used to be a website where you could look up things like cone widths etc.  What do people use for this sort of resource now?

  On 6/20/2019 at 7:56 PM, Coyote said:


4: Dark Pit is a pretty weak power. Oppressive Gloom is a pretty weak power. Combined, they stack up to 4 Mag, so everyone in the area (12' radius for OG) is Stunned for about 10 seconds, giving the team plenty of time to wipe out the minions and establish control/debuffing on the Bosses. I don't know whether it's necessary to add yet another defensive option to what is a very strong defensive pairing already, but there is certainly a case to be made for taking the powers in tandem. This is especially true for secondaries that are not as strong defensively as Dark Miasma.


This is a great point and describes a wonderful synergy in the set. Stacked disorients is a useful option for control. Oppressive Gloom is also a one-slot wonder.


To determine the amount of accuracy you need for each power, you can change the base ToHit in Pine’s to match the level of the target you expect to be fighting. When you slot your powers, it will help you accurately determine how much accuracy you need to slot, while keeping track of your set bonuses. Here’s the chart below:



Level-Based BaseHitChance

for Players Attacking Critters

Critter's Relative Level BaseHitChance

          –4                           95%

          –3                           90%

          –2                           85%

          –1                           80%

            0                           75%

          +1                           65%

          +2                           56%

          +3                           48%

          +4                           39%

          +5                           30%

          +6                           20%

          +7                           8%


See https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics

The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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