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A "Good" Alpha for Elec/Elec/Mu?


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So just like the subject line says, I have a level 50 Corruptor for whom I have the Alpha slot unlocked, but I don't really see any of the Abilities that are a perfect match.


Musculature looks okay, +Dmg/+EndMod looks kinds nice for this, and I was also eyeing up Spiritual.  Anyone else got some recommendations?


I can show a Mids build for this tonight, I'm away from my game PC at the moment.


Any feedback anyone would care to give, I'd love to hear it.




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  • 4 weeks later

Hi Generator. 


Musculature is always a good choice.  People often recommend Agility or Cardiac, based on your current defense or endurance needs.

I find Spiritual a little disappointing for most characters due to the fact that it lowers proc rates (by enhancing the power itself for recharge).

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9 hours ago, WitchofDread said:

How does spiritual  lower the proc rates?


Proc rates are based on a power's recharge rate, including enhancements that reduce the time for recharge.  A power that is enhanced to recharge quicker will be less likely to have the proc go off.  Alpha slots are treated as an enhancement to all applicable powers and the adjustments from Spiritual or any other recharge reducing alpha are factored in to that chance.


Global recharge buffs, like Hasten, Speed Boost, etc, don't affect proc rates.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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On 9/1/2021 at 5:19 PM, ZorkNemesis said:


Proc rates are based on a power's recharge rate, including enhancements that reduce the time for recharge.  A power that is enhanced to recharge quicker will be less likely to have the proc go off.  Alpha slots are treated as an enhancement to all applicable powers and the adjustments from Spiritual or any other recharge reducing alpha are factored in to that chance.


Global recharge buffs, like Hasten, Speed Boost, etc, don't affect proc rates.

Going off that Agility's recharge component also lowers proc rates.

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The best Alpha I would think for an Elec Corruptor would be Musculature Radial, as you'll get more damage, and your sapping will be better and your end recovery better so you don't run out of end yourself too bad. That frees up your destiny from ageless (unless you want the recharge as the recharge in ageless doesn't effect proc rates because it's considered a global like an LOTG+7.5) to choose barrier if your not solving your defense with IO set bonuses or Clarion, which I'd choose the radial path to also boost your sapping on your attacks and other secondary effects.


Hybrid typically either Assault or Support works overall the best imo.

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